Playing Hooky

The two of them decided that prolonging their agony by bickering if Lissa got fucked in the ass isn't worth all the effort. Whatever they've fought or talked about, they've ended it there. That's all there is to it.

No questions asked.

They were too tired, and Lissa was too hung-over to even talk, walk, eat or let alone fight. Lissa was simply thankful that nothing happened between them while she was drunk or asleep. Mainly because based on her philosophy in life, that's not good. Morally or Physically.

"Well, I was asleep! If you do me while I'm asleep you're the only one who'll feel good and I won't feel a thing. That's not fair. What's fair is, you wake me up, make me feel good as well... then we sleep. It's only common courtesy."

All the jokes and kidding aside, the two of them were quietly watching a sitcom entitled "The Good Life.". Anthony also decided to order someplace else since he doesn't have enough raw ingredients for Lissa to cook into a decent meal. He's usually alone, and eats outside.

Lissa offered to go to the nearest grocery store to buy the ingredients for him, but Anthony declined the kind offer and said it would be troublesome.

"You should be resting." He said with a smirk after declining the offer. "You just got fucked in the ass... that needs some time to heal." He continued to tease with a wink, earning a soft slap from Lissa.

Lissa also borrowed a shirt from Anthony. Not only that but she borrowed his boxers as well. Her clothes were still on the washing machine. "Thanks again." Was her sincere expression of her gratitude. She took another bite from the delicious meal that Anthony had ordered, then she swallowed in satisfaction right after. "You even texted my mom about my whereabouts last night. Surely she's happy, since she's not bombarding me with calls, emails and messages."

Anthony raised his eyebrows then smiled at Lissa. "It's no big deal." Was his brief answer. "It's my responsible to let her know that you're in good hands."

'Daaaaaamn!' Her inner diva celebrated after hearing Anthony's reassuring words. She coughed when she felt the food went on the wrong pipe. He looked so serene, Anthony's practically glowing. It almost made Lissa forget to chew and swallow properly.

She looked at Anthony who was still eating his meal. Sometimes she's still baffled how the two of them ended up like this. Ever since something happened between them, instead of shying away from each other and go on their separate ways... they've actually became closer and even became friends. Sometimes, Lissa even thinks they're more than friends.

It is possible, right?

"Mr. Lee?"

Anthony lifted his head his up and looked at Lissa, his jaw still moving subtly as he chews on his food. "What is it?"

Lissa was twirling her hair on the edge of her fingertips. She had so many questions in her mind. But out of all the things she wanted to ask, one naughty question slipped out from her sinful tongue. And she thinks, maybe its because she's too shy to ask for the more serious ones. "How does anal sex feel like?"

Anthony was taking a bite from the fried chicken in his hand when Lissa unceremoniously asked the indecent question. He stopped midway and his mouth was still hanging in an unflattering manner. He looked at Lissa, and was amused at how innocent she looked, the complete contrast of the question that came out of her.

"Are you seriously going to ask me about that?" There was a hint of discomfort on Anthony's face as he answered with a question.

Lissa nodded her head like a child and smiled wide at Anthony. There were still some remnants of spinach stuck on her teeth. "Please?" Lissa pressed her hands together while her eyes were closed shut, pleading and seemingly begging for answers. "Please, Mr. Lee!"

Anthony placed the half eaten chicken back on the plate, his eyes still locked on the mad woman in front of him. "Why are you suddenly so interested?"

"Am I not allowed to know?" Was her overly defensive question. She stood up from her seat and walked towards Anthony. She leaned closer, and poked him on the side repeatedly, making flinch. "Please, Anthony... It's just a question. Just humor me now... Come on, just tell me. How does anal sex feel like?"

"Nope." Was his annoyed answer. He tried to push of Lissa away, but she just kept coming back, not wanting no for an answer. "...just try imagining it on your head."

"I already did... but Imagination can't really make you feel certain things, yes?" Was Lissa's naughty answer. Her hands slowly traveled to Anthony's back, her fingers lightly squeezed his behind. "Please... oh please... Mr. Lee. How does it feel?"

"Are you an anal virgin?" Was Anthony's straight forward question. Not even pulling the breaks on how it would come out. "Want me to fuck you in the ass right now instead?"

Though she was pleased by the offer, Lissa pouted after realizing that Anthony seemed upset by her continuous prying. She didn't mean to thoroughly upset the guy... she was just really sexually curious lang. "I'm sorry." Was her sincere form of apology. "And... why are you so affected by this? Don't tell me... are you still an anal virgin, Mr. Lee?"

It was just for a fraction of a second, but Lissa noticed how Anthony's breath hitched and how he tensed up after hearing the question.

"Oh my God." Lissa exclaimed at the realization. She grabbed a hold of his shoulders and rocked him back and forth, trying to get all of his attention. "Anthony... Are you an anal virgin?"

Anthony looked at Lissa with a feral look, a look so deadly that he looked like a predator ready to pounce and kill his prey. "So what if I am?" His voice was low and dangerous. The tone of his voice was much different from when they're usually playing hooky and teasing each other. He was clearly pissed off. "Is there a problem with that?"

Lissa lifted both of her hands in the air, a gesture that signals retreat. "Calm down, Mr. Lee. You don't need to get all angry and lash out on me." Was Lissa's calm answer, acting as if she wasn't the cause of his behavior.

"If you're still an anal virgin, then so be it. If not then you're not. Whatever is fine. I don't care." She stated as a matter of fact, earning another set of dangerous look from the man in front of her. "There's no shame in that, right? Well, look at me, I'm not even hiding my shit from anyone ---well, except my mom ---because she doesn't need to know and I don't want her to. But for others, I do let it out all on the open. It's easier that way."

"I'm not angry." Was Anthony's immediate reply, his guard was still obviously up. "I just don't like it when people ask me about those things. It makes me feel uncomfortable."

Intrigued by Anthony's attitude, Lissa took a risk and continued to ask Anthony about personal questions. "But I'm not just another person to you, yes?" She placed her hand on top of his thighs, then gave him a wide reassuring smile. "We're friends. And you can trust me."

Anthony breathed in deeply and looked down on his thighs where Lissa's hand was. He then diverted his gaze to Lissa to see if she's sincere or not. Those types of questions makes him remember his high school days.

Remembering those days was really tough. He remembered being alone, and he had to face all of the lies and scandals that Tess put him through.

"Don't you dare laugh." Was his strict and firm warning to her.

"Promise! I won't." Lissa raised her right hand then placed it on top of her left chest, the palm of her hand landed on her chest a bit too fast, making a loud sound. "Even if we die tonight. I won't laugh. Cross my heart."

He breathed in and then let out a lingering sigh. What he has done to Tessa, and everything that he felt since he was still in his teens was still in him. And it still haunts him every single day.

The two of them decided to talk it over on the living room. They were seating on the black leather sofa, as Anthony suggested it'll be more comfortable that way.

"When I was still in high school, after Tess fucked me up with those rumors I was always alone. I had no one to talk to. Everyone was ignoring my existence except for one person. He was my best friend back then---"

"Let me guess, he's the one who turned you bisexual, right?" Lissa suddenly interrupted, earning a death stare from Anthony.

"---can't you let me finish first?! My god, you're annoying!" Anthony slapped Lissa on the butt, hard. Earning a series of satisfied laughter from the latter. "But you're right... He was my first."

Lissa smiled widely, then gave herself a round of applause. "See, I'm good with this type if things... I'm good at figuring this kind of stuff. It's actually my forte'."

"Hm. Some talent that is alright. You're only good at prying over people's private life. Specially when the discussion is between what's going on at another person's sex life." Anthony teased with a sneer, smiling at her devilishly. "But kidding aside, both of us liked Deciree."

He sighed again and continued. "But you know, when he learned about the rumor and how it was spreading fast all over the school we were both going to, something in him changed as well. He treated me differently, and I thought it was because he hated me as well. But then one day, he pulled me into a corner and told me that he liked me. And he can't see me being with someone else other than him."

"You're really on another level aren't you? Not only is your appeal luring women in, but also men." Lissa leaned back against the chair, feeling the cold leather against her back. She crossed her legs, and licked her lips, a gesture she usually does whenever she's dying of curiosity. "Then what happened?"

"We fucked." Was Anthony's short reply. There was no hint of embarrassment in his body. "He seduced me then we fucked. And we dated for a few years. That's when I realized that I like fucking men, but I don't like to be fucked by men."

Puzzled by Anthony's honest confession, Lissa can't help but herself. She wants to dig dipper, as if knowing more about Anthony's past will ease the itching curiosity inside of her. "Why is that?"

Anthony shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. The nerves he was feeling earlier died out, disappearing through thin air. He reached for the cigarette, the box was placed on top of his table, next to an ashtray and the newspaper he was reading.

He lit up the cigarette before speaking. "I just don't like it when someone is taking control over me. It makes me feel sick to the bones. I'd prefer to be on top, that's why the only men I hook-up with are exclusively power bottoms." He took a deep breathe from the cigarette butt, then he exhaled the thick smoke from his nose. "Ever since Pierre and I broke up, I never entered a serious relationship again. I don't like showing people how weak I am."

She was still in the middle of processing Anthony's words and answers. Even she herself doesn't know why she's so interested, specially when it comes to his love affairs. The only thing that she knows is that she has to know more... Or if He's...

"Are you seeing someone right now? Girl or boy or whatever is your type?" She asked with a straight face, making Anthony look at her. "I mean, are you fucking anyone on the side? Or is it just me?"

Anthony's eyebrows raised at the question. "What do you mean?"

The room was starting to get a little bit hot and it feels like she's standing on thin ice. Suddenly, she feels out of breath, like something was squeezing her lungs and someone is punching her stomach repeatedly. "What I mean to say is..." She swallowed against her throat and looked at him straight in the eye. She knows that he was just as confused as she was. This is not good, isn't it? "What I wanted to ask is..."

"...who am I to you?"