Hugo's Decree

In the throne hall of the castle, everyone was gathered. Knights, head servants, the grand duke's vassal, the core members of the pack, and the family in question. Balthazar along with his wife and sons stood in the middle, where Hugo could see them from his throne. They were all present, aside from Adelia. 

Hugo didn't say much to Rinnie, afraid she would just get worried once he let his mouth run. Although she didn't insist and dwell on the matter, he was certain she was worried. So before he left her, he reassured her that he would make a wise decision.

"Where is Adelia?" he finally broke the stifling silence, but it only replaced an even more dreadful atmosphere. "Bal?"

Balthazar, a middle-aged man, swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he took a deep breath. He raised his head, revealing the slight wrinkle on his face due to his age. Yet his eyes didn't falter, even when he met Hugo's sharp gaze.