Chapter-63<*LORA-THE WORST*>

The next Sect Master was Iora, a beast woman. I had seen beast girls within the Sect as the Blossoming Flowers do not discriminate on race but on gender. Males could not become disciples, and very few beast girls did. Most of them were hold outs from some of Iora's branches, but the beastman race hardly joined sects as they preferred to be in the wild.

Whereas most of the cultivators would become civilized or have a sort of propriety, the beast girls acted mostly on instinct, which was why they had a separate cultivation branch solely for them. They didn't join any of the other branches, and mostly their tasks were to seek things or find items the Sect needed. I felt like they behaved as trained dogs more than people.

Beast girls were beautiful, of course, but their behavior was something I'd prefer in an animal rather than a human.

Elder Liu came to speak to me.

"Dong Chen, did Sect Master Iora come to visit you today?"

"I didn't notice anyone," I said. "Have you seen her?"

"She left the chamber this morning and then went out on her own," Elder Liu said. "Dong Chen, I must warn you that Iora is the most bizarre of the Sect Masters. The Beastman Race differs greatly from all the others. While the Dragon has their own bloodline and is wise, the beast race is almost purely instinctual with fulfilling their desires in life. Don't treat Iora the same as you would treat others."

"Is Iora less intelligent than the others?"

"No," Elder Liu said. "The Beastman race is intelligent but simply chooses not to pursue anything but their instinct, even if they understand complex emotions."

I see. Well, it's not like I expected much, anyway. I wish I could just have another week of Sana… rather; I wish I could just marry Sana and be with her all the time. I don't know why Sana was so mesmerizing to me. Even the thought of her trying to suck milk out of HouXiang or Josephine was exciting.

"Should I be careful?"

"I would say be careful with your expectations," Elder Liu said.

Elder Liu left, and I continued to read the book that wasset in front of me. I looked over the pages and thought about everything. If Iora didn't want to dual cultivate, then I didn't mind. When I seal the deal with mom, and if there are no complications, then the result was a situation where I'd be wanting to relax but forced to continue going. It's true my stamina increased a lot through 'training' but a few hours each time meant not much time to myself.

The evening approached and only then did I hear footsteps coming into the room, only it wasn't one set but three. There were three people coming in, a masked woman… a lizard man and what appeared to be a wolf man. The lizard man had two enormous shafts that were both larger than a human could have… while the wolf man… had one large one.

Each of them was easily twice my height, similar to HouXiang's height, while Iora was only up to my chest with her curves. It looked like the scene only a degenerate animator could come up with.

"I cultivate with you while they pleasure me," Iora said. "Come, pull down your pants so I can drink."

What? What the heck? No! No way!

I'm not doing this.

"No!" I said. "No!"

"Yes," Iora said. "Yes."

"No, they can't be in the room!"

I felt pressure force me on the bed and my clothes came off. It was Iora, using her Qi to do whatever she wanted with me. Iora wasn't listening and so my pants came off and she started with her mouth but mostly used her hands to stimulate it. Instinctually, she knew my spots and forced me to shoot a load into her mouth. I hated her for this. I couldn't protest because she used the sametechnique mom used on me before when we were visiting the Red Wood Sect. I hated that technique.

"You do what I tell you," Iora said. "I am strong so you do as I say."

Iora then stuck her butt out into the air, and the wolfman started by getting under her. I could feel his fur close to me as the robes worn by Iora seemed to form a small hole that exposed Iora's pink walls, and the giant puppy of the wolf man forced its way into that opening.

After the wolf went in, she had the lizard stuff her two holes positioned from behind while the wolf man pounded her from the front. She did this while still covering her body… I couldn't help but wonder how such a scene is going to traumatize me. I couldn't close my eyes because she hadn't removed the body control technique.

I spent hours watching her satiate herself while she continued to drink from me. Elder Liu said she was not like a human… she was like a female beast in heat. After a few hours, the wolf exhausted all his energy, and the lizard man was on his last legs. She slapped them both to force them to keep going when they seemed to tire out each time as she screamed. The males in reaction to her kept screaming and going into her over and over. The images burned into my mind, never to be erased again. I hated it. Eventually she finished up.

"That's all your energy. You disappoint. Dong Chen, yourturn. I can only use my hands."

She rubbed one out, then gulped down whatever I could offer out for a few hours until I went to sleep. I felt the control technique release from me as I closed my eyes.

In the morning Iora was nowhere to be found, and so were the two beast-men she had brought. I immediately went to find Elder Liu. She was in a study near where I was located. Apparently she monitored where I was at all times to keep me safe.

"You shouldn't leave the room," Elder Liu said.

"I hate that woman," I told her. "I can't be with that woman again tonight."

Not that I don't like it when a beautiful woman sucks me off… it's that I don't like it when there are other men in the room at the same time. I don't want to share or even know I'm sharing someone. Granted, there are no sexually transmitted diseases in this world, but I can't get images of someone else doing it… I mean the wolf and lizard had humanoid bodies but they didn't look human at all. It's like we're encroaching another type of degeneracy… zoo philia? I don't even know the word.

"Try talking to her again tonight," Elder Liu said. "She isn't known for communication, but you need to at least try to talk to her once."

"I don't want to go through that again! She brought in a wolf man and a lizard man and she enjoyed herself all night while… I don't want to see it!"

"Dong Chen," Elder Liu calmly reoriented me. "I understand such a thing is not what you wish to see. I also know that you dislike when other males are in the room with you, but even then I can't go against the previous Sect Master. Please, let it be tonight. When she returns, try to talk to her instead of writing her off. The future of the Sect and its power throughout the world will depend on your dual cultivation with not just the Sect Masters, but everyone you're willing to bring to greater heights. Iora might not be very human like but she is still an important part of the sect."

I calm myself down. I suppose I have to talk with her again.

"She forced me to act with a similar technique to what mom did to me," I said. "Mom, I forgave because she was mom but this woman has no relation to me. I won't let her do it again. If she does, I'll never dual cultivate with her again. I'll kill myself if she keeps forcing me."

There's a bottom line to everything, isn't there? This was my bottom line. Maybe it's not fair that I get to sleep around with other women, but at the very least I want to know the wombs I'm raiding aren't being raided by someone else. The thought of me putting my little dragon somewhere another dragon had actively warmed without it being fully cleaned out just irked me the wrong way.

If there was a cooling-off period in between, and it was cleaned out after a week or two, then perhaps it'd be different… but I don't want to be touching another man's juices. The thought of it just disgusts me…

"Calm yourself down, Master Dong Chen," Elder Liu said. "You've gone through quite a few things with Sect Master Risless already and have resolved yourself to helping the Sect. For that we are all grateful, but there is a great foundation for ryou to build on. I will try and talk with Iora when she returns today. She had left the Sect and will return before the sun sets."

"You'll talk to her?"

"Yes, I will try to relay your thoughts and wishes to her," Elder Liu said. "I must tell you that even if I do talk to her I have no standing to go against anything she demands or wants as I am merely a caretaker and not a Sect Master."

"Anything you can do for me would be helpful," I said as I turned to leave. "Elder Liu… thank you for all the help you've given me since I've come here."