A Different Kind of Thirst

There times when the memories from his escapade will flood his brain at the most random times.

"Don't even try to cum on my desk." Anthony growled against her ears, his husky voice sending vibrations from her head down to her spine. Their sweaty bodies are pressed tightly, and the heat became almost too much to bear when Anthony pressed the vibrator's button, making it stronger and harsher against her aching clit. She squirted countless times, almost too many to count from the sheer pleasure from the vibration alone. It feels too good, too much.

And it made her feel helpless.

Her breath hitched and she gasped for air when she felt the 6 inch vibrating object go in and out of her entrace, filling her up to the dream and empty in a second, torturing and pleasuring her repeatedly.

"M---Mr. Lee!" She pleaded out but it came out as if she's moaning. :Ple---please... I can't take it anymore. It's too much!" She screamed this time, and tears fell down from her eyes, rolling down to her cheeks.

She felt tightness against her belly, something new and odd and scary.

Never once in her life did she experience squirting during sex, even at the most rough and intense once she had. But today, she did. What makes this so different?

"Ple---please, have mercy on me. Please." She whined and whimpered, almost to the point that she was begging. Yet the man was still looking at her with no contempt or compassion. He looked empty, yet there was a spark of satisfaction in his dark eyes.

Slowly, she was losing the battle. And she doesn't have the strength to hold on and fight it any longer. Her soft pleads and cries for release are continuously denied. "I can't hold on much longer, just please." Was her soft pleads as she sobs. "Ple---please, I can't take it anymore."

Her hands trembled as she rubs her clit in circles using her two fingers. Then she moaned softly when her fingers were replaced by long and rough inhibitions by the man behind her, doing her good like a dog.

"More... more, let me here your voice." He said and teased with a smirk. "Beg, go on. Do it."

"Mr. Lee, please!"

Loud and almost manic laughter resounded and came from the man who's recklessly pounding her from behind, making her whimper all the while sending signals of fear in her lithe body.

Anthony lets go of the waist he was holding on to tightly. He was feeling tired and was a bit satisfied with his work. The moment he lets go, he saw the woman's tired legs and thighs shake and she instantly fell on the cold floor.

He smiled as he saw streams of yellow liquid coming out of her. Tess pee'd on the floor, the embarrassment that she was trying her best to prevent and hold unto finally happened.

Anthony felt oddly satisfied. No, that's an understatement of what he is feeling. He's actually feeling bliss and happiness. Seeing her embarrassing herself gives him joy.

'God, that must've been painful.' He thinks as he looked at her scraped knee.

He bent down in one knee to look at the poor woman's face. He noted how glistening her eyes were and how red her face was. He can't help but smile at his masterpiece. "If only you could see yourself." Anthony said with a tone so cold and dark that Tess can't even look him in the eye.

In one fell swoop, he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled, arching her neck up and forcing her to look on his eyes. There lips were inches away from touching each other, and Tess can feel every breath Anthony was taking. "You look like a bitch who's in heat."

Tess wanted to slap him, hard. She wants to spit on his face and punch him until he's down. She's so ashamed of herself, and she feels like an animal whenever she's around him. Actually, she feels lesser than that, she feels like a non-living object. An object to satisfy his lust...

If only she had enough money when she needed it most. If only her father did not catch that terminal illness then she wouldn't have to endure this kind of shame. She agreed because the payment was enough to cover all her father's medical bill.

Tess looked at Anthony with piercing eyes for a second, and when she did, she never felt so much fear in her life.

"Well, well. Go ahead and stare all you want." Was Anthony's threatening words to her, sending shivers down her spine. "You think you scare me, poor girl?"

He felt something was crawling under his skin as the memories from weeks ago rushed into him. He was signing some paper works when the memory invaded his mind. The dark fantasy he performed with his former cleaning lady haunted him.

He must admit that a part of him felt good after that, but the guilt afterwards was nothing compared to the satisfaction that he felt.

A part of him wanted to apologize, but whenever he contacts Tess, she screams at him --- saying she doesn't even want to see his shadow, then drops the call. Now he believes that the sayings from the olden proverbs are true.

Revenge may be sweet, but once you taste it, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

And it left a mark on his tongue. And just to make his twisted life even more grim --- karma decided to squeeze in something and it took the form of a spiky Advertising assistant. Her curly hair, and her red ruby lips that looks like she fucked and drank the blood of men she committed sin with.

It makes him chuckle and laugh to think that Lissa is the one who caught them.

Truth be told, Lissa did her part and really did her end of the bargain. He fucked her once, then the next day it seemed like nothing happened and she never spoke to him about it ever again.

It was as if everything is back to normal, there was no trace of their sexual activity nor there was a trace that Lissa knows about his evil doings. Yes it is true, Lissa would still flirt with him and there's her random jokes about raping him and riding him until his eyes roll back on his head --- but other than that everything went back to normal.

Sometimes he even thinks that if he had not run into Lissa at the bar he was at, or if she had not blackmailed him for sex then they could've been friends. Lissa may have been a sport, but he was the complete opposite.

Ever since something like that happened between the two of them... Ever since Lissa blackmailed him that's when it all started. He felt like he was always on the edge. It's like every single time he needs her presence, for example, whenever he needs her to copy or reprint something ---it always leads to him being uncomfortable to the least.

To describe it perfectly, it feels like Lissa has a hold on him that he could not shake off. Like her nails are digging against his neck and if he does something stupid, then she'll dig in deeper until he bleeds.

Anthony almost jumped from his chair when someone knocked on the door. "Oh, shit!" He squirmed then placed his hand against his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat. Since when did he get so fidgety? He breathed in deeply, trying to calm himself before saying "Come in."

His breath hitched when he saw the person stride inside his office. Speaking of the devil. Red lipstick, black high heels, rich and long curls while wearing a corporate uniform that fits like a glove.

"Judy said you needed me?" Was the Devil's spawn's question, taking the form of a human named Lissa. "Sorry, I was quite busy you see. Judy said you needed me, but Pauleen and I had a meeting and I couldn't skip or cancel that."

Anthony looked and stared at Lissa for a few seconds before gesturing her to sit down on the chair across him. "It's fine." He replied with a monotonous tone, a little too cold for his liking. "There's just some paper works that you need to sign today. A little promotion from the marketing department for the advertising department."

Lissa shrugged her shoulders then lazily walked and sit towards the chair. She slumped against the soft material, then gave Anthony a certain look. A look that implies how bored and uninterested she is. "Can I sign it now?" Was Lissa's lazy reply.

Anthony's brows arched at Lissa's unpredictable actions. "You seem lax. Why don't you read the terms and conditions first before signing it? What if the content doesn't make sense?"

He wasn't concerned. Nope. Not at all. He simply doesn't want his assistant advertising director to act so lazy and look dead tired. If her performance is poor, then her performance will reflect unto his. And of course, he knew that Lissa usually isn't like this. "Is there something bothering you?"

Surprised by his sudden concern, Lissa lip's curved into a smile. But when she felt her stomach rumble, the smile on her face quickly turned upside down into a frown. God, she's starving. "Nothing..." She answered. "I'm just really, really, really hungry."

Anthony looked behind him to check the time, then he looked back at Lissa. 5:30 in the afternoon. No wonder she looks a little pale and hungry. They were way past their working hours and were already working overtime.

'Poor little devil.' Anthony pondered quietly while staring at Lissa's face. "That's why you look like you've been eaten and devoured by a pack of wolves."

"Hey!" Was Lissa's fast protest. "I'd prefer if you're the one who eats and devour me instead." She said with a wink.

Anthony scoffed and sneered. Some things never change, he thought. The girl is still hitting on him even though he clearly stated a few dozen times that he's not interested.

Unconsciously, Anthony scratched the back of his ears then looked at Lissa for a quick second. And though there's a part of him that thinks he'll regret his decision later but another part of him protested that they have nothing else better to do. And another think, Lissa really does look like she'll pass out from hunger any time soon. "Lissa."

"Yep?" Lissa did not look at Anthony as she was still signing the papers. "What is it, boss?"

"Want to eat out for dinner? My treat."


The smile on Lissa's face never faded. She was smiling all the way down the elevator, until she was inside the car and up to now that she's riding the car along with Anthony who was busy handling the wheels.

She was smiling for so long that Anthony's the one who's getting tired looking at it.

"I knew it..." She said, finally breaking off the stupid smile from her face. "I knew it... I knew that I would turn you around ---make you straight and you'd fall for me." She said with so much confidence that it made Anthony giggle.

Anthony could only laugh and shake his head. Maybe he should've just taken her to a mental institution instead. "What kind of drugs have you been using these days, huh?" He teased with a smirk. "And I've told you, I'm not really a hundred percent gay." He breathed in deeply then looked at Lissa momentarily before looking back on the road. "I'm bisexual, remember?"

"Bullshit!" Was Lissa's un-ladylike reply. "If you're bisexual then why won't you accept my offer of being fuck buddies then?"

Anthony frowned for a moment, then let out a menacing smile. "The answer is simple. You're not my type."

'Ouch.' Lissa pouted then she fisted something from her bag. It was a compact mirror. She checked herself out and noted she's one fine lady. "What are you talking about, I think I'm pretty. Hell, I'm beautiful." She said aloud, sounding desperate and all.

"Well, yeah. I guess you are pretty." Was Anthony's honest to God's truth reply. "You're just really not my type."

Lissa scowled and her nostrils flared "Why do you have to say that again and again. Jeez..." Was her annoyed answer. She rolled her eyes and then unconsciously ran her fingers through her hair.

"Then tell me, what is your type then?" The curiosity in Lissa took the best of her. "Some men like women with big boobs, some like women with big butts. Some men like girls with pretty faces. While some men like wome---"

"I don't like people for their physical appearances." Anthony cut off Lissa's endless list of whatsoever. His focus remained on the driveway, never sparing a single glance at the girl sitting next to him. And if he's being honest with himself, he's actually getting used to her child-like antics. "I tend to fall in love with a person's personality rather than their looks. If I like their personality then there's a high chance that I'll fall in love with them."

"Oh really? That's new... That's something I've never heard before." Was Lissa's sincere answer. "Then what kind of personality trait turns you on then? What kind of personality do you tend to fall for the most?"

Anthony was getting woozy from Lissa's endless questions. She really is like a child, and she tends to be very persuasive. A very chaotic combination of personality traits. He shrugged his shoulders and said "Well, I don't know." Was his honest answer. "I think there's no clear or ideal type or whatever." He continued to explain. "It just happens, one day I'm just talking to a stranger then next thing I know I'm in love."

Lissa was stupefied from Anthony's answer. "Really?"

"Yes, really. Is it bad to fall in love with someone without malice, or any ill intentions other than just simply liking the person for who they are?" Anthony explained with a smile. "Haven't you experienced that before?"

Lissa simply smiled and did not answer Anthony's question.

They both remained silent after that.

No questions asked.