Final Act I: The prophecy of the seven sins II

"Even if you execute me right this moment, you... vampires and witches will always have to look over your shoulders. So, will you lend me your ears before I face my people's judgments?" 

There was a prolonged silence that everyone could hear the crackle of the fire and the sound of metals clashing, people screaming for what they were fighting for, and smoke ascending to the sky. 

Taking their silence as consent, Niall rocked his head. "The child of evil and I... had a blood contract. His blood and mine hatched two seeds. In the distant future, they will reproduce." He paused as he slowly stood up while the others took another step back whilst raising their weapons at him. 

"Seven seeds; a result of seven sins that will endanger our kind to extinction." He faced them squarely, glossing his eyes over them. "You can try to kill the source prematurely, but I'm telling you, harming them will result in destruction."