Written and Directed by yours truly

A war without shedding blood was impossible in this situation. Our enemy was rotten to the core. Niall wasn't afraid to sacrifice tens of thousands of people. He wouldn't even bat an eye. Meanwhile, although werewolves were powerful creatures, they weren't as heartless as to turn a blind eye to their fellow wolves' death. 

It didn't matter if they were close friends, family, or strangers. If one was wronged, especially if they died in the hands of the vampires, everyone would take it personally. 

"Bowie," I called under my breath, staring at the bonfire while I was sitting on a log outside our tent. "It's happening."

I felt Bowie gaze at my side as he sat down beside me. We had been in Althea for more than a month, helping the said country to recover to its order.