Still that pup

"... or I might kill someone."

I instantly tensed up as Hugo's voice reeked with killing intent. His grip around my waist tightened, making me feel like I was being embraced by the sun with his body heat. Just what made him so angry to the point he wanted to snap someone's neck?

'Wait... was it my neck he wants to snap?' my eyes dilated, gazing down at him. 'Whatever that upset him, I am the closest to him. So, I am responsible for calming him down."

Afraid to lose my head in a moment of rage, I instinctively wrapped my limbs around him. I rested my chin on top of his head, stroking his back gently.

"Are you just upset?" I asked worriedly, letting out a deep sigh. "Are you sure nothing hurts? You don't hurt anywhere?"

My question somehow made his grip around my waist loosen a bit. It made me think he simply wanted someone to talk to. So with this in mind, I showed a bit more concern. Not that I was faking it. I was sincerely concerned about his welfare.

When I sensed he had calmed down, I drew my head back while he looked up. His face was red as if he was suffering from a fever. This heightened my concern as I instinctively cupped his jaw with both my hands.

"Hugo, are you sure you're alright?" he was hot to the touch, making my heart thump loudly against my chest. "You're burning."

As I panicked, Hugo grabbed my wrist, eyelids fluttering, with his mouth half-open. I set my shaking eyes on him, frowning as his expression told me not to panic.

"I'm fine, Bambi. I'm just not used to suppressing my anger, but I am fine," he reassured, nodding his head lightly. "Just... stay here. You cool me down."

My lips pressed into a thin line, nodding at his request as I lowered my head and rested my forehead against his. Mother used to do this to me whenever I get a headache. I hoped this would help.

"Does this help?" I asked. His hot breaths caressed my upper lips, but it didn't bother me. My initial motive slowly disappeared as I only wish him to get better. I didn't even ask what made him so upset as that wasn't important, knowing his changeable character.

"Helps." He crooned, making me sigh in relief.

"Then close your eyes and rest. I'll stay here until your legs get numb," I promised under my breath, and that seemed to help as he reclined. I didn't know much about werewolves. If anything, I first heard it from Hugo.

Since Hugo and his companions looked and act humans, I didn't raise many questions. But this made me realize they were different. A human body temperature only increased when running a fever, but Hugo felt like he had a fever when he was just simply angry.

With realization rearing its head in my brain, I sort of understood their strange take on things. For example, courtship. Maybe it was not that Hugo was wrong. Maybe, just perhaps, they had a different understanding than normal humans do.

I slowly drew my head back, and my gaze instantly landed on his closed eyes. Still, this slight movement caused his grip around my waist to tighten.

"I won't go," I whispered, sliding down slightly so I could rest my head on his shoulder. "I'll stay, don't worry."

I patted his chest as if to put him to sleep. Now, I felt bad for not being more understanding of them. I stayed silent, humming a tune to soothe him. Since humming had some sort of effect, I hummed a lullaby.

'Hugo is still like that pup,' this thought suddenly crossed my head, recalling the aggressive pup in those memories disguised as dreams. 'Now that I think about it, that pup is so mischievous and full of energy. He enjoyed being petted a lot and cuddles.'

A subtle smile appeared on my lips as I glanced up at him. Although Hugo's body grew, I could still see the resemblance of that pup to him. He just grew taller and his body had more muscle, but he was still that pup. I was certain if that pup turned into a boy, he would still act arrogant.

'I'll be good to you more this time,' I reassured internally, still patting his chest lightly. 'Just get better.'


Back in the ruined kingdom of Everfell, a man sat on the intricate chair in the garden of the inner palace. The castle behind him displayed the disastrous aftermath of that night of the attack several nights ago. His eyes fell down on the withered grass — different from how it used to be after this place got devoured by a large fire.

The man closed his eyes, hearing the sentiments and angry cheers from the people outside. Right now, outside the palace, the rebels they had caught were being publicly executed to appease the masses.

"Your Highness, we received a message from the troops we sent from Althea." A man stood behind the man on the chair, bowing politely as he reported. "They said they were still searching for that runaway princess but still hadn't found her."

The man sitting on the chair slowly opened his eyes, revealing his jet-black eyes that were the same color as his hair. His complexion was pale as if he barely had blood running through his body.

"And why are you telling me such an irrelevant report?" his voice was low and cold as if he could make everything around him freeze. And yet, the man who stood behind him was unfazed by the sudden drop of the temperature.

"They hadn't found the princess just yet, but they said they got a whiff of a werewolf's scent — a werewolf pack in the town of Clayburn."

"Mhm..." the crown prince of Hendrik, Niall, simpered at the interesting news. "How interesting."

"Your Highness, are you planning to set out on your own?"

"No, Raphael." Niall shook his head, turning his head back to his chief knight, Raphael. His smirk remained before a dry chuckle followed.

"Ashton will handle it."