
The battlefield turned into chaos as Ashen's powerful spells obliterated the players, leaving only a few survivors who managed to dodge or block his attacks.

- 207 Hit Points

- 223 Hit Points


The players were caught off guard by Ashen's sudden attack, and they could barely defend themselves against his barrage of spells.

The shieldsman and warriors in front tried to resist the impact of his spells, but they were soon overwhelmed, one by one. The archers and mages in the back were not spared either, as Ashen's spells had an incredible range and accuracy that left no room for escape.

Finn, who was trying his best to keep everyone alive, was quickly running out of options. He knew that he couldn't out heal the damage being inflicted by Ashen's spells, and he needed to find a way to stop him.

"Finn, what are we going to do?" a mage asked frantically.

"I have an idea, but it's risky," Finn replied, his eyes fixed on Ashen.

"What is it?"

"Get ready to cast an area of effect spell as soon as I give the signal."

With that, Finn closed his eyes and focused his mana on a spell that he had saved for a long time before. He knew that he needed to stop Ashen now if he wanted to have a chance of defeating him.

Suddenly, Finn opened his eyes, and a bright light emanated from his staff. He was casting a powerful dispel magic that would cancel out any magic in its range, including Ashen's.

"NOW!" he shouted.

The mages and archers immediately cast their area of effect spells, hoping to catch Ashen off guard. However, to their surprise, Ashen managed to dodge most of their attacks and only took minor damage from the ones that hit him.

"You're good, but not good enough," Ashen said, a smirk on his face.

With that, he cast a spell that created a burst of lightning, stunning everyone in its range. The players were completely defenceless, and Ashen used this opportunity to strike them with everything he had.


The blast was heard from miles away, and it signalled the end of the battle. Ashen stood victorious once again, but this time, he had taken a significant amount of damage. He knew that he needed to be more careful from now on, as more players were sure to come after him.

"Those who challenge me will only face their demise," he said to himself, a hint of arrogance in his voice.

As Ashen walked away from the battlefield, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

He had defeated another group of players who tried to take him down, and he had proven once again that he was one of the strongest players in the game.

However, he also knew that his actions had consequences, and he had made enemies along the way.

He needed to be more cautious, as he didn't want to endanger his village or his people.


When he returned to the village, he saw that the training camp was still running, and his people were working hard to improve their skills.

He smiled, knowing that his efforts to create a safe and prosperous community were paying off.

"Heqet, how are things going?" he asked his second-in-command.

"Everything is running smoothly, chief," Heqet replied.

"The villagers are working hard, and we have enough resources to sustain ourselves for a while."

"Good. Keep up the good work," Ashen said, patting Heqet on the back.

"I need to go and prepare for the next wave of attacks."

As he walked away, Ashen knew that he had a lot of work to do. He needed to train harder, gather more resources, and prepare his people for any challenges that may come their way.

But he was confident that he could handle whatever the game threw at him, as long as he had his skills and his determination.

The battle had only just begun, and Ashen was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As he walked towards his home, Ashen couldn't shake off the feeling of being constantly watched. He looked around, but there was no one in sight. The village was peaceful, and the people were going about their daily routines.

However, Ashen knew that he couldn't let his guard down. The recent attacks on him were proof that there were players out there who were willing to go to any lengths to take him down. He needed to stay alert and prepared for any attacks that may come his way.

As he entered his home, he saw that his inventory was full of resources that he had gathered during his previous battle. He needed to start giving more weapons and armor and gather more resources to prepare for the upcoming attacks.

He knew that he needed to lead by example and show his people that hard work and dedication were the only ways to survive in this world.

As the day came to end, Ashen log out and retired to his bed, exhausted but satisfied with his progress. He knew that there were more challenges awaiting him, but he was ready to face them head-on.