
" Leader! Jaecar, Michael, and the others are in danger, " One member of the assault squad shouted in distress.

" Calm down, and tell me what happened, " Ashen tried to calm the young man.

" There is no time to rest leader, everyone is dying we need to rescue them, "

The young man immediately tells the exact location where the battle is happening.

Ashen did not waste any more of his time and rushes his way to his comrades.


" Die ! " Muzaki shouted as he violently swing his katana at the remaining members of the assault squad.

" You're the one who's going to die, " Jaecar replied while he fire arrows at a certain distance.

Muzaki evaded every arrow swiftly alongside the other attacks of the Assault Squad.

Muzaki can easily overpower them and everyone is already reaching their limits.

Michael is the only one who can block some of Muzaki's attacks, although he can't sustain them for too long because of the difference in their strength and skills.

" Illusion Stab! "

- 102 Hit Points

A critical hit!

Michael coughs some blood as he was hit directly in his stomach bringing him down on his knees.

" Argh "

Muzaki slashes his katana horizontally as he tries to behead Michael.

Jaecar fired multiple arrows but it was far too late.


A staff and katana collide which sends Muzaki's weapon flying.

" Leader! " Everyone shouted.

Ashen didn't waste any of his time as he cast multiple spells at the same time.

" Lightning Bullet "

" Fire Bullet "

" Aqua Bullet "

Muzaki can't comprehend what is happening as he is bombarded by multiple spells at the same time.

" This guy is overwhelming! " Muzaki thought as he is hit by multiple spells directly.

- 200 Hit Points

- 267 Hit Points

- 198 Hit Points

Muzaki's screen turned gray as a notification appeared in front of him.

[ You Died ]

No one expected that it will end within a couple of seconds but everyone is grateful as

they survive to live another day.


" What the h*ll just happened! " Muzaki shout in frustration as he throw the Axon Gear in his head.

" Boss, what happened to you? " One of Muzaki's lackeys asks.

" There is a strong Magic-User that suddenly appeared in there and cast multiple spells at the same time. I think that's Ashen he's far too strong early on in this game. " Muzaki bite his lips as he admitted that the firepower of that player is a serious matter.

" Then we must investigate it to confirm your suspicion, " a bald man suggested.

" Yeah let's do that, " Muzaki agreed.


" Leader we're sorry for not protecting some of our comrades. I, Jaecar will fully take responsibility for this, " Jaecar said as he bowed his head.

" No, it's not your fault. Nobody is at fault in this incident you were attacked by a stronger enemy that resulted in this, " Ashen said sincerely.

Everyone was badly injured as they came back to their home.


" Everyone must rest today, starting tomorrow everyone must double their effort in hunting and training so that this won't happen again. " Ashen shouted as he commands everyone.

" Yes sir! " Everyone replied.

Ashen felt that he was too soft on them that resulted in them not training rigorously, so he plan to double their work in order for them to become much stronger.