
Shen was browsing his phone while he suddenly receive a phone call.

'' Hello, " Shen said.

Coming from beyond the receiver was a voice from a strong big man.

"Um… I think that you called the wrong number."

Shen, tried to predict that it was from the item that he sells and maybe a buyer want to negotiate with him for a lower price.


-You're the one selling the Blood Thirst over the internet, am I correct?

" Yes, you're correct."

-This is The Titans Guild representative. I am a part of their top executives my name is Russell Crow. We have already deposited the amount of the current successful bid to the auction into your account, you can check and confirm it on the item trading site, and please do not hesitate to contact us.

"How much is the total of cost of the item that I sell?"

Shen was slightly curios by how much he can earn from playing this. He is hoping for at least over 8,000 Pesos to have some pocket money , he tried to ask, but the man suddenly speak and Shen was shock by what he heard.

- 600,000 Dollars.

Shen estimated it to be approximately 30,000,000 Pesos making him an instant multi millionaire.

Shen's item, Blood Thirst, according to the market price was about 15,000,000 Pesos.

But the game is at the peak of its popularity and still continue to grow, the equipment damage alone is unmatch and the additional effects of this item makes anyone who used this invincible and could be use until later in the game.

For Shen, this amount of money is immense but to the large guild such as The Titans that is backed up by multiple large companies this amount of money is nothing.

The moment Shen open the site in his phone, his auction post pop on the main screen of the item trading site. Numerous number of people posted comments in real time, and the auction's successful bid amount was as she said, 600,000 Dollars!

Shen tried to calm himself inorder not to faint.

''If this is a dream, I hope I never wake up.''

Shen confirmed the money receipt that is 600,000 Dollars and it had really been deposited into his own account.

He tried pinched his checks until to check if this is a dream but, unmistakably reality! Shen immediately make multiple plans how to make progress and improve in this game.

That day Shen purchased a capsule much more advance, safer and comfortable than a helmet gear used to connect to in Liberty Online for 1,000,000 Pesos. It was expensive enough that Ashen was thinking if it's worth it or not, but Shen constantly reminded himself it was a necessary investment. All preparations finished. It was the beginning of his professional gaming career. He felt like mercenary heading into the battlefield for the first time. The capsule is estimated to arrive within next week.

After the transaction Shen called Jen and ask her if they can hang out.