The Cursed Slippers

It was past nine in the morning when the sun's strong rays reached her eyes. She hissed when the sun reached her line of vision, and was a bit surprised when the sun blinded her line of sight for a bit.

Lissa's hands immediately went straight to her pulsating head. "Son of bitch..." She hissed a curse when waves of pain, much similar to a migraine flooded her, making her wince and curse. "...oh fucking hell."

Too much alcohol and too little food in her stomach, and as a result, she's having one of the shittiest hang-over. A new record. When she peered her eyes on the bedside table, she noticed that there's a cup of warm coffee sitting on top of a place-mat. But at her state, even a shot of caffeine would do nothing.

What she needs is a tall glass of water, lemon, ginger and orange juice, but what's more important is knowing where the heck she is because this is not her room. Too elegant to be hers, and too dark to her sister's.

She began to take a feel of herself, to check the tell-tale signs of what might've happened last night. Her long sleeves was unbuttoned. Okay, that's the sign that she had fun last night. She then trailed down to her breast, obviously the gals are out, so they've reached second base. But her nipples doesn't feel tender, and she was still wearing her bra and it was still hooked at the back.

But what surprised her was she wasn't wearing any underwear... And her backside was surprisingly aching.

"Son of a bitch... what time is it?" Ah, life and its never ending lists of surprises. She's no stranger to one night stands but she's not used to leaving this late. Usually, she wakes up at five in the morning for her unprecedented escape. She does it not to escape from her trophy for the night, rather she does it so that she still has a chance to climb up her window from a tree --- to make it seem like she's actually home for the night.

She really doesn't want to make up another series of lie from her mother. Lolita has this 7th sense, knowing if her daughter is actually lying or not.

She was about to stand up from bed, lifting her lips slowly. But then she felt these continuous waves of pain from her lower back. Something that she never felt before, and god, it was painful.

Her eyes widened at the possibility of what could've happened when she was drunken, passed out, and couldn't feel a thing. Dang it, she was so out of it, she probably was similar to a Tiger shot with a tranquilizer.

"Mother-fucker." She hissed at herself, her hands clutched against the cloth underneath then pulled it as she cursed at herself. "Oh, fuck me!" She doesn't want to accept reality. Why would she let it happen while unconscious? Could it really be? But she feared for the worst.

Through her hazy brain, she takes another look at the place, for the place seemed familiar. It seems like she had seen this furniture before, laid in this bed before and she had seen this big ass dresser that could fit her family's whole closet into.

And there was this big walk in closet on the side, it was slightly opened, and was filled with shoes, and something else.

There was a bit of relief when she realized where she was... And, maybe it's the reason why her back is aching this much.

Ah... What a night.

"Anthony?" She yelled, calling his name, but she only heard the sound of her own voice echoing as a reply.

She forced herself to stand up. She really doesn't have a choice now, does she? But this time she endured the pain as much as she could.

"Ah, that mother fucker is going to hear a lot from me..." She angrily grumbled at her self as she picks up her rolled underwear placed just beside the lampshade. She eyed the thing, thinking if she could throw it on his face once she begins to throw a fit. But decided not to because it looks expensive, and she doesn't want to pay for the damage.

"Of all the things you could do to me while, I'm asleep... you fuck my virgin ass... you bisexual freak!"


Anthony was staring blankly into space, and was obviously stuck in his own little world. He was sitting on the living room quietly. A newspaper on his lap and a mug of plain black coffee placed on top of the table.

His cheeks blushed into a hue of pink when he remembered what happened last night.

They almost did it last night.

Unconsciously, he bites his lips as the memories from last night played on his mind.




Rough and hungry kisses were exchanged by two hot bodies. They tasted the sweetness and hints of alcohol through the kiss. It felt like his head was spinning, and everything around him was a blur --- the intense kiss almost left him breathless. The high that the alcohol bought to them mixed with the urgency to fuck makes the kiss hotter, better and a bit more sloppy.

Lissa moaned Anthony's name when his hands begins to roam her heated flesh. He cupped her breast at caressing it softly, his thumb circling on top of the garment that's just above her nipple.

"Does it feel good?" Anthony whispered in between the butterfly kisses he's sending from Lissa's neck down to her collarbone.

His lips continued to play against her skin, giving open mouthed kisses to her neck and chest. He was almost on the verge of cumming when Lissa sunk her long nails on his still clothed back. He groaned at the painfully sweet sensation then closed his eyes, arching his neck.

He took off the black stockings she was wearing, along with her underwear.

He aligned his shaft at Lissa's entrance. He was about to nudge his hips a little for him to fully encase himself. But then Lissa's eyes went wide, screaming on top of her lungs.


Lissa pushed Anthony off of her, making him move at the farthest side of the bed. Anthony was left stupefied, not knowing what to do as Lissa completely lost her mind.





Anthony shook his head a few times and laughed aloud at the turn of events last night. He almost tied Lissa up just to calm her down, who knew she was so rowdy and out of control when drunk?

When Lissa finally settle down, he was already exhausted that he did not even get the chance to make her look decent. He just left her there, looking like she's been abused, when it reality nothing actually happened.

Libido and sex drive was gone and all, he chose to sleep on the guest room. He slept there, not because he might lose control again, he actually feared that Lissa may act up again while she's asleep.

He let out another series of laugh, remembering how stupid Lissa looked like. Next time he'll make sure that he has a camera in hand, for sure it's so funny it'll be suitable as blackmail material. Well, if there will be a next time.

Anthony circled his finger around the cup's handle, lifted it from the table and drank from it slowly. He began to read the neglected news paper once more, he was starting to enjoy his peaceful breakfast in all silence and hot coffee. Then suddenly, the door of his room opened and closed. A signal that the demoness had already woken up from her slumber.

He knows what's coming. And quite frankly, he's excited to see what Lissa has to say in her disheveled state.

The sound of her heels against the tiled floor was getting louder and louder. With every step that she took, there's this lingering feeling --- a dark aura that circled around Lissa.

He didn't look-up from his newspaper when the sound of her loud heels stopped, signalling that she's either standing in front of him or is somewhere near. He lets down his newspaper, then looked up to see where she is. And right on cue, of course, he was right.

Because there she was.

Lissa was standing in front of him, her arms crossed against her chest and the look on her face was indescribable. The black stockings she was wearing last night was tucked under her arm. She was shooting daggers at Anthony as if she wants to kill him with a single look, yet there was a crooked smile on her lips.

"Hey, Anthony."

Anthony placed the newspaper on his thighs, folding it neatly as he did. He looked up at Lissa, then he smiled. "Good morning." He greeted with a warm smile. "You slept well."

Lissa reciprocated the smile, showing her rows of pearly whites. "Wow, you're really amazing!" Was her sarcastic reply. "I mean, really really amazing!" She added. "You have this tenacity of have last night, making use of this amusement park..." She gestured at her entire being. "...yet, you don't have the decency to cover me up! No wonder it was so airy on my nether regions as I sleep, I wasn't wearing any underwear and my lady bits were hanging all over the place!"

Lissa's breath hitched and her cheeks turned red when Anthony looked at her from head to toe.

"And of all places you could put your thing into, you just had to fuck me at my..." She swallowed and then looked down on the floor. It's as if the lines that she's made up on her head disappeared. Her hands unconsciously, traveled on her rear end, cupping a feel. " my..."

Well this is getting interesting. His brow arched up as he looked straight at her face, meeting her eyes. "I fucked you?" Was his confused riddled question, playing and taking the part of how innocent he is. "I fucked you... where, exactly?"

Lissa pursed her lips then stared back at Anthony, making sure her eyes weren't wavering at the intensity of his stare.

Since when was she embarrassed about her previous hook-up? Add the fact that Anthony isn't an exemption to this, specially since something happened to them before.

Her lips were shaking as she tried to muster up the courage."You, you fucked me in my ass, damn it!" She screamed, her eyes were closed, and her cheeks and ears reddened even more.

Anthony's eyes went wide and was silent for a moment. 'What?' He asked himself before his laughed out loud after hearing what Lissa had to say. "Seriously?" Was his laughter filled reply. He wiped a tear when it escaped the corner of his eyes. "Where did that shit come from?"

Lissa was truly baffled. She felt embarrassed and pissed off at the same time. She wanted to find someplace to hide. Maybe running then throwing herself out the window isn't such a bad idea. She had already done it once... well, the house of the guy is a bungalow, and this is a building. She could die, so that's instantly out of the question.

But still, this doesn't explain the fact why her rear end hurts. "Then why is my back hurting so much? It feels like a I've been hit a train!"

Anthony took the cup up coffee from the table, he took a sip and winced when it had already became cold. He stared at Lissa and laughed after seeing her in such a state. She looked so haggard and the hangover isn't really making her look pretty.

He smiled against the cup at the thought of teaser her until she cries. But he dismissed the thought, thinking that he'll do it some other time. "That's an interesting story to tell." Was his calm reply. "But be rest assured that nothing intense happened."

Lissa gradually calmed down after hearing Anthony's answer. She was about to brush off the scene from this morning but then, she remembered the fact that she's not wearing any underwear, as well as her breast was out. "Then why am I not wearing any underwear when I woke up?" Was her strict and quite intimidating question.

"Is that part of the mild events that happened last night then?" She asked with a smirk, tilting her head to the side and gave Anthony a look. "Well, I'm sure that it wasn't me... Usually, when I play with myself I'm still wearing my underwear. Even when I use Jimmy, I'm still wearing my underwear, Explain, that, huh..."

Anthony's face scrunched at the thought, hearing what Lissa had to say definitely ruined his mood. He tore a piece of paper from the newspaper then practically threw it on Lissa's face. "This woman..." He said with an unamused face. "You really don't have any sense of decency, do you?"

"Then why does my body hurt all over then?! And I wasn't even wearing any underwear!"

Anthony clicked his tongue, she scratched his non-itchy head and then looked at Lissa with sheer annoyance on his face. He took his cellphone that was placed on the table and gave it to Lissa. "Call your mother then. Ask her about the slippers or the tsinelas or whatever!"