Of Medicines and Hot Touches

It was a trick question. And Anthony took notice of it immediately. He knows that Lissa likes him. Or maybe she feels this infatuation towards him, like a high school girl crush. But, since it's Lissa, how she expresses it is out of the ordinary. Be it in her own creepy and unique way of liking another person.

"Clearly you are losing your mind... maybe from the high fever?" He teased with a smirk.

But being the man that he is, he will not easily give in to her whims and twisted way of thinking. It's not just because of Lissa's aggression or her unfiltered mouth, or her overly excited libido that can tired man... it's not that. None of those things.

It's the actual fact that Lissa have no experience when it comes to having a relationship. A real, loving relationship.

Both of them are so fucked up that if they tried something else... it may actually lead to something so bad, none of them may recover.

Something like this is beyond him. But since he's here, he pondered that he'd tell the truth.

"Ms. Swallows, a friend of yours told me you were sick. And she also told me that your mother isn't home. So... as the standing supervisor in the office, I decided to visit you, and you're also a friend, so I was concerned." Anthony answered professionally, like he was answering a question for an interview that he need to ace.

A hint of disbelief was seen in Lissa's features. A frown showed on her lips before she chuckled unceremoniously, shaking her head as she did.

"You know, just you wait... Mr. Lee." She said as she giggled, like a crazy woman on the streets. "...just wait and see. The love potion that my Mom put on your food will work. She really bought it from the Bruja. It will work, just you wait..."

Anthony shook his head and gave Lissa a soft smile. He placed his hand on top of Lissa's head and disheveled her sticky --- oily hair.

When he remembered that she haven't bathed for days, he immediately retracted his hand, as if he touched something utterly disgusting. "Shit... so sticky." Was his loud complaint, and his face says it all. "Can't you at least clean yourself with baby wipes or something? You look like you've been gang-banged a few times."

"I heard that feels good though!" Lissa winked at him and her eyes were sparkling and glistening, and no, it's not because of the flu.

Then, Lissa had an idea. She pushed off the covers from her body then slowly, she crawled on the bed until she was near enough to place her hand on Anthony's thigh. "You know..." Lissa placed her hand against Anthony's soft cheeks and caressed it lightly. "...there's an old Mexican saying that sex can make any illness better. Specially the flu."

Lissa bit her underlip when Anthony looked at her. Even through her most haggard and worn-out state, she knows she's not ugly.

So with a swift move of her fingertips, her hands went straight to Anthony's crotch. Cupping a feel and traced her finger on his hardening member, just enough for him to get a feel. "...maybe you want to give me a taste of your syrup? I swear, I'll drink it all like a good girl."

Anthony can't help but shake his head at Lissa's personality. He rolled his eyes and stood up from his seat, pushing off her hand away from him at the process. Even when she's sick, all she could think about is sex. "Whatever..."

"Where are you going?" She asked and looked a bit upset.

Anthony looked back at Lissa then peaked his tongue out like a kid. "I'm going to make some Kim-Chi soup for you... it helps relieves the sinusitis, and probably ease your headache."

Even though she forced herself not to, Lissa can't help but smile after hearing what Andrew had to say. "Ah... you know, just tell me the truth." Was her playful teasing to the man. "...you really like me, do you?"

Anthony was facing the door, he looked at Lissa and laughed after seeing her face. She looked so happy, she kind of looked like Tinky-Winky from the Teletubbies. "Think whatever you want to, let your imagination run wild. I don't care." Was his answer before shutting the door.


Time passed by so quickly on that day. He failed to notice the time and that it was already one o'clock, just an hour past midnight. He was driving on the way home from Lissa's place, who knew he'd stay day for a long time.

He really did cook the Kim-Chi stew for her since Lissa was basically as ill and as weak as lamb. Though he was tempted to let Lissa take care of herself since she's a grown ass woman, but Anthony dismissed the idea.

He felt somewhat guilty of leaving her behind without proper food to eat. He even cleaned their filthy house.

Truth be told, he wasn't that concerned. He simply doesn't want Lissa to cook and ruin a family honed recipe, and he doesn't want to share the procedure as well, as only family is allowed to know the process on how to cook it.

He doesn't want to let Lissa clean either, since she had always been a scattered brain and he thought maybe Lissa will probably fuck up cleaning the house. In short, he cleaned and tidied up the place.

It was all because of his parent's moral and teaching. As they've taught him, a place of healing should be a place where a clean person would be staying.

And of course, Lissa needs to go back to work. And how could she, when she's sick. Yes. That's it. Because she's a good employee... And a good friend.

When his shoulder felt numb and he was practically dragging himself to reach his condominium, that's when he realized how tired and burnt out he was. He slumped in his wide leather sofa then tossed the car keys somewhere near the ashtray.

He let out a long sigh as he massage his tired shoulders. And silently he's hoping that whatever flue or virus Lissa has, he won't catch it.

As usual, he picked his cigarette box from his pocket and plucks out a stick. A habit of his before he showered. Sometimes he smokes two to three cigarette sticks, depending on his mood. He was about to light the cigarette when his phone vibrated against his back pocket.

He was a bit out of it when he grabs the phone from his pocket and checked the message. On cue, like it has been for a few weeks since they've became close, he smiled unconsciously when he saw the name of the person who sent him the message.




(Curly) LissaMonalissa@gsnail.com

Hi Mr. Lee! Thanks for taking care of me today! If only I was feeling a little bit better, for sure your cock would be shoved down my throat you're gonna see stars!!!!! And knowing you, you'll let me, cause you secretly love me. LOLOLOL. I hate that i'm sick. cause I couldnt have a taste of your vitamins. your Vitamin C!!!!! LOL. I wuv you. And i know that you know that too~~~~~ I wish I was sick everyday so you'd always take care of meeeee! JK. ROFL. See you! <3




Anthony bit his lips as to prevent himself from smiling. He temporarily placed the phone on the table so that he can light up another cigarette. After inhaling through the filter, he took the phone and replied with a smirk.




(Mr. Lee) anthony.lee@gsnail.com

You're being weird again. I'll think about it your offer, maybe I'll let you taste it if I'm in the mood. Maybe next time. Jk. ✌ Sleep well, curly. Take care.




For the last time, he breathed against the filter of the cigarette before he smudged the embers against the ashtray. He tossed the cigarette aside then walked towards the balcony with a new found energy inside of him.

Whatever this kind of emotion is, it's different. It's not love nor is it lust. It's a need but not to the point where you'll latch and never let go. It's not like an addiction that you want to control yet you can't.

It's more of a want. A type of emotion that's a bit Fucked-up, even for him.

This was way different from his first relationship as well as his second. But one thing is similar though...

There's something in Lissa that he can't get enough of. And every time something happens between them. Whether it's sex or something innocent. But whatever it is, he's getting more and more hooked. The dominant bastard inside of him comes out whenever he's with Lissa.

He remembered how her skin felt against his tongue. How his teeth digs in her flesh as he bites against her shoulder. And how his touch makes Lissa go wild and almost insane with pleasure.

At first, he thought nothing would ever happen to them again after their deal regarding his agreement with Tess. He thought that was that, and nothing more. But he was wrong. For the taste of her kiss was like a drug and the feel of their sex was like poison.

And somehow, he feels a bit... Enslaved by it.

A lust like love. A burnt-out fire rekindled by a stronger flame.

And he thinks, this is getting interesting, but even though this is getting fun, someday it'll end. He won't be staying here for long anyway. He has responsibilities back in Korea, and this company, this job is only his training ground.

He is destined for something bigger, and his father is getting impatient. Lee Taec Yun is his father, the CEO who owns half of Korea's Plastic Surgery empire. As well as a few malls and hotels.

This is one of the reason why he can't take Lissa seriously. He'll end up leaving her anyway, so why bother. With all of that in mind, he lights up another cigarette.


After two days resting and fighting against the flu, Lissa woke up with a different kind of energy. She felt so relaxed and well rested that it feels like she's on vacation leave for a whole month.

Wearing her usual corporate attire and the same blood red lipstick as her shade, she held her head up high as she march towards their office. The elevator opened and almost on cue, she strutted along the hallways like a Victoria's Secret model.

She crossed paths with Grizzel, and as always she gave the secretary a big grin, flashing her pearly rows of teeth.

"Someone is extra happy and pretty today. You look refreshed, girl!" Was Grizzel's greeting to hear, reciprocating the smile she had received. And as a reply Lissa said "No time like the present, girl."

When she arrived at her cubicle, she immediately opened her PC to check everything that she missed since her absence. Being the A.D. assistance is no joke, and since she's gone for days, a lot of things need to be updated and checked.

She needs to make everything smooth and up and running again. In short, she missed a lot of things from her absence and she needs to make up for it.

Specially now since there are rumors going around the company. That there will be rotations going on and about with the sister company of JD&A which is WLanguages.

It was still a rumor, but as she heard from Judy, there's a high chance that they'll be seeing new faces and some people will be missing in action as well.

Not as dead-weight this time, but just swapping of Employees, to see who is really effective and who is not.

Lissa was busying herself with checking out the documents, when suddenly she felt a hand against her shoulder, making her jump from her chair. "Mother---fuck, Judy!" She screamed when she turned her head and saw Judy's face, full of smile and sunshine and all that shit that goes along with it. "Fuck, you're going to give me a heart attack!"

Judy only giggled, her eyes forming a crescent shape as she gave Lissa a wide smile. "Welcome back!" Was her cheerful greeting to one of her best friend. She handed over something to Lissa, it was a piece of paper that contains how many deductions Lissa's payroll will suffer from because of her absences.

Again, Judy smiled at her and said "Hey, don't think of me bad, it's part of the process and mind you, you don't have enough sickleaves." And then, she walked away.

Lissa could only grumble and curse under her breath when she saw how much money she will lose. She slammed her forehead against the desk, making other employees flinch as they were trying to concentrate.

"Ugh, fuck my life." Lissa grumbled, her head still against the desk.