I've seen the danger signs

I stared at the moon reigning in the dark night sky, lying on my back to where Niall pinned me down. I didn't know how long had it been since he left, but I didn't come after him. Instead, I stayed in the same spot, paralyzed. 

"What... did I miss?" I whispered, closing my eyes as I took a deep breath. "How come Hugo... has some similarity with him?"

My eyelashes fluttered open ever so slowly. My heart was calmly beating, body fusing on the ground as if its very roots were stilling me. I was quite calm despite the sudden realization that dawned on me. 

"Sudden...?" the side of my lips curled up mockingly, laughing at the thought. "Is it really? Sudden? Rinnie?"

No, it wasn't. 

Deep down, I had seen the signs. I simply ignored them, thinking there was no way Hugo might be the wolf. I was certain the wolf was Daniel, but then again, Hugo's traits shared similarities with the wolf.