
Approximately 50 strong-looking warriors are currently inside the territory of Ashen running wild as they please until they finally come in contact with the Assault Squad.

" Who are you, people? None of you is citizens of the Swamp Village and we're still not open to foreign people. " Jaecar warned as he saw them as a threat to the village.

" The hell is this NPC saying, kill them all. " Muzaki command.

Multiple players immediately went rushing to the Assault Squad.

" Phalanx Formation! " Jaecar shouted.

They keep up their defensive line and Jaecar went wild firing his arrows.

" Triple Shot "

With every single hit players were sent back flying.

Muzaki watch the battle in a distance and when he saw an opening he quickly went rushing in.

He swings his katana with full power and it causes the Phalanx Formation to make an opening.

Muzaki smiled and launches his lightning-fast attack. Several people have been caught off guard as the katana was so fast it causes an illusion.

" Illusion Stab "

One of the guards has been injured by the multiple attacks of Muzaki.

Jaecar didn't just watch Muzaki do as he please and immediately retaliate and shot an arrow straight to his face.


Muzaki saw the arrow coming at him and he slash it down.

" Not bad, " Muzaki said as he approach Jaecar.

" Sh!t " Jaecar cursed as he saw the after image of Muzaki coming straight at him.

In a single blink of an eye, Muzaki arrives in front of Jaecar and slashes his katana down.

" Clink " a sound of metal clashes as Michael pops up and blocks the attack of Muzaki.

Muzaki smiled and pivot his body kicking Michael away but Jaecar already aimed his shot directly at him.

" Arrow Assault "

Muzaki doesn't have enough room to avoid multiple arrows at once but he manages to limit it to a certain amount of damage by cutting some of them.

The speed, precision, and instinct that are required to survive this fatal attack are inhuman level but Muzaki pulled it off although he didn't come out unscratched.

- 67 Hit Points

- 52 Hit Points

- 59 Hit Points


Muzaki bit his lips as he countered the attack and stab Jaecar on his shoulders.

" Argh "

Jaecar groans in pain and immediately back off.

" I didn't that this place has already a strong NPC, supposedly the people in this area are only 15-20 Levels but you exceeded my expectations. " Muzaki said as he acknowledged Jaecar as a strong opponent.

" But you're still not qualified to defeat me. "

Muzaki close his eyes and breathed heavily as he focuses intensely.

Jaecar felt that the air in his surroundings becomes heavy, he knows that the enemy in front of him is dangerous so he heightened his senses to the maximum.

Alongside Michael, both of them attack at the same time.

" If you managed to survive my attack I will let all of you live. " Muzaki said at the same time he opened his eyes and launch his attack.

" Wind Enchantment "

The whole body of Muzaki emits wind that increases his speed and defense as he slashes Michael's sword in half and he's still not done yet.

" Mirage Dance "

He viciously attacks Michael and Jaecar at the same time knocking them down, the attack was so fast that it leaves multiple images every time Muzaki moves leaving no room for the both of them to retaliate.

Muzaki intended to deliver the finishing blow but the other members of the Assault Squad already swept his remaining allies and come to rescue their comrades.

They came rushing at Muzaki and attack him all at the same time.

Muzaki dodges them with ease and he's currently pissed off by the defeat of his lackeys.

" I commend all of you for your strength and bravery but today is the day that all of you will die. "

" You're strong and arrogant but if our leader comes here you're f*ck up. " one of the guards retaliated.

" Your leader? Then brought him here I will surely destroy him in front of you. "

Although he was alone no one doubted his capabilities to wipe them out so the rest of the team decided that only half of them will face Muzaki and the other will go back to the village and request backup.