A Taste of Vitamin C

It was a quarter before lunch when Lissa received a message from Anthony. It wasn't long, and doesn't contain any sweet words to make her giggle and melt from the sweetness. But it was enough to make her day even brighter, and her smile even wider.


(Mr. Lee) anthony.lee@gsnail.com

I heard you're back from sick leave. Good to hear. Lunch?


If this message came from others such as Judy and Nina, she wouldn't be this ecstatic. Just by looking at the message, there's no hint of longing and happiness in it. Just a usual greeting from an higher up to his or her subordinate.

But this was different for Lissa.

Her tongue peaked out as she types, her long nails making tapping sounds against the phone of her screen.


(Curly) LissaMonalissa@gsnail.com

I would love to eat lunch with you!!!! But i'd like it better if you're my dessert... yummm. Can I have a taste of your vitamin c now? I'm all better and I think i deserve it. huehuehue!


She smiled stupidly as she sent the message. She felt like a high school girl, chasing after the hottest guy in school. She bites her lips to prevent another one of those wide smiles from coming out, her cheeks were already hurting from smiling.

As her lips were pursed, she let out continuous giggles, sounding much like a rabbit on a rut after receiving a reply from Anthony.


(Mr. Lee) anthony.lee@gsnail.com

Lol. What kind of vitamin c are you talking about? Tablet, capsule or syrup? We'll buy it on the way to lunch. See you later.


Lissa danced on her seat and continued typing. It wouldn't take long for her to see Anthony again. After all, it's only 15 minutes left till lunch time. She thinks of where they can eat out since their lunch break last for an hour and 15 minutes only.

She dismissed the idea after remembering there are a lot of fast food chains near their building.


The sound of loud tapping noises can be heard at the small parking lot on the top floor of their building. Lissa had been waiting for 5 minutes for someone to come out of that elevator but felt like she's waiting in vain.

Anthony was not the type of person to be this late. But since it's only a few minutes, then she let it past and withhold her shortening temper. She is not usually like this, it's just that she's starving. She only had coffee for breakfast since there's nothing left to cook at home.

She had been talking to her mother, Lolita, yesterday. And it seemed like Lolita will be staying there for a few months. It's a blessing, she once told herself as it had been a long-life dream of hers to taste a bit of tranquility at home without hearing the long-repetitive lectures of her mother.

But now that the wish had come true, she needs to adjust her lifestyle like any other young adults who are living on their own. She needs to have weekly schedules of going to the nearest farmers market. She have to learn how to budget --- maybe she'll stop her monthly subscription to Pornhub for a while.

She made raspberry sounds while rolling her eyes when she finally saw the red light lit up on the arrow pointing upwards on elevator. 'Finally!' She screamed to herself.

A second later, there he was. The elevator door slowly revealed Anthony's handsome features. He was wearing his usual glasses, something that Lissa had always find sexy. He looks like the Asian version of Clark Kent --- being half Korean and Half American and all.

She bites her lower lip as she stared at Anthony from head to toe, minding how he looked extra fine today.

His hair was slick and styled neatly and he looked like he just got a haircut. He was sporting an undercut and his hair was cut to a style that makes him look like a model.

Lissa's drool almost dribbled from her parted lips. Yes, Anthony is already hot. But now, he looks ravishing.

He was also wearing a grey suit --- fitting him like a glove. The lean muscles on his arms can be traced against the beautifully stitched and possibly hand-made suit.

"Someone looks extra delicious." Lissa noted, looking at Anthony from head to toe for the nth time. "What's with the look?"

Anthony gave Lissa a pleased smile, and looked like he was genuinely flattered by Lissa's predatory like compliments. "I'll tell you later." Was his reply as he continued to walk towards her, his hands sliding down his pocket to grab his car keys. "Let's eat first... I'm starving."


They drove to the nearest fast food chain which was DFC --- one of the best places for fried chicken, one of Anthony's favorite chains. And as he says, it's Deliciously, Finger Licking good.

They've ordered the usual. Burger, fried chicken and a salad on the side for Anthony. And a salad and some chicken nuggets for Lissa with ice cream for dessert.

They were halfway done with their lunch when Anthony suddenly spoke, asking the most random questions to Lissa.

"So, what kind of vitamin C are you talking about?" He asked before taking another bite from his half eaten burger. He swallowed and added "Tablet, capsule or syrup?"

Lissa giggled like a fool after hearing the question. Of course, Anthony isn't aware of a joke of this level. "Vitamin C..." She repeated with a smile. "...it can't be a capsule, syrup or tablet or anything like that." She answered, with a crooked grin.

Anthony's brows raised. "Why? Is it a different vitamin or is mixed with other types of minerals?"

This time, Lissa laughed out loud, making some customers look at their direction. "No..."

Again, Anthony was left stupefied. "Then tell me, what is it?"

Lissa perked up and seemingly bobbed her head to the side and danced a little. "Vitamin C. Vitamin Cum... from your dick."

Anthony froze in place and stopped chewing on his food midway. Good thing he wasn't drinking from his cup. Or else he would've spewed all of it at himself and Lissa. He simply composed himself as he always do and said "Dirty mouth." But it's too late since the evidence of his flustered reaction can be seen through his reddening cheeks.

Lissa let out another smirk. "You should know..." And then gave Anthony a wink. "...and since you've agreed giving it to me so eagerly, can I have a taste?"

Anthony sent daggers at Lissa's way. He did not reply, instead he kicked Lissa from underneath the table, making her flinch.

He could already feel a people staring at the two of men. And he can hear some of those people whispering and pointing at them. Maybe their conversation was overheard.

Anthony faked a cough, and then told Lissa to finish what she's eating, fast. "Eat up. We're going to go."


Anthony parked his car at the same parking space, at the farthest available lot. Good thing the windows of the car was tinted, or else the passerby's would be able to spot what they're doing and could possibly report the two of them for public indecency.

Anthony arched his neck when Lissa sucked noisily at the head of his aching length. He lets out the moan as Lissa's tongue circled around the head.

His fingers were laced and pulling against her curly hair. She was expertly teasing the head while her hands rubbed and did an up and down motion at the shaft.

Anthony looked down at Lissa, his half lidded eyes staring at her head full of hair, watching as Lissa's head bobbed up and down. He hissed when her fingers traveled down his balls, playing with the sensitive area, eliciting a loud moan from him.

"Fuck!" His nails dug unto her head, the blunt nails scrapping against her scalp.

Lissa moaned at the stinging sensation, the vibrations from her throat sending a different kind of sensation to the man she's servicing.

"God, how are you so good at this..." Anthony hissed as he tugged Lissa's head full of hair up making her wince. When their faces were aligned, he gave her a kiss. A little too aggressive that their teeth crashed as their lips locked.

As they continued to exchange heated kisses, Lissa's continued to play with Anthony's length using her hand. Her saliva from before was enough lubrication and it made Anthony see stars.

She lets go from the kiss, her lips travelling down his jaw and down to his neck. Lissa nibbled against Anthony's skin, she's tempted to suck on it to leave hickey's but decided not to since Anthony doesn't like it when she leaves a mark.

"I'm close." Anthony whispered to her ears, making the hairs on her back stand up. His breath was so hot against her skin that she's tempted to take off her sticky underwear and ride him to the abyss.

But maybe she'll reserve the thought for some other time.

Lissa bent down to circle her lips against the tip of Anthony's cock, as her hand gives a few pumps until she felt his cum against the roof of her mouth and the back of her throat. She swallowed as her tongue teases the head, making Anthony his and groan at the sheer pleasure.

"Ah... Lissa!"

Just hearing her name come out from Anthony's lips is enough to spark her libido. And she's already dripping wet down there.

After sucking off the last drop, Lissa lifts her head and smiled at Anthony who looks like he's still in a trance. His face was red and his eyes were partly closed. His lips were parted and he was sweating.

"Thanks for the vitamins..." She teased, licking her lips right after to make sure there's no spill.


After their short sexcapade, Lissa and Anthony went back to their office as if nothing happened. She retouched her ruined make up, and tied her hair up since Anthony's ruined her hair style, not that she's complaining though.

It's also a good thing that she always brings extra underwear, or else she'll be going to work feeling sticky and all. It's always nice to go to work all freshened up.

Though she's happy that Anthony easily gave in to her wish, something bothered her to the core when Anthony told her that what Judy was saying is true.

It was the decision of their COO. And hopefully, she won't be a part of those employees who is going to be swapped with their sister company for two months.

She can't help but worry that Anthony's actions was a parting gift. The anxious woman inside of her simply lingered on the idea. And she hated it.

She opened her PC and began to read and scroll down all the documents that she needed to go through and double check. She began to type when she saw some errors and wrong spelling of the promotional activities that's being pitched by the Marketing Department.

A few more minutes, and her colleagues came back from lunch as well. She was almost ten minutes earlier than they were. The sound of their keyboards clacking and clicking can be heard throughout the room.

As soon as the clock hit 1 o'clock sharp, everyone began to work and open up their PC's. Because every personnel is a candidate for the swap --- they did their best to show off. Because none of them wanted to be switched and be replaced by someone else, even for just a short period of time.

Everyone was starting up in a good pace and was busying themselves with whatever it is they're doing, until an announcement resounded across their office building.

"All employees please head to the assembly room. Repeat call. All employees except for accounting department, please head to the assembly room."

A/N: please support this story at Novelcat or Libri. It's entitled

Novelcat: the chase and seduction of Mr. Lee.

Libri: the seduction of Mr. Lee.