Three years was a long time

Hugo was enjoying a cup of tea in the greenhouse in the imperial palace. The place was still left untouched, with withered leaves scattered on the floor. But that didn't bother him. The mess wasn't worth his attention, but the quietness in this place. 

"Guess who?" A pair of delicate hands covered his eyes from behind, lips stretching playfully. 

"I literally saw you come in, Ida." His voice was low, making Ida pout as she withdrew her hand. 

"How did you see me sneak in? I didn't make a sound." 

He glanced at her, watching her march to the chair across from him. "Your reflection." He pointed at the glass behind her, which made her turn her head to see. 

"And even if I didn't see you, did you really think I won't sense your presence?"

"Ahh... sucks." She clicked her tongue as she set her eyes back at him. "Even so, you should've pretended you didn't see me. How can you spoil your mate's fun?"