

Training Camp is now completed!

Ashen has ordered his people to establish a training camp where his people can do their training.

The objective of this is to improve further improve their abilities and to prevent another defeat where they can't do anything.

The training camp consists of a dummy with infinite durability, this dummy is easy to make because there are tutorials on this in the Liberty Online Community.

The purpose of these dummies is to become practice opponents for skills that they can continuously use to grind and level up their skills masteries.

There are also a bunch of different training courses where they can hone different aspects of their body and battle arsenal.

"1, 2, 3, Hit!"

"Haa!" Everyone shouted simultaneously.

Ashen has tasked them to do 100 pushes, 100 sit-ups, and a 10-kilometer run after that they need to hit the dummy 1,000 times before they can rest.

The Assault Team and The Safeguard Team will need to alternate hunting food, protecting the village, and training.

There is no wasting time starting today because everyone wanted to become much stronger.

"Heqet, I will give you the task of leading the village while I'm not here."

"Don't worry chief, I will not disappoint you."

While everyone was doing training Ashen look at them trying their hardest, it also give him the motivation to continue becoming much stronger than he is now.


Muzaki is a famous figure in the gaming community and his post about Ashen in the Liberty Online Community is gathering a large number of viewers.

Muzaki: Report this fcking player named Ashen, his damage output is insane and he can cast multiple spells at once if this is not a cheat then I don't know what kind of shit is this.

Jellycious: Is that the Ashen who is constantly in the global announcement?

Kirin: No wonder he can slay field bosses anywhere he went, so he is using cheats.

Muzaki: I'll give 50,000 dollars for every kill you can do to Ashen. The last time I located him is that he is in the Swamp Village, just send proof of you killing him and I will immediately send the money.

Muzaki can't handle the thought of him being obliterated by Ashen, it lives on his head rent free replaying again and again.

The Community was in an uproar by Muzaki's post, 50,000 dollars was by no means a small amount of money for a lot of players.

Darker times are now coming for Ashen and for now, he still doesn't have any idea of how many players are now gunning for him.


While Ashen is peacefully finding a new hunting ground where he can grind his level up suddenly an arrow went past his eyes.

"So you're Ashen."

"Who are you?"

" You don't need to know my name as you are going to die by my hands."

Power Shot!

A concentrated magic power gathers on the tip of the arrow and launches at full force on Ashen.


Ashen immediately dashes forward and cast a lightning bullet to halt the enemy in front of him.


Ashen uses his staff to beat the shit out of him.

- 124 Hit Points

- 167 Hit Points

You killed an enemy!

After killing the Archer multiple players went charging from where Ashen is located.

"Ashen is here!" A player shouted.

"What the hell is happening, who are you, people."

"No hard feelings but we really need money."

"Money? I'm not giving you anything. Die!"

Ashen faces multiple opponents at once.

The players coming for him are mostly solo players, so they are not coordinated. Ashen dispossess them like they are trash.

Light Bullet!

Fire Bullet!

Ice Bullet!

Ashen was casting spells not non-stop because the players arriving are not stopping and continued to grow larger in number.

"What the fuck is happening here." Ashen thought but he already stop asking because it was a waste of time.

"This Ashen is too strong, we need to cooperate to deal significant damage to him." A player with a brain shouted.

Everybody has long thought of it but there is no clear alpha in here who can lead them that's why they are in disarray.

"Every shieldsman and warrior go in front, archers and mages gather in the back." A man with staff commanded.

Everybody immediately tried to follow the command of this player.

"That's Finn one of the top healers in the game, let's follow his command."

Finn is a top-tier healer from every game he played and now he brought his talent to Liberty Online.

"Ashen, I commend your skills and abilities but this is how for you go for today we will kill you, and every chance we get we will do it."


Ashen burst out laughing.

"So all of you choose hell."

With that remark, Ashen cast all of his spells at once.

SHIT! Everybody thought of the same word.