Burial II

"Lu — luna... do you know who Abner is?" 

I snapped my eyes at Ivo, who had this aghast expression. They all had this same expression, so I was even more confused. 


"Abner is the previous grand duke." This time, Hugo spoke in a dead tone. "He is the previous grand duke, and he is already dead."

"..." I pressed my lips into a thin line and glanced down at the cub. "Will Bowie accept Abner's skull?"

"Luna, what the hell?" this time, Mitch couldn't contain himself as he hollered from his vantage point. "Why are you talking to that cub?! Did you lose a few screws because of fear?!" 

"What?" I frowned because Mitch was surely a bully. 

"Rinrin, why are you talking to that cub as if you are having a conversation? And who told you about Abner?" I flinched when Hugo's voice felt chilly, making the hair behind my neck raise.