Chapter 5: Greed!

In the northern region of the Mountains of the Moon, between the Eyrie and the islands of the Three Sisters, loud noises echoed across the area.


Flaming boulders rained down from the sky across the mountain, while water tentacles seemingly swatted them away. The cause of all this chaos was a few yards away, wrapped in a sphere of wind while he ran around a makeshift battlefield with stone soldiers moving to take him out.

Will was trying to create a realistic battle for himself, so he also had blunted stone arrows rain down from the sky, but they were all blown away by his windshield, as he liked to call it. He had lost track of the months he had been up in the mountains, but his progress was astounding.

By themselves, his elements were pretty good, but when combined with each other, it was unreal. With water he could slice boulders in two, but water combined with air was another story. He used the wind to not only push the water faster, but with the pressure the wind added, he could cut steel.

Wind also amplified his flames to burn bigger and hotter, while also speeding along anything he threw made of earth. There was also some minor success in healing, although he still wasn't quite sure how it happened or worked.

He had been training, and without realizing it, he had gotten out of control and a flaming arrow hit him in the stomach, damn well knocking the wind out of him. There was a small burn, and a nasty fucking bruise, but it wasn't life threatening.

Getting his breathing under control, he brought over some water, then manipulated it to move around the affected area. That's where the strange thing happened. The water started glowing, but instead of the water healing his injury, he felt a pull on the magic he used to fuel the bending.

Visible to the naked eye, he watched as the burned skin peeled away and new skin took its place. The bruising that was starting to show, visibly lightened until it was no more. He had a theory that the water just acted as a catalyst, and somehow it knew to pull his magic towards his body. He had been trying to heal the injury, so maybe it worked on intent as well, but he seemed to be missing a step because he couldn't replicate the feat after that.

*Horse neighing!*

Turning to look at the horse in question who was making noise, Will asked, "What the fuck do you want now?!!" It was then he noticed Trojan's ears were moving all around, and he kept striking the ground with his hooves. The horse had done that twice in the past, and in both times something had happened.

The first time, a cougar had been way too close for comfort, and Will lashed out with all his magic. That was when a gust of wind amplified a stone spear he had thrown, piercing the great cat and pinning it to a tree.

The second time, two men dressed in furs were trying to sneak up on them. They both looked like they would kill a man for a copper if given the opportunity, so Will controlled some water to envelope their heads, effectively cutting off their oxygen supply. One man, running around trying to get the water away from him, because he couldn't see where he was going, ran off a bank and impaled himself on a tree branch, while the other slumped to the ground a minute or two later.

So having a distressing feeling in his stomach upon seeing Trojan acting up, Will knelt down and placed both hands on the ground. In Avatar, Toph could use her feet for some odd fucking reason, and never wore shoes. Will on the other hand, loved his boots, and couldn't see shit all with bare feet.

However, his hands were his primary tool for everything, and thinking along that route, he trained himself that way. Also, it wasn't really the vibrations per-se, but like sending magic into the ground like a sonar wave to detect anything around him. The images weren't as clear as the night of the attack on the caravan, but he could make out movement, which direction, and how many.

With his hands to the earth, he sent out his magic around him, and like he suspected, there was something approaching. More like a lot of things! Quickly running to Trojan, Will untied him before mounting up and setting off in a full gallop. All he had to do was ride North for another five minutes to his cave, and he would be in the clear, but he didn't think he had five minutes before they caught up with him.

The howling was getting nearer, and Will could hear something running not too far behind him. Sparing a glance over his shoulder, he saw over a dozen wolves not even 10 yards away from him, causing him to gulp. He would much rather fight bandits!!

Knowing he would need to do something, Will put his right arm behind him and shot over a dozen small fireballs towards each of the wolves, then a jet of flame behind Trojan, thinking that might scare them off. Taking another glance, he saw it did stop them, but it wasn't long before they circled around the tiny bit of flames that were quickly dying out, continuing on towards him.

He didn't have much water on hand at the moment, and all of the water he had in his Inventory was currently in barrels, but he needed another diversion. Reaching for the canteen of water on his saddle, he uncorked it before bending the water to float around his hand.

Sparing another glance over his shoulder, he sent the water towards the closest wolf in a blade-like arc like he had done so many times before, and like he had intended, blood sprayed upward before the wolf fell to the ground dead, not even getting the chance to make a final cry.

The wolves slowed down after that, and Will got to his little make-shift home without another incident. Getting inside the cave, he used earth magic to close a large stone door he already had in place in case he was attacked.

There were tiny openings he could see through, and after getting Trojan into the stall he made for him, Will pulled a crossbow that was almost as big as himself from his inventory, already loaded, and approached the window. Peering outside, he could see movement through the trees, as well as hear some howling from closer than he felt comfortable with.

For a few minutes he waited patiently until finally he got the chance. His aim was true, and a loud yelp was heard, causing Will to do a fist pump. Swapping the now empty crossbow with a loaded one, he waited to see if another wolf would show itself.

For over 2 hours he stood there, moving from window to window to get shots off at the damn things, and by the end of it, he had killed a grand total of 6 wolves. After making sure the remaining wolves were truly gone with his magic, he went out and stored the bodies in his Inventory.

It would take him a while to gut and skin one, then prepare the hide, and trying to do all 6 of them would take a full day, let alone the hour or two he had of sunlight left. Walking back inside the cave, he closed the door before walking over to Trojan's stall.

"Alright, you earned it!" He said, then put 6 apples inside the stall next to the water bucket. There was also a pile of hay, but Will didn't think Trojan would go for it over the apples. The horse had done well, and although he figured he could have gotten out of that if it was just him, it wouldn't have been nearly as easy.

Plus without the warning from Trojan, who knows how close the wolves would have gotten to him before he noticed them. Having lost track of how long he had been up in the mountains, Will figured he may as well go to a town or something and see what was going on.

The Twins were the closest settlement to his position, but Will had no intention of dealing with the Frey's for now. He would ride an extra day to Seagard, where hopefully he could learn any valuable information.


The next morning, Will cleaned up his little cave before he sealed the boulder in front of it to make it look like it was never there in the first place. He left a few items he wouldn't miss, but they were more so if he ever came back in the future he could see how things were. Despite this being his home for however long it was, Will didn't really care all that much about leaving.

This was a brand new world for him, and he had no one holding him back. He had magic, was quite wealthy from everything he had robbed thus far, and could do whatever he wanted for the most part. Riding off towards Seagard, Will made sure to keep an eye out for anything that might be going on around him.

Thankfully the few days on the trail were boring and calm with nothing of note happening. That however changed upon getting to Seagard. Even from a distance, Will could see the soldiers in formation marching off from the town to who the hell knows where. One thing he did take notice of were the banners of a Stag and a Wolf, giving him an idea of what was happening.

Although if the Rebellion had started already, that meant he was in the mountains for over 7 months, and who knows what the hell he missed already. When he finally arrived at the town, no one really took much notice of him, but there were a few people who did take notice of Trojan.

'I guess in times of war, horses are needed everywhere.' Will thought, making sure to not let Trojan out of his sight.

The guards manning the gate to the city charged him 8 coppers to enter, then said he could just use his horse as payment if he didn't have enough. Will paid them the Copper pennies, but made sure to engrave their faces into his memory. If anything happened to Trojan, he would kill these guys first.

Almost immediately after entering the town, Will found a tavern close by that would take care of Trojan, and give him a room for the night for 1 Silver and 20 Copper pennies. Will was going to question the price at first, but after taking into account he had an animal to feed and stable, and this being a time of war where people flock to towns and cities for protection, he figured it was probably reasonable. And if it wasn't, he could always steal more.

It wasn't long before a waitress was bringing him a hot plate of stew and freshly baked bread, smelling as though it was sent from the heavens. Will cleaned his plate, then ordered seconds, having to pay an additional 20 Coppers for it, which he did without a second thought.

It wasn't until he was completely finished that he listened in to the conversations around him, and even struck up a few with some people who were clearly drunk. All it took was paying for a few ales here, a glass of wine there, and they were all more than happy to answer any question he might have.

"WHAT?!!" Will practically shouted, not believing what he was just told. "Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark started their rebellion 6 months ago?" The man who said it before repeated, looking unsure as to what he said that got a reaction like that.

'I wasn't gone for 7 months, I was gone for over a year and then some!!' Will screamed internally. 'But there wasn't snow!! And-' Stopping where his mind was going, he realized this wasn't the same world he was used to. It wasn't the change in seasons that signified a new year, it was the planet's rotation and whatnot.

'I need to get back to King's Landing ASAP!!' Will thought, deciding he would leave first thing in the morning. "Well, thanks for the talks and stuff, but I gotta be going to sleep!" Everyone he had bought drinks for had all raised their mugs in the air for him, then went back to drinking as if he was never there.

Once he left the main floor, Will got to his room then basically collapsed into his bed. If he wanted to get back to King's Landing to take advantage of his planning, he would need to leave early and make sure everything was set up for what he intended to do.

Awaking just as the sun was beginning to rise above the horizon, Will dressed and did his morning routine, and instead of getting something to eat from the Tavern, he pulled out one of the meals that were stored inside his Inventory. After he finished eating, he took off down the stairs, tossing the key to his room on the bar before he left without saying a word.

His leave from Seagard almost went off without incident, but as he tried to leave the gates with Trojan, the same guard from the day before and two other men were waiting for him.

"Hey, Boy!! All strong horses are to be turned over to the army!! That means yours!" The guard who had tried to accept Trojan as payment for entry into the city the day before said, while the other two guards only let out half laughs.

Narrowing his eyes at the three of them, Will spoke, "I'll give you one chance to fuck off, or I'm going mount your head on a pike!!" His words were not accepted very well, and all three of them scowled at him, while the main instigator lowered his spear.

"Threatening the city guard is punishable by death!" The instigator stated, acting all high and mighty, while the other two just watched on thinking it would only take one man to deal with a boy.

Slowly dismounting from Trojan, Will stepped towards the three men, then without batting an eye, he stomped his foot onto the ground, causing the ground between each of the men's legs to shoot upward, smacking each one of them in the balls, even going so far as to raise them off the ground a good 2 feet before the earth disappeared as if it was never there. All three of the guards dropped to the ground after that, all of them holding onto their crushed manhood.

"Wolves are a lot more intimidating than scum trying to steal from a boy!!" Will stated, then keeping his word, he pulled out his axe and, although it was too big for him to weld properly that didn't mean he couldn't use it, so he swung down, taking the first guard's head off in one go, however he also got the man's right hand as well.

Trying to block an axe with your bare hands wasn't the brightest idea, and unless you had some plan to push the blade away, it wasn't going to do you a damn bit of good. However human reflexes were something else entirely, and raising your hand up to shield yourself was a common instinct.

Seeing the head of their comrade roll away from its body, one of the remaining guards began to scream, which in turn triggered a few other guards running to the scene to see what was going on.


(Jason Mallister POV)

Like any other day, Jason Mallister, Lord of Seagard was eating his morning meal to break his fast when the door to the castle's hall burst open. "M'Lord!! Trouble at the gate!!" One of his servants shouted, putting Jason on alert.

"Are we under attack?!!" He asked, demanding an answer. "Aye, M'Lord!! A young lad is thrashing the guards!!" The servant answered, bringing Jason's panic to a halt. 'What in the name of the Gods is he on about?!!' Jason thought, deciding to go see for himself.

Running outside, there was already a horse waiting for him. Mounting up he rode swiftly to the gates, and what he found left him beyond puzzled. A boy who looked no older than 6 or 7 name days, was standing over 8 of his guards, while over a dozen men were on the wall above him with bows drawn and ready to fire at him.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!!" Jason demanded, bringing the situation to a halt. Stopping his horse, he got a better look at the situation, and it was then he noticed one of his guards was missing a head, while the remaining 7 men were all holding their cocks, some silent about it while others squealed like dying pigs.

Looking at the boy, Jason was surprised to see the expression on his face. There was anger plain as day, but something else that made him cautious. He had stared into the eyes of wild animals like bears and wolves, even a few knights who wanted his head, and he saw the same thing in this boy as he did them.

"Are you Lord of this place?" The boy asked, his eyes narrowed towards Jason. "Aye, that's right!! What's going on here?!" Jason said, dismounting from his horse, waiting for the boy to give him an answer.

"Three of your men tried to take my horse from me, and after I warned them, they attacked. I simply defended myself and what's mine, and after I dealt with them, your other guards showed up to detain me. I took offense!!" The boy answered, speaking better than most lords Jason had met before.

"Which guards?" Jason asked, the situation being clear, and yet not. 'How did the boy beat all of them?' Jason wondered, not finding it possible. He watched as the boy pointed to two men who were on the ground, then picked up the head of the dead man.

"This was the second time this man tried to take my horse. The first was last night when I arrived. I promised I would mount his head on a pike!" The boy stated, then without a care for anyone around him, he grabbed the dead guard's spear and stabbed it onto the end of it, afterwards stabbing it into the ground so everyone around could see the head.

"Is what the lad said, true?" Jason asked, kicking one of the guards in the arm so he would answer. "A-A-Aye, M-Lo-ord!" The guard managed to grit out through the pain, making Jason shake his head in displeasure.

Turning his attention to the boy he asked, "How did you beat them?" The boy still had yet to bat an eye or show anything other than anger, and for a minute Jason wasn't sure he even wanted to know the answer. "With the ground." The boy answered, very unhelpfully he might add.

The boy was in the right in all this, and although Jason could still attack him for attacking his men, he chose not to. He didn't know why, but he got a bad feeling in his chest when he thought of provoking the boy, so instead he commanded the guards on the wall to lower their weapons.

"What's your name, lad?" He asked as the boy in question got back onto his horse. "Castian! William Castian!!" The boy said, then without another word, he kicked his horse and rode off through the gates. Watching him leave, Jason's only thought was, 'I'll remember you, William Castian!'


(General POV)

Riding hard towards King's Landing, Will wondered if he would make it on time to carry out some of his plans. He had not expected to be gone for as long as he was, but he couldn't deny the time spent away was just what he needed, not only to get accustomed to his magic, but to the world itself.

Despite adapting well to his new world, it didn't come as easily as he thought. Toilets and shitting paper were only the first things he had to come to terms with. There was also no running water in homes, people smelling like ass was mostly common, and the food was sorely lacking from his previous world.

He was no chef of any kind in his previous life, but he did know how to cook decently well by his old world's standards, so the food situation wasn't too big of a deal. Hell, by this world's standards he could be considered Gordon Ramsey level, not that he would ever claim to be even remotely as good though.

As for the hygiene issues, all he could do for now was keep himself cleaned up properly, and if in the future he could force people to stay clean, he probably would. For the running water, well he couldn't speak for the rest of the world, but he had his magic, and frankly that was all he needed. There was no electricity, and getting used to candles and torches was just ridiculous.

Getting back on track, being gone for all this time had made it a little more difficult to carry out his plans than he thought. Originally he wanted to arrive in Casterly Rock before the rebellion started, then somehow tag along with Tywin when he went to sack King's Landing.

Tywin would do all the work of sacking the city for him, then he would take a share of the gold without anyone knowing he was ever involved. With the rebellion having already started, Tywin would be more on guard than ever before, and anyone trying to gain entry into his home would most likely be considered a spy, especially a child since Varys was the Mad King's, Master of Whispers.

Tywin wasn't a fool. He knew how Varys got all of his information, and a child coming to Casterly Rock alone during a time of war was idiotic. Someone like the Starks would believe any sob story coming from a kid, but not Tywin.

Knowing his chance to worm his way into Casterly Rock was over, Will's course was King's Landing. He would use his tunnel to get into the city, then he would take a few things from the city he couldn't have taken before due to people noticing.

As soon as Tywin came to the city, he would no longer take trivial things, he would take whatever he wished. If anything was missing, people would claim Tywin took it and that would be the end of it. With that thought in mind, Will urged Trojan to speed up, but not enough to tire the horse anytime soon.

It took a fortnight to get within eyesight of King's Landing, over double the time it should have taken considering how close he was, but with the war going on it was unavoidable that he would have to ride out of the way to get there unscathed.

It didn't matter how powerful he was, an arrow to the heart or a knife to his throat and he would die like anyone else, so he would stay cautious and not act stupidly if he could help it. Under the cover of darkness, Will made his way to the entrance of his tunnel, which just so happened to be about a mile away from the city near a cluster of rocks and trees.

No human alive could move the boulders he placed around and inside the tunnel save for himself, but he had magic unlike nearly 99.99% of people in this world. He wouldn't put his money against a giant being able to, but technically they weren't human's so the statement still stands.

As he entered the tunnel while leading Trojan close behind, he touched the walls of the tunnel, then using earth magic he checked the area to make sure there was nothing that could surprise him. Thankfully everything looked untouched, and after concealing the entrance back up he made his way into the city with Trojan, coming out in the tunnel near the Great Sept of Baelor.

It was a damn good thing Trojan was used to being inside concealed spaces, otherwise he might have alerted someone to their position if he was like any of the loud horses Will had watched in movies. He had to use magic to make sure no one was around the area where he was going to open up to go above ground, and thankfully everything went quite smoothly.

From where he was, he knew where a stable was close by, and after easily avoiding the guards, he did just that. 'Magic for the win!!' He thought as he entered the stables with Trojan in tow. Right now everyone in the city would be sleeping, but come morning Will could just pay the owner to alleviate any troubles.

The stablemaster was the same guy who he had bought Trojan off of to begin with, so he figured the man shouldn't be too upset with him, especially after the price he paid for the horse.

There were about 4, maybe 5 months before Tywin came to sack the city and Will wanted to be ready for him. Come morning, he would need to start looting at his own pace until Tywin came, and then he would leave this shithole behind. If there was one thing he missed from the mountains, it was how the air smelled clean and fresh, whereas it still smelled like a shit pool here.

When the sun rose into the sky, just like he expected, the stablemaster barked at him for a good 10 minutes, only shutting up when Will tossed a Silver stag to him. The stablemaster's attitude took a 180 degree turn after that, saying he would be glad to look after Trojan for as long as Will would be in the city, for a fee of course.

Will agreed, and said he would be back every week to pay the man 7 silvers, and also warning that should anything happen to Trojan, he would make the man suffer. Done with all that, Will walked through the streets like a master thief, taking things with just a touch that most people couldn't even hope to steal.

Carts loaded up with marble tiles, boards, ropes, ladders, anvils, fishing boats, and other small things no one would notice right away. Of course he did pay for lots of things, but anything he could get his hands on he took. While he was here, he had another project he wanted to do, but it would require a very skilled smith.

He knew of only one that had the requirements necessary from the show, but Will was unsure of where to find the man or if he was even in the city. There was talk of a skilled smith who was arguably the most expensive in King's Landing at the top of the Street of Steel, so Will decided to start there.

The project would take some time, so if he could get it done before he had to leave King's Landing would be best. Almost an hour and a half later, Will was walking into Tobho Mott's shop.

"What ya want, lad?" A man looking to be in his late twenties asked, sparing a glance every few seconds then going back to sharpening a blade on a grinding stone. "Greetings! Are you, Tobho Mott?" Will asked, looking at some of the armor and swords hanging up around the room.

They were made better than nearly every weapon he ever stole. The only weapons he had seen that were better were his Valyrian Steel blades, but those were created by a God, and coming in second to a divine was no small feat.

"Aye! What can I do for ya?" Tobho said, finally giving Will his full attention. "What's the largest sword you can forge?" Will asked, getting a quirky brow from Tobho Mott. "You mean a great sword?" The smith asked, wondering what the boy was trying to do.

"No, not a great sword. I want much bigger than a great sword. I'm talking about a 8 to 10 feet long blade, and maybe a 2 foot long handle. Can you make a blade of that size?" Will asked, knowing if it could be done, this was the guy to do it.

He would have tried magic, but he still had yet to master the basic earth magic, so subclasses like metal were out of the question. For now anyway. Tobho Mott looked Will in the eye for a minute, then asked, "It can be done, aye, but it'll require a lot of metal ingots, and time. Maybe a week to get it finished, while costing anywhere from 50 to 100 Gold Dragon's!"

No sooner had Tobho Mott finished speaking when a bag landed on the table next to him. "There are 100 Gold Dragons in there. I want two of the great swords, and any further payment will be paid upon the first one being complete. I would also like to buy every weapon and set of armor you have in here. Do we have a deal?" Will asked, holding out his hand to Tobho, whose jaw was almost touching the floor.

"Aye, M'Lord!" The smith declared, grabbing Will's hand and shaking it hard enough Will thought he might have broken a few fingers.

Leaving the smith alone to price out everything and make the arrangements to get his swords built, Will decided to go find some fat merchants or some pompous windbags to get his wealth back up. With his latest purchase, his Gold would be damn near empty, and he wasn't about to start selling off his hoard of resources inside his Inventory.

Those were bookmarked for business up North and beyond the Wall. For himself to use as well, but not for selling. Trading was fine, because if he was trading, it would most likely be for something he wanted more than the item. As for Gold, what was the point in amassing Gold if there was nothing you were going to spend it on?

Will had everything he would need to survive for the next few years, and had no payments to anyone. If all he did was hoard gold, he would end up the richest dead man in the world, and that didn't sound near as glamorous as people thought it was.

It didn't take long at all to reach the district where all the fat lords who had nothing better to do than go to the palace every day and kiss the king's ass. Will was actually surprised these idiots still went to court, knowing full well the mad bastard that was their king might very well use them for his own entertainment on a whim.

'Whatever! If they die, all the better for me!!' Will thought, rubbing his hands together like a cliché villain. All he had to do was touch the buildings and send a bit of magic inside, and if no one was home and it looked like there might be some stuff of value, Will would go inside and, rather than take everything, he took enough to not be noticed.

spent the remainder of the day going from house to house, raiding people's vaults here and there. 'This is what I love about people not having banks to put their money in!! They keep it hidden as best they can, but can't lock it up!!' Will thought joyously, taking 2 small satchels of gold from the house he was currently in.

From the looks of things, whoever owned the house would never know he was missing the damn thing before Tywin showed up to rob everything. With that thought in mind, Will traversed the house until he came to a guest room in the house. He figured that was all it could be considering it had shit all for things inside of it.

'Perfect!' Will thought as he took the bed! This was one of things he missed the most when he went to live in the mountains, but had made due with one of the flimsy little beds he took out of the ship he stole. In his leave from the city a bed had slipped his mind, but now he wouldn't need to worry about that.

Going into the next few houses, he made sure to take a bed from each of them as well, just to make sure he had one on hand at all times. It wasn't until people started showing back up to their homes that Will decided to call it a night, stating he would come back another day to finish going through some of the houses.

Back at his inn, Will checked his haul for the day and wound up with a whopping $14,495 Gold Dragons, $62,682 Silver Stags, and $93,987 Copper pennies. 'Not bad for a day's work.' Will thought, storing everything back inside his Inventory.

This would be more than enough to pay for everything from Tobho Mott and then some. He had plans on how to spend most of this gold in the following years, but it would take time.

'Soon the time will come to leave this shithole of a place, and then... then I'll...' He didn't get to finish his thought as he drifted off to sleep, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.