Worried about me?

Hugo didn't return after that night and only sent someone to bring me a change of clothes and meals. It had been three days since then, and I stayed inside this small room to recuperate. It helped, since the ache in my muscles gradually receded. Although I still had scars as a remembrance from that night, they didn't hinder me from walking around the room.

"Can I go outside?" I wondered while leaning on the windowsill and watching the street fair from here. "It looked fun."

I had witnessed everyone prepare for the festival and now it started. There was a parade earlier, and it was fun to watch. It made me wonder how much fun it was to experience it myself. Maybe it would make me forget all the painful and lovely memories that only brought tears to my eyes every single night.

'But Hugo...' It was then I wondered if I needed his permission to go out. He was my guardian now, after all.

"Should I look for him?" I glanced back at the shut door, staring at it with hesitation. Since the old madam brought me morning and nightdress, I could go out in this commoner's outfit.

I gazed down at my dress and bit my lower lip. It wasn't as grand as what I usually wore, but it strangely felt more comfortable.

I took a deep breath and clutched my skirt. Once I mustered my courage, I marched towards the door, only to stop when I reached for the doorknob.

"Should I really go out?" came out a weak voice, but I grit my teeth and shook my head. "I feel like if I don't look for him, he will not come in here. What if he changes his mind and leaves me?"

I nodded after successfully convincing myself that looking for him was rational. I couldn't stay inside when I've stayed within the palace walls almost my entire life. I took another deep breath and reached for the doorknob.

A subtle smile resurfaced on my face as soon as I touched it. I told myself it was now or never, so I opened the door abruptly. To my surprise, which made me freeze in an instant, Hugo was pacing outside my room.

I blinked twice, watching him turn his head at me with a stunned expression. Why did he look more shocked than I am?

"You..." I murmured as my tongue kept rolling back. "... what are you doing here?"

"I... uh..." Hugo scratched the back of his head as he looked up, pondering for the reason as well. Shortly, he set his eyes back on me and cleared his throat.

"I was just passing by," he explained nonchalantly. "I was actually on my way to my room."

"Passing by...? Is your room near here?" I looked at the steep corridor of the inn, seeing there were a few doors. If his room was just here, why hadn't he visited me? I mean, not that he was obliged to, and I preferred some time alone.

"Ah. yes. At the end — there." He pointed at the end of the corridor, and I nodded upon seeing the last room. It wasn't far from mine.

"How about you? Where are you going?" he asked.

I withdrew my head and gazed up at him. "To look for you?"

"Me?" his brows knitted as he looked at me curiously.

"Hmm. I was worried." I nodded in all honesty. It worried me he would change his mind and leave me all alone in here.

"You are worried?" his brows rose, stunned by my answer. "Worried about me?"

'No, about me.' I bit my tongue from saying that and nodded instead.

His lips formed an O-shape as he rocked his head while averting his eyes away. "Is that so?"

I pressed my lips together and studied him. Hugo covered his lips with the top of his fist as he cleared his throat, and I noticed his red ears.

"Do you have a fever?" I inquired, staring at his burning ears. My assumption only increased when he put down his fist and revealed his flushed cheek.

"Are you..." I trailed off while trying to reach for his forehead, but he stepped back defensively.

"What are you trying to do?" he asked suspiciously, raising his arms as if I wasn't allowed to approach closer.

My fingers curled as I retract my arm back. "I... just want to check if you have a fever."

"Ahh..." I pressed my lips as he looked at me with genuine wonder in his eyes. "Sure. Go check."

To my surprise, Hugo suddenly bent over to offer his offer. Now that it was like this, it felt awkward to check his forehead. But I still had to, right?

"Uh, alright...?"

I slowly raised my hand and planted my palm on his forehead. However, his expression changed to a frown.

"What are you doing?" he asked, and I raised my brows. "That is not how you check someone's fever."


The side of his lips curved down even more. "I said, that is not how you check if someone has a fever, correct?"

I stared at him in confusion. What did he mean by that? Suddenly, I recalled another way which my mother used to do with me back when I was a child. He didn't mean... that, right?

"Tsk. Let me help you remember." Before I could react, Hugo already cupped my jaw, stilling my head as he bent over. My eyes went wide when he rested his forehead against mine. I stiffened when his breath wafted my nose.

"So?" his tone was deep. My eyes crossed and had a glimpse of his shut eyes.

"Uh... you..."


"Yo — you're fine," I stuttered. I heard him let out a brief chuckle before letting me go. Hugo looked at me with a satisfied smirk, while confusion still dominated my face.

"Now that you know I'm fine, go back," he said, jerking his chin at the door behind me.

"But..." my voice lost as he arched his brows. He appeared as though he wouldn't allow me to go.

"But what?" he cocked his head to the side.

"Nothing. I will go back now. Good night." I dragged myself around. In the end, I couldn't ask him if I could go outside. A sigh slipped past my lips when I stepped inside the room.

"Wait," he called, and I stopped, looking back at him.


His eyes studied my eyes for a moment before his lips parted. "Do you want to go out?"

"Really?" I blurted out as my eyes instantly gleamed while pivoting on my heel to face him.

"I knew it you have something else in mind," he murmured as I stepped outside the door once again. "Yes, really. You've been stuck inside here since we arrived."

I looked at him with adoration, pleased that he understood my struggle even just a bit. Hugo gazed down at me and let out a helpless sigh.

"Just don't wander off on your own, alright?" he warned while raising a finger. I instantly nodded in agreement, trying to suppress my excitement, but failed miserably.

My quick answer caused his eyes to narrow suspiciously. He then bent over. Out of instinct, I leaned my head back with my fist in front of my chest.

"Uh... what are you...?" Before I could finish my inquiry, Hugo started sniffing me. My back instantly stiffened, unable to move a muscle. When he was done, he didn't idle and straightened his back.

"Just to be sure, so I know where to find you in case you wander on your own," he explained while walking away. All I could do was stare at his broad back blankly.

'Just to be sure...?' I cut my thoughts short when he looked back and snapped a finger.

"What are you waiting for, Bambi? Come, quick! Let's enjoy the festival." He urged, and I nodded with a firm 'yes!', then promptly followed his tracks.