

Training Camp is now completed!

Ashen has ordered his people to establish a training camp where his people can do their training.

The objective of this is to improve further improve their abilities and to prevent another defeat where they can't do anything.

The training camp consists of a dummy with infinite durability, this dummy is easy to make because there are tutorials on this in the Liberty Online Community.

The purpose of these dummies is to become practice opponents for skills that they can continuously use to grind and level up their skills masteries.

There are also a bunch of different training courses where they can hone different aspects of their body and battle arsenal.

"1, 2, 3, Hit!"

"Haa!" Everyone shouted simultaneously.

Ashen has tasked them to do 100 pushes, 100 sit-ups, and a 10-kilometer run after that they need to hit the dummy 1,000 times before they can rest.