Beginning of the Chase

Lissa looked up to check the wall clock hanging behind Anthony's desk. She hissed when she looked at the time.


Damn, she didn't realize she was out for so long. Sex can really act as tranquiler for her, more potent than sleeping pills. For sure her mother, Lucille is waiting and looking for her, as well as her friends --- Judy and Nina.

She sighed then palmed both of her eyes before slowly getting up. Her thighs ached and her legs looks shaky, she looked at the man in front of her and compared her haggard features; and to her surprise, the man looks perfectly fine.

'Is this man part animal or what?' She whispered to herself as she looks at Anthony who's practically glowing.

Lissa continued to fix herself and get properly dressed, she was about to zip her skirt up when Anthony holds onto her hand tightly, stopping her from doing so.

"Let me." He suggested.

Lissa lets out a shaky and heaving breath, she thought something else was on Anthony's mind. "I thought you wanted to opt in for a second round." She teased with a smirk.

Silently she lets him, after that they walked straight out of the office, looking all natural, as if nothing freaky had just happened. Good thing some of the lights were still on, since the place was totally vacated like a ghost town.

Anthony pressed the button on the Elevator and the two of them went inside, it was silent inside the spacious cubicle was something both of them expected. And Lissa thought, it was because of the sexual activity they've done a few minutes ago.

And then...

"The proof." Anthony said to Lissa with a serious tone. "Get rid of it as you promised." Was his strict reminder to her.

Lissa snorted loudly and then chuckled against the back of her hand. She surely had him fooled. "Don't worry. A promise is a promise." was Lissa's reply with a short but distinguished assurance.

They remained quiet again as the elevator's door opened, both of them walked out of the elevator doors with the silent and common agreement that they'll forget whatever happened tonight.

But something inside Lissa kept her on her toes, bugging and making her uneasy to the bone, and before they truly part ways, she really have to ask. In one swift and impulsive move--- she grabbed Anthony by the arm, grabbing his attention until he stopped walking and looked dangerously at Lissa.

"What is it?" Anthony's question oozed of impatience, his need to go home and relax was evident in his aura. He's reaching his limit. "If you're going to say something, say it fast."

Since she had already done something irreversible, she might as well go all the way. She can't let all her efforts go to waste, right? "Mr. Lee... uh, I mean Anthony." Her fingers tightened against his arm as she swallows against the dryness of her throat. "You've told us countless times that you're bisexual, yet you only sleep exclusively with men. Doesn't that make you gay, right?"

Anthony rolled his eyes and sighed of disbelief. "I don't have time to answer your questions and I literally don't have to. Why are you so interested?" Was his strict answer. "If that's what you want to hear, then yes, I'm gay. Believe what you want to believe."

"Then why did you choose to fuck around with Tess if you're gay?" Was Lissa's brave reply.

Anthony stiffened at the question, like the thing that happened between him and the former cleaning lady was taboo and forbidden. "What about Tess?"

"Why did you choose her? Why her?"

Anthony deemed as this conversation pointless. "I don't have to tell you." Truth be told, he's on the verge of getting pissed of with the woman.

If only he isn't squeezed in such a tight position then he'll let all his morals go and punch her pretty face and pull against her thick curly hair. "Now, can you please let go of me?" He asked nicely, and it took almost all of the kindness in his body. "I want to go home, you should be heading home as well. Let's just fucking go."

Instead of following Anthony's order and plead, Lissa did the exact opposite. Now she's holding the man's arm with two hands and her grip is even stronger. Even she herself is confused with her sudden and unpredictable action but she is quite desperate to know the truth.

She wanted to know why things lead to Anthony playing around with Tess during office hours. "Just tell me, and I'll be out of your hair."

Anthony clicked his tongue in annoyance. He pulled his arm out of Lissa's tight grasp, but the more he budge, the more Lissa holds on to him. It's like a monkey grabbed him and has no intention of letting go. "Lissa, you let go of me this instant or I swear I'm going to kick your ass and pull out all of your hair until you go bald!" He screamed in utter annoyance.

Because she felt like she won't get an answer from him, she decided to let go of Anthony's arm. Plus she didn't want to truly piss him off. She doesn't want to go to work bald or wearing a wig or worse, have patches of hair disappearing from her scalp and looking like a total idiot. "Fine." She said, like a defeated child she whined. "I was just curious... nothing to be pissed off about."

"Didn't your parents ever taught you to never pry on other people's business?" Was Anthony's snarky reply before leaving Lissa all alone in the parking lot.

She remained silent and kept thoughts to herself as she watched Anthony get in his car and drove away in a hurry. Still, her mind won't let her have peace.

Even though she doesn't want to admit it to herself, there's a resting demon inside that is jealous and is dying of curiosity to know what does Tess have that she doesn't. Why does it have to be Tess and not her. All those questions made her head hurt and made her irritated.

"You'll see... Mr. Lee." She was shaking in utter annoyance and her mind screamed for vengeance. "I swear, someday you'll be begging on your knees for me."

But for now, she needs to go home.

She did not realize that it's already 10:30 in the evening and she's hungry and felt like she's been run over by a train. Plus, she's still wearing her stained underwear, and it was getting stickier by the minute.


It took about twenty minutes or less before Anthony arrives at his condo unit. Not only was he tired and worn out, oh no. He's stressed and it felt like his knees was about to give out as he drove all the way home. Good thing he still managed to get home in one piece and he did not kill or hit any dogs or cats on the way.

He is shaken to the bone, and he felt like he wanted to kill someone. The simple yet complicated effect of his emotions and anger on Lissa that it turned into a kind of sexual gratification for the latter.

She played him like a pawn, and he fell for it willingly. He still can't believe it. He thought he was careful and no one would see what he and Tess were doing. Now it's proven that his calculations and plans were wrong.

How did Lissa find out about it?

He was quiet and remained null as he slowly removes his clothing. There were still a few cum stains on his underwear that made him cringe in disgust.

God, he almost lost control. It's a good thing he was able to pull it out right before he cam. Or else he would've blown it all inside of her.

With his thoughts on haywire and his mind a mess, he went inside the bathroom and turned the shower head, letting the cold water run through his body. He moaned when the water continuously run against his skin.

"What kind of mess did I get myself in to this time." He said to himself wearily with eyes closed shut, letting the cold water ease him from whatever he's feeling.


"Maria Lissa de Leon what time do you think it is, eh?! Why are you home so late you naughty girl!?" Her mother's never ending rant bombarded her ears almost instantly as she opened their house' front door.

It was almost midnight when they've arrived and since her mother being half Latina --- even now that she's 25 years old and has a stable income still needs to go home before 9PM in the evening. And how lucky it is, she sarcastically thinks that her mother is the one who opened the door for her.

"Where did you go you silly girl?! I was waiting for you the entire night! I've lost my sleepiness because of you, now I'll be up and running the whole night you stupid girl!"

Lissa scratched her and hung her head low, making sure that her eyes don't meet her mother's piercing gaze. From she was a kid, up to now, whenever her mother is angry she doesn't physically hurt her kids... but she does something worse and it's called hours and hours of lecturing.

"Mama." Lissa silently pleaded. "Please, I'm tired."

Rather than feeling sorry for her child, Lolita grabbed the slippers she was wearing and slapped it against's Lissa's head. "So what if you're tired?!" She screamed at her, spewing spit against Lissa's face.

"Are you the only one who's tired, ha?! I didn't leave Mexico so that you could have fun and go round and about with your life! Just because you're in America doesn't mean you follow American rules you stupid girl! You're living under my roof, so you follow my rules! My house, my rules! And this is just a guess... but you went out with your friends who are clearly bad example to you, right? Ha?! I'm right, huh?!"

Lissa couldn't fight back, so she decided to let it pass and simply walk inside her room and shut the door. But even through her closed door, her mother's never ending scolds and preaching continued.

If only she could turn back time and accept Nina's offer to share a rooms and rent an apartment.

"I'll be sleeping now, Mama."

"Then go sleep!" Her Mom screamed. "Do I own your eyes or something?! Or do I have to close your eyes for you?!"