Demons Can Get Sick Too

Another day at the office yet he can't help but think that something is wrong. Like something is missing. He was out of it and was staring at a far distance, and he doesn't like how he's doing a lot of that lately.

He's on a cigarette break at the smoking area with a lit cigarette is clip between his index and middle finger. He tapped the cigarette against the ashtray twice, until the ash building up on the tip fell on the crystal astray.

He inhaled another breath of smoke, and then he looked at the building ashes on the compacted crystal.

There wasn't a day that he can't help but think of what he has done. And now, the devil in his nightmares is about to step out of his dreams and haunt him in his reality.

A sin he has made is about to kick him back in the ass, and he can feel it coming... Soon.

At first, he did not know what to do, but at that kind of situation... who would? Specially now that he has this... Mixed and unusual feelings for Lissa. And whatever he was feeling was confirmed after a few days had passed since they last talked.

He dragged a long and deep breath from the cigarette butt and let the memories flow as he let's the nicotine engage in his system.




"...who am I to you?"

He's not stupid to not know what Lissa is trying to say. He just don't know what to say, and how to react. Normally he would just smile and say how the woman in front of him was losing her mind, or Lissa just sniffed another series of unnamed and unidentified drug.

Maybe he'll even go with the flow and play along with her.

But this time, he can't seem to do any of those things. He was simply staring at her face, specially at her wide and glistening eyes, and he saw how genuine they were. The question was almost innocent, and he didn't know what to think of it.

"What was your question again?" Was the only thing that he can say. How stupid.

Lissa smiled, and was seemingly unfazed by his question. "I said..." Lissa leaned closer, their nose almost touched. "What do you think of me? Who am I to you, hm?"

Anthony stared at Lissa for a good while. A part of him wants to bite Lissa's pouty lips from her pretty face, and then there's also this part of him that wants to drag her down and choke her neck until she screams as he fucks her ass raw.

Then there's this small spec inside of him that wants to treat Lissa like a lamb, as if she's just a fragile thing.

"God, I can smell your morning breath." He said with a smirk, fanning on his nose while slightly pushing Lissa away. She was simply too close. "Didn't you brush your teeth?"

Lissa gave him an annoyed look and only leaned back to slam her hard head against his, almost making Anthony see stars, and not in a good way.

"Ouch, what the hell!" Anthony groaned, closing his eyes as he caressed his forehead. Who knew Lissa's head could be as hard as rock. "The fuck was that for?"

"It's your fault!" Was Lissa's loud protest, she turned her head and exhaled loudly, trying to check if her breath really smelled bad. Her cheeks blushed when her breath still stank from the chicken and kim-chi that she ate. "Well, your breath is stinky as well! And I don't have a toothbrush here..."

"Ah..." Anthony smirked as he inch closer at Lissa. "Are you saying I'm a stinky breath like you?"

"Yes!" Was Lissa's loud and irritated reply. "It actually smells like a foot that had been wearing a sock for weeks and it got wet in the rain. In short, it smells like a foot, more like poop."

Anthony latched on Lissa until he was almost laying on top of her, just until his foot was on top of Lissa's nose. He pressed it against her face even more, forcing the latter to sniff it. "There, that's what a foot smell like. Enjoy."

There it is again. Their children like antics and laughter resounded inside Anthony's condominium. Lissa's question was long forgotten and the loud sound of laughter and a thud against the floor resounded when Anthony fell on the sofa, Lissa pushing him off her.

Anthony then pulled Lissa down by dragging her by the arm, then he circled his hands around her waist. Lissa landed on top of Anthony, their laughter never subsided.

"God, you're heavy!" Was Anthony's loud protest when he felt Lissa's weight on top of his torso. He grabbed her by the waist and tried to push her off him.

Lissa slipped from his torso and her thighs scrapped against Anthony's crotch.

A soft moan came out from Anthony's lips, his eyes widened immediately after realizing what just happened. And as predicted, Lissa stared at him. A look so hungry that he has seen before. She looked like she wanted to eat him whole.

"I know we're just playing..." Lissa Eyed Anthony's crotch area and she smiled even wider when she noticed a tent forming --- his member getting hard against her. "...But I think something else wants to come out and play."

Anthony gasped for air when he felt Lissa's hand slip inside his boxers, the warmth of the palm of her hand sent tingles in his spine when her fingers encircled around his engorging length.

"Just let me..." Warm series of breath hits Anthony's face, and her words sounded so sinful against his ears. "...I swear I'll make you feel good."

Soft skin against his body and an aching need to be fulfilled. Anthony watched as Lissa slowly craw down on him till her lips touched his crotch. She placed a soft kiss against his length, soon enough fingers were hooked on the hem of his boxers, letting his engorged member out, it slapped against his skin, just below his navel.

"Just think of this as lip service." Never did a woman's voice sound so alluring. And Lissa was doing all the right things to him. "Then if you feel good and is satisfied..." Lissa wrapped her hands around his length, she bent down until her lips touched the head. "...can you do me good, as a reward?"


He was snapped back to reality when someone from behind tapped his shoulder. He turned to his back and smiled at the perpetrator of his imaginings. It was Judy, the girl from the Human Resources department. A friend of Lissa, as he remembered.

"You called for me, Mr. Lee? Sorry I was delayed for a brief moment, I had some previous engagement from the warehouse and accounting department." Judy addressed him politely. She was holding a cup of Espresso on her hand, and a sandwich on the other. "Why did you call for me, Mr. Lee?"

He smiled at her brightly as a response. "No problem with that." He accepted the snacks from the lady and gave thanks. "Thank you for this. And, can you do something for me?" He asked after taking a sip from the venti cup.

"Of course, Mr. Lee."

"Please call Ms. de Leon for me." His request was quiet and his face remained expressionless. "Tell her to meet me at my office later."

As expected, he is calling for Lissa again. She's been Lissa and Mr. Lee's buddy whenever the supervisor needs his assistant. Judy chirped in her mind and it resonated on her face through a smile. "Uhm, one problem, Mr. Lee. She's not here though."

It was an unconscious thing, and it was the most unconscious thing that he did. Normally he's stoic whenever one or two employees did not show up at work, but at the time he couldn't control his emotion and it showed in his face.

And Judy noticed it in an instant. She isn't a Psychology major for nothing. "Something wrong, Mr. Lee?"

Anthony frowned before finishing his coffee. "Since when?" Was his quick question. "Is this the reason why the meeting between the Marketing and Advertising department had been on hold for two days?"

Judy nodded and looked at Anthony in the eye, trying to read through his actions. She smiled at him and said "Yes, Mr. Lee. She's absent with sick leave..." Judy fetched her phone from her pocket and looked at the employees scheduling. "...for two days."

'Two days?' Anthony thought to himself, making his brows furrow. "She's not seriously ill, is she?"

Judy can't help but give herself a mental tap in the shoulder. With this thing between Mr. Lee and Lissa, for sure, she'll be winning that bet. "It's just because of fatigue and she had been feeling of lately. I think her medical certificate said it was flu or something."

Judy was about to leave then she remembered that Lissa was all alone in their home. Lolita went back to Mexico for a few days, something about fixing their land title or something like that. "...and Nina and I plan to visit her. I think she have food on the fridge, not sure about medicines thought."

"Isn't her mother home?" Anthony quickly asked, he was starting to get worried.

"Uhm, no. She isn't home." She shook her head. "She's actually at Mexico. Lissa said her mother is fixing the land title on their house there. Since her father is busy with work, and her sister is studying abroad."

Again, he was never the type of person to be so impulsive. "Tell the other supervisors that I'll be leaving early then. Can you also tell other the cleaning lady to not touch the paper works on top of my table? I still have to pass those to the Director later."

Anthony fisted his pocket to grab a box of cigarette. He flicked off the case and took one. "Also, cancel our meeting later." He said as he lights another cigarette.

Judy gulped against the lump on her throat and looked at Anthony. "Uhm, sure. Mr. Lee.." Suddenly, she doesn't feel like she'll win the bet. Maybe its time she talks Nina out of it. "May I ask why?"


Anthony kept his eyes on the road as he drives with one hand and a phone on the other. His forehead was creased, and one of his fingers kept on tapping against the steering uncontrollably. He had been dialing the number for god knows how many times, and for so long that he was starting to get impatient.

A few more rings, finally his mother decided to answer the call. He understand that she's busy, since she is the wife of a prestigious CEO at an established company in Korea.

"Hello, Mom?" There was a hint of sweetness in his voice. A hobby that he never learnt to let go of. "How are you?"

The lady's sweet and soft laugh resounded in the speakers.

'I'm doing well, sorry, it's a bit loud in here.' She answered, the were a lot of background noises, he figured that maybe she's in a meeting.

"Ah. It's fine Mom. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. How's Dad?"

"He is fine as well. When are you coming to Korea? We're getting old, you know. Someone has to manage the business for us... your Dad and I plan to retire soon and have a much needed vacation in the Bahamas."

"Well, I'll think about it." He smiled upon hearing her voice. "Ma, can I ask you question?"

'Of course, my son. What is it?'

Anthony pursed dry lips. He licks it and then let his lips out with a pop. "Well, remember the soup you usually make for me whenever I'm sick?"

There was a soft laughter on the other line. 'Why, who are you going to make it for.'

'Ah, for a friend.' He answered with a smile. 'Can you send me the list of ingredients and the recipe?'

Mrs. Lee laughed, but it was subtle and short lived. 'Ah... whoever this person is must be special. I want to meet this person soon. Okay?'