Now that is something worthy to sweat for.

The night I went out with Sven was full of things I couldn't explain in words. Aside from bantering with him every once in a while, I often found myself smiling over the small things that little town offered.

When we returned, things were the same. No one seemed to have noticed my disappearance — well, Lisha was worried sick since I couldn't really hide anything from her. Although I didn't tell Lisha I was with Sven all night. 

Knock Knock…

I snapped my eyes as I knocked at Paris' chambers. Although I enjoyed last night deep in my heart, I still rose early in the morning to check on my little brother. 

"Paris," I called, turning to my left when I saw a maid approaching. She looked at me with evident surprise on her face while my brows furrowed. She wasn't bringing water for Paris to wash his face, although she should be since it was too early for Paris to get up. Unless he didn't make it here last night.