Thank you, Ashton.

"Princess, please don't misunderstand. It's a long story, but… will you listen to me?"

I stared at Ashton for a long time, trying to keep my head clear of suspicion. He was my trusted knight, and I mostly spent time with him back in Everfell. So, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Also, I was curious how was he alive.

"Alright, Ashton." I nodded, calming down with my eyes on him. He offered me a meek smile, heaving a sigh of relief which somehow felt familiar. Ashton was always like this; he would look at me helplessly and I couldn't say no to him.

Ashton took a deep breath before his lips parted. "The night of the attack, my troop and I fought the rebels. At first, we had the upper hand, but something we didn't expect happened. Among the rebels lie monsters we have never seen before. They were strong, too strong. One of them can fight tens of people all at once."