The Bet & The Gamble

A/N: Hello, everyone! To read the Latest version of this BOOK. Please search The Chase and Seduction of Mr. Lee at Novelcat. Or Libri and the title is The Seduction of Mr. Lee.

Thank you all for reading this up to now. From now on, I will update only at those two Platforms.

And the Chapters are already up to 30. THANK YOU!!!!!

Now, enjoy reading the last update. <3




Rushed breath and heartbeat going up to the point that she felt her blood pressure rising. She almost lost her footing as she takes another step to go down the stairs. The elevator is under maintenance and the other elevator was filled to the brim. She doesn't want to wait in line. So here she is, sweating bullets as she runs on her heels, the stiletto were making loud clacking noises against the cement stairs.

She blames her luck. Why does her best friend had to have that stupid 'Emergency Situation' when the elevator is broken?! This is sheer bad luck indeed. Her body felt so sticky that her ample bosom can be seen through her thin blouse which was now see through because of the sweat.

She was about to take a breath when her phone rang, a tone that indicates she received a message.

From: Bish J.Swallows

Bish where the hell are you???!! I'm in a life or death situation and you're not here yet!!! I need you, now!!! I'm at the cafeteria BTW!!!

If she could only fly or roll her way to the cafeteria, she would. Not because she wants to speed up the process, but because she was so damn tired. She wanted to crawl on the way to the cafeteria, but she dismissed the idea since she'll look like the ghost from The Ring movie series.

So there she was, her heels was loud against the floor. All eyes were on her, as the usual office beauty looked like she's been running for an hour. Her pace speed up when she saw the familiar green door of the cafeteria which separates it from the building. She kicked the door open, looking like Wonder Womanm, trying to save someone from a crime.

And to her dismay, she saw her friend sitting pretty on one of the tables. She even had the tencity to eat a pint of Ice Cream with Taylor Swift's face on the logo.

Her eyes twitched ungracefully at the view. "Mother fucker, you bitch! Judy Ann P. Swallo---"

"Hep,hep,hep." Judy held up her finger and pointed at Nina's direction. "Don't say it. Too embarrassing." She gracefully stood up from her seat and went to the cold and frozen section of their cafeteria. She specifically went to where the ice creams were stored at.

Niña's line of vision was glued to her friend, she was thinking of either chocking her friend to death, maybe grabbing her by the hair and drag her out of this place was a better idea, pull her up the stairs and then push her off the top floor.

Or maybe she'll chop Judy into pieces, then feed her body to her pet Butch --- a 156 pounds Alaskan Malamute.

She silently watched as Judy paid for another pint of ice cream. She had the audacity to smile, her perfectly lined teeth showing.

Judy then walked closer to her friend who was clearly sending her death glares. When they were standing face to face, the smile never wavered from Judy's lips as she hands over the cold ice cream and a bundle of tissue to her friend. "Eat first, Nina my sweetie-pie." She said in a singsong tone, sounding much like Nina's grandmother.

Her eyes were twitching in anger and her lips curved down into a scowl as Judy hands over the ice cream. She wanted to throw the hard pint on her friend's face and walk out. She really didn't want to take it, but since this is the first time Judy had bought something for her, she accepted it with a frown.

"Life of death situation my ass." She grumbled as she takes off the lid of the ice cream. She waited for Judy to hand over a spoon to her, then she took a big chunk from it. She puts a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth and moaned in the relief the coldness of the ice cream gave.

She walked towards the table where Judy was sitting at, and slammed the pint against the table. "You know, I almost tripped and fall on that stairs because of you?! You crazy ass bitch."

"But I'm seriously in a life or death situation here!" Was Judy's defensive answer, but Niña retorted with a loud and annoyed "Then why aren't you dying then?!"

Judy ignored her friend's protest and wrapped her fingers on her friend's wrist. She dragged Niña to the far side of the cafeteria, and forced the latter to seat where there are fewer people.

Nina scratched her non-itchy head and grumbled as she takes a seat on the chair. "Then why did you ask for me then?!" She whined with eyes shut tight. "What the hell do you need?!"

Truth be told, this is not how she usually is. No. She's not. She's a decent woman who's delicately raised by her parents. She's simply in a really desperate situation and there's nothing else that she could think of. "Nina-boo, you need money, right?"

Nina's eyes narrowed after hearing the question. Yes, it's true, Judy may be butt-shit crazy and she's in a tight budget but she was never the type of person to talk about finances so openly. This is actually the first time she heard that kind of question from her friend.

Even though she doesn't know what Judy is really thinking, she simply answered it. "Of course, my parents does not pay for my every need and want. I pay for my credit cards, monthly bills and groceries---"

Nina stopped midway when she remembered the big sum of money that was credited to her card. It was from the game they played at Chrome.

God, that hurt her wallet and affected her budget. "Specially now that my cards keep declining. It's all because you made me pay for every appetizer and drinks you ordered at Chrome! You and Lissa are both shameless. Shameless!"

Upon remembering what happened at the Bar, Judy can't help but feel a bit sheepish. "I'm sorry Nina-boo~ You're richer than me and you promised you'll pay for everything, so that's on you." Judy teased with a smile.

Though Nina was still irritated, she decided to let it go and go back to their main subject. "And why are you so suddenly talking about money, bish?" Niña asked out of curiosity. She dig the spoon against the pint and ate a spoonful of ice cream before turning her attention at Judy. "Do you have monetary issues?"

Judy pouted and her face slumped down. She was clearly down and had a lot of things to think about. She scratched her chin a few times before looking back at her friend who was obviously staring.

She really wasn't sure how Nina would react. She know's how much of a simpleton Nina is, though she really is smart. And of course, knowing Nina, Judy knows she'll do anything for a close friend. She just have to ease Niña into it.

With a smirk, she leaned forward and prompted her elbows against the cold metal table. Then she relaxed and placed her jaw against her palms. "Nina-boo, you want easy money?"

"Is that even a question?" Niña answered with much sarcasm in her voice. "I mean, who wouldn't? All of us would love that... wouldn't you?"

Never did a devilish laugh sound so loud in her head, as if her plans had already succeeded. Judy smiled and said. "Really? I mean, I would too." There was a hint of teasing in her bright features. "I need it because I'm not from a family like yours. Your Dad is like this rich businessman, and my father is just a regular salary man. I even give some of cut to my Mom, and I even pay for my own rent."

This was her chance, she thought as Niña looked at her with curious eyes. "But you know... there is really a way for us to get instant money..." She paused when she saw the hint of spark and interest in Nina's eyes, though she sensed fear as well."...There's a tinnie-tiny risk though."

Since the three of them became friends, she never felt fear or hatred or repulsion against them. Not even when Lissa is going through another one of those manic sexcapades --- which is really disturbing.

"Ju---Judy..." Niña almost stuttered. "Do---don't tell me you're going to do drugs? You know there are other ways to earn money right? Don't be swayed by those criminals. I know you know better than that. And what happens if you get caught? You'll be like one of those girls in Orange-Is-The-New-Black, series. I know you're gangster and all, but lay it low..."

Judy burst into laughter when she heard what Nina had to say. "Girl, you're more imaginative than I thought! You're really trippin now, aren't yah?" Was her loud reply, another slang of her came out. "That's not what I mean, bish!"

"Well, you started it!" Niña retorted. Her face flushed of red. "You kept on saying easy-money, easy-money. Well, drugs is one of the easy money that I could think of!"

"It's not drug related, fool!"

"Then what is it then?! Is it sex related?" Was Nina's quirky reply.

Judy stood up from her seat abruptly that it made Nina flinch. She circled around until she's on the other side of the table and sat near where Nina was. "Gambling! I was gonna say gambling, you dimwit!" She hissed against Niña's ears. "That's another way of earning easy cha-ching's, right?"

Even though she's not yet over the fact that her friend almost went total gangster on her, Nina can't help but stare at Judy with a funny look on her face. "Gamble? Like betting? Or playing cards at the casino? That kind of gamble?" She never thought that Judy would be this serious. "Gambling?" She repeated. "For what? What will we be gambling about?"

And at last. Finally, she got Niña's attention. "About Lissa and Mr. Lee."

Niña's forehead creased then stared at Judy in the eye. "What about them?" If she was curious before, now she's itching to know. "What about those two?"

'Caught you, bish!' Judy's inner Beyonce' almost screamed in her mind. "You really don't notice what's going on between those two?"

If Nina was confused before, now she's completely perplexed. "If I know what you're talking about do you think I'll be asking your dumb ass about it? Jeez..." Was Nina's irritated remark. "You stupid, bish."

Judy sighed and rolled her eyes. If only she did not need the money, then she would've slapped Nina behind her head. She's almost as dull as a dishwasher.

"I think they have something going on." Was her fast reply. She leaned in closer to Nina and said "There's something going on, I saw and felt it when we were playing games in the bar." She smiled when Nina looked at her with that familiar questioning look. And then Judy said "I think they're hiding something from you and me. I don't know what's going on but I feel some sort of sexual tension between them."

Nina's forehead raised and her eyes went wide. She tried her best to recall any memory she had of what happened that night. Its not just by the tell-tale signs of how Lissa is acting. No. It's not that simple.

It's how she tosses her hair to the side and its how she smiles. It's how she ignores other men that were trying to hit on her. Before, Lissa would chase any good looking stud she could spot at the bar. It's when she noticed how Lissa glowed whenever she's near Anthony.

And then, she reached her epiphany. "Oh, fuck. You're right..." She gasped as if she saw the revelation. Specially since she remembered how Anthony was when they were playing and drinking. Even as they parted ways. "You're right... there is something going on there."

"So, are you in?"

Nina was still in deep thought, then she snapped. "But he said he's bisexual though. And he often says he prefers men over women. Doesn't that make him gay?" She added inquisitively. "Don't you think we're being delusional?"

Judy shook her head and laughed at how innocent Nina's mind can be. "So, what's your bet? I bet they're something going on between them, I feel like... they're sleeping around or fooling around. If I'm right, you're going to pay for my rent for three months... and you're going to give me a free ride home. Every. Single. Day." Judy said, emphasizing the last words she said.

Nina's eyes widened at the stake. She actually computed how much that'll be. And that surely will beat her paycheck to a pulp.

'But isn't this interesting?' Nina said to herself.

"Okay." Niña answered with a smile. "Then... I bet that they're in a secret relationship. And if I win..." A sly smirk played on her lips when a playful idea came into her mind. "'ll be paying three of my cards. No minimum pay allow. For a whole month."

She smiled again, this time rephrasing her ordeal. "Three of my credit cards."