Chapter-64<*LORA-THE WORST-II*>

Elder Liu stood in the study and near where Dong Chen was in the room. There were many things to be said, but she was at a loss of how she was going to talk with Iora. People can understand the complexities of feelings, but beasts only seem to know the emotion of what's in front of them and what they learn.

Multiple footsteps made their way towards the room, and Elder Liu stepped out to meet the incomer. Iora was coming back with many others. She was not alone.

Going out to look Elder Liu saw over ten males of varying races, most of them were with large male organs and multiple of them. Elder Liu couldn't help but stare at some of them as they walked by before she called to Iora.

"Sect Master Iora, where are you going with them?"

"To the chamber where Dong Chen is," Iora said. "I have enough tonight to keep me going while I dual cultivate with my mouth."

"Sect Master Iora, Dong Chen does not like this, nor does he want it," Elder Liu said. "Also to bring males of races that have over one organ… it is not something pleasant for him to watch."

"He hates more than one on a man? But two is better than one. He will do as I say, I am a Sect Master."

Iora left little time for arguing as she brought them with her into the room. For a moment she heard Dong Chen raise a fuss.

"No Iora! No! I am not doing this!" Dong Chen yelled. "No! You're going to use that technique again? What are youdoing?"

Dong Chen could be heard forcefully trying to fight it.

"No! AHH! NO!"

A slap was heard.

"If you resist like this, when your curse is lifted, I will make you satisfy all of them with the hole in your behind," Iora was heard saying.

The male creatures were heard laughing with horrendous voices.

"Why not now?" One with a hoarse voice said.

"If you do it now, you will die in three weeks. Someone will hunt you down and kill you." Iora spoke with a stern uninterested voice.

"Oh… I see… I see…" the hoarse voice said. "He's doing as you tell him now. You are just going to use your mouth on him while we come at you from behind? How many at a time?"

Elder Liu stopped listening and left. This was a conversation that made her disgusted. Half human half beast creatures differed from humans, but Iora had theFate of Extreme Beauty with her at birth and thus there was nothing that could be done to kick her out. They accepted her as Sect Master after giving birth to a child and raising him, then she forced him to copulate with one of the willing beast girls from her tribe as they did not think of marriage.

Walking down the long path underground, Elder Liu knocked on the chamber once more where it opened and she walked in to find the small bodies in hibernation boxes. Elder Liu bowed to them.

"What is it my child?" HouXiang asked. "Is there a problem for Dong Chen that you came here in the middle of the week?"

"Grand Sect Master, it is Sect Master Iora and her animalistic ways. Dong Chen has become unhappy and is stating that he does not want to be involved with her."

"Iora?" Gora said. "That beast woman is probably bringing back those lizards and octopus men. The lizard man has two and the octopus have eight but they're not as big or stiff. That woman is nothing more than a bitch in heat who can't get enough. Her robe always has a hole in the back and front so there can be entry despite her covering the rest of her body."

"You knew of this?" Elder Liu asked.

"We all knew of this," Xisleth said. "Iora is the only one of us who does not act like a rational being. She's always given into impulse, but the Sect took her in and made her master because she had the Fate like us. The heavens choose whoever they want to take the fate, and now I'm sure my precious great grandson is suffering with her. It's a good thing the Fate also prevents her from going further with him, otherwise she would completely ruin him."

Elder Liu was shocked upon hearing this. None of the previous Sect Masters actually liked Iora.

"Sect Masters," Elder Liu bowed once more. "What should be done about Dong Chen now then?"

"Do you still have the key I made for that room?" HouXiang asked.

"Yes, Grand Sect Master," Elder Liu answered.

"Give it to Dong Chen," HouXiang said. "Let him stay in there and choose whether or not he wants to come out. It should be his right if he wishes to dual cultivate or hold off. That is something he should have a right too. Even though I can always make another key to go in. I've also sent a destruction spell to the original key since Iora has an uncanny sense of smell and would probably find it."

"Thank you, Grand Sect Master," Elder Liu said. "I must ask, what if Iora becomes angry or violent?"

"She won't do that," Gora said. "At worst, she'll come back here barking at us. At least then she can be talked too. I know her the best because she was the one who trained me and she was a horrible master who kept looking for large organ males to make into her pets. We don't even know who the father of her mortal child was, so we had to keep all of them locked in cells until her child made another beast woman in heat conceive."

"That woman is truly something else," Sana said. "I was in hibernation and didn't know all this, but she seems to be even worse than I was."

"Oh… you don't even know," Gora said. "When it was my turn I tried to awaken my Fate and reach the pinnacle of cultivation as quickly as possible so she would hibernate. The thought of her coming out and being in the sect… I can't stand it."

"My precious Dong Chen," Xisleth said. "I need to come out, I won't let him be ruined!"

"Tell Dong Chen to lock himself into the room for the week," HouXiang said. "Because of her libido, even though she's attracted to Dong Chen, she will still take time to find other partners while he is resting. If you need to, give him a week's worth of food and water so he does not need to come out. At the end of the week, we will force her into hibernation."

Elder Liu bowed and left.

She had not spent a long time talking to the other Sect Masters, but she realized that there was more to Iora than originally thought. She understood Iora might not take to etiquette since she was more instinctual, but the fact remained that she was a maniac with an insatiable sex drive.

Upon leaving the chamber, she walked back up and took care of her other duties. Elder Liu then went to the room to check on Dong Chen and could sense that there was a lot of movement on the other side. The screams behind the door seem to be of the men who were brought with her. She could hear their voices.

"Woman, stop! I've already been used up! I have nothing left!"

"Your beauty… it was so much that I couldn't stop before but… now.. I'm drained… I'm going to die!"

"No, please… please… I've had enough…"

"All eight of my… are sore… the skin is peeling… no… I can't…"

That last one was definitely the octopus man. Elder Liu shook her head. Since she was a little girl she had dedicated her entire life to the Sect and had never had such relations as a man and woman should have. She had lived for several thousand years withher cultivation going stagnant before it hit the last two known stages. It was a pity but as caretaker she felt much more useful than as a cultivator.

Still, Risless was raised by her as well as many other disciples, and she was happy she could at least continue in the administrative role.

I am grateful I never had to serve under Sect Master Iora. A woman like her would only bring heartache and ruin to everyone she was involved with.

Elder Liu held the key in her pocket to the room. Dong Chen would probably want to escape her tomorrow night. One night dealing with a beast woman in heat was enough, multiple nights would only leave him traumatized with mental scars.

As there was nothing she could do tonight, Elder Liu retired. Even if Dong Chen might be traumatized, the Fate of Extreme Beauty and the cursed body Dong Chen currently has would at least still prevent him from harm.