Approaching Danger

Surprisingly Jen said yes to Shen's proposal and they are going to meet up at the nearest mall.

Shen's attire is still his usual clothing, wearing a simple white shirt, long pants, and a pair of black slippers. Although it looks simple, his aura still approachable it's because of his handsome figure.

Numerous girls are looking at him like he's a celebrity. Shen felt a little uncomfortable with the amount of attention his getting so he called Jen to calm himself.

" Jen, where are you? I'm already here outside JollyBoy. "

authors note: JollyBoy is a fast food restaurant.

" I'm sorry Shen but an emergency came up and maybe I will be a little late so wait for just a little bit more. "

" That's fine, just tell me if there e something I could do to help you."

With Jen's response, Shen explore the mall by himself to enjoy it for a little bit. He bought a couple of new clothes and went to eat some food.

Every time he went to a different store, different girls wanted to take a picture with him and he didn't know why they do this. Shen's guard is still always up in case they try to attack or hurt him but all he felt was hugs and admiration.

Shen looks like a foreigner because of his height and face, the Filipino people can't hold themselves every time they saw something new in their eyes so they can't help but give some of their attention to him.

Two hours had passed since then and he felt a little bit overwhelmed by how the people approached him, surprisingly they are nice and kind to him.

Suddenly he received a call.

" Shen it's me I'm here now at the JollyBoy. "

" I'm on my way there. "

Finally, he saw Jen again, she is wearing a short yellow dress that highlighted her beautiful silky white skin. Shen's heart skip a beat when he saw her.

" Hi, sorry for being late a sudden emergency came up and I need to settle it first."

" That's fine, the important thing now is that you're here. "

Shen smiled at Jen and she also responded with a smile.

Both of them went shopping and went to visit different stores. Jen looks like she enjoys being with him because he felt safe and comfortable while Shen loves seeing Jen looking so happy and enjoying herself with him.


- Liberty Tower -

" Boss, I think we need to update the game in advance this monster player players will completely dominate the game. "

Chris Josh is sitting in front of a large watching on the large screen where he could see numerous amount of players playing their best.

" The difficulty of this game is too hard for beginner and too easy for extreme people, all of the top players are either real-life martial artists or psychopaths. "

One of the administrators suggest.

" I don't think we need to panic, I trust the system completely. As long as nobody triggers a

" Catastrophe " we won't interfere." Chris Josh explained.

Everyone who heard the word Catastrophe suddenly felt goosebumps.

" I'm sorry for meddling in this boss, I also trust your decisions."


- Liberty Online -

Global Announcement!

Muzaki Has Slain The First Global Boss [Pride] !!

Global Announcement!

Muzaki Has Slain The First Global Boss [Pride] !!

Global Announcement!

Muzaki Has Slain The First Global Boss [Pride] !!

Dead bodies are all over the place along with a boss monster that looks like a lion with dark skin and a red mane.

A young Japanese Elf holding a katana was sitting on a pile of loots as he rest after a long and intense battle.

Name: Muzaki

Race: Elf

Level: 32

" I'm already three times higher level than the majority of all the players but still not number one. I need to meet Ashen and prove that I'm still the best player in the world. "

Muzaki finally stands up and behind him, fifty strong-looking players followed him as they approach the Timber Kingdom.

While Shen is enjoying themself with Jen, he doesn't know that several players are now looking for his whereabouts.