Chapter 6: Companions

A week of staying in the city, and Will had managed to accomplish more than he thought he would. Aside from robbing the nobility blind, Will bought an entire shipment of all sorts of foods, 2 shipments of Dornish Red Wine, and paid off Tobho Mott for all the weaponry and armor in his shop.

Today was the day the first giant sword was to be finished, and knowing that, Will was on his way to the man's shop.

"How did it turn out?" He asked upon entering the establishment, his gaze going to a table with a large cloth covering something on it. As if waiting for his arrival, Tobho Mott was sitting on the other side of the table with a glass of wine in hand, smiling like a man holding all the cards.

"I don't know what use you could have for this sword, as even I cannot lift it, but I crafted it to perfection!" The smith said proudly, then like a magician, he pulled the cloth away to reveal a true work of art.

A weapon so big it would take two, maybe three knights to lift the damn thing, a larger version of some of the swords Will had purchased a few days prior. "How much did it come to?" Will asked, averting his gaze from the sword.

"$86 Gold Dragons and 420 Silver Stags." Tobho Mott answered, proud of his feat. Once again another bag of $100 Gold Dragons was tossed onto the table, Will still admiring the epic weapon.

"Consider anything extra an incentive to keep your mouth shut about ever meeting me. I'll be back in a week for the other one, and then you won't see me for a few years afterwards, but you will see me. Whether it's 5 years or 10, I'll come back to purchase your goods again." Will said, shaking the smith's hand, who once again almost crushed his own.

The week after Will got the second sword, he gave Tobho Mott a word of advice, and the next day the man sailed out of King's Landing and back to Braavos, though it was only supposed to be for 2 years, at which point the man would return back to his smithy.

For months Will kept up his own routine, training his magic at night in the tunnels beneath the city, stealing or buying stuff throughout the day, and in general keeping up with what was going on throughout the war.

While keeping an ear out for topics of interest, Will learned the Mad King had brought Elia Martell and her two children from Dragonstone to King's Landing, not for their safety, but to ensure Dorne wouldn't try to join the rebels.

The Mad King also started to plant barrels and jars of Wildfire beneath the city, which Will took full advantage of. The barrels of the explosive chemical were swapped out for empty ones, that way if people came to check and make sure they were still there, Will hoped they wouldn't open the barrels up considering how deadly the stuff was.

As for the jars, Will didn't have any empty ones to swap out for them, so he took them anyway and just hoped people were stupid enough not to notice. 'Stranger things have happened.' He had thought, not leaving an ounce of the stuff beneath the city.

It wasn't much time after that, that news of Ned Stark marching to King's Landing started spreading throughout the city, and just like he already knew, Tywin showed up to the city with twelve thousand soldiers. They were supposed to defend the city, but low and behold, as soon as the gates were opened they all began to sack everything the city.

Will was ready for them though. In preparation he had already taken Trojan and another horse he had bought out of the city, waiting for him at the end of his escape tunnel. The second he learned of the Lannister army outside of the walls, Will made his way into the castle and began to steal gold, furniture, curtains, statues, armor, weapons, and really anything that wasn't nailed down.

As he swept through the castle like a plague, he saw something, or rather someone he had never met, but knew almost instantly. 'The Mountain!' Will thought mentally, almost gaping at the half giant. The man was almost 8 feet tall, with boulders for arms and trees for legs.

To Will, it was as though he was actually looking at a Giant. It was at this moment he finally remembered what happened to Elia in the books, and a part of him just couldn't allow that to happen, not to watch as her children were killed in front of her, then raped by her children's murderer.

Knowing he could never let that happen, Will shot off after the Mountain and his group of would-be killers. Stealth went right out the window when he rounded a corner and saw the Mountain chopping at a door with his great sword, while a guy in armor who resembled a pig, and 6 armored soldiers stood only a few feet away.

With their backs turned to him, Will used earth and wind magic to send a massive stone brick to the back of the Mountain's head, shutting his lights out instantly. He might be big, but ain't no man gonna walk off something like that. As soon as the Mountain fell, the others near the door all turned around, but what awaited them was not what they were expecting.

Will had thrown over a dozen barrels of water from his Inventory, which he controlled to attack each of the men. The stone around them moved beneath their feet, sometimes bullet sized stones would shoot into a man's leg or arm, causing said man to scream in agony. It was a massacre.

The fat piggy looking man was cut from balls to brain, while 5 of the soldiers were drowned, then either beheaded or cut in half, either horizontal or vertical. By the time Will was finished, only an unconscious Mountain and one guard remained alive, only the guard looked none the worse for wear, although he was bound by stone to the wall.

The remaining guard started to cry and beg, but Will didn't bother with whatever he had to say and shoved a cloth into his mouth. "You try and say one word before I've allowed you too, and I'll finish you like I did them!!" Will threatened, having the obvious effect of shutting the man up, although he still cried into his gag.

It was simple to get into the room at that point, as the Mountain had already hacked a big enough hole to open the latch, so Will simply walked inside, finding a terrified Elia holding a baby with her back to the door.

"Elia! We need to go! Now!" Will said quickly, causing Elia to snap her gaze in Will's direction. "W-W-Will?!" Elia said, crying as she saw the boy for the first time in almost two years. "There's no time to explain, so if you want your children to live then hurry!!"

He truly meant it too. It didn't matter that he could probably level the castle, his magic was limited, and there were thousands of people roaming the city who would kill Elia and her children on sight. She did as instructed, and moments later Rhaenys crawled out from under the bed, running to her mother.

Will grabbed every piece of clothing, bedding, and furniture from the room, then he grabbed Rhaenys hand and pulled the child out of the room, Elia following closely behind while holding Aegon, her infant son.

Will made some doorways through walls, then closed them up behind them only moments later, not leaving a path for anyone to follow. Once he got Elia and her children to his tunnel, he said, "Keep walking down the tunnel, but take your time and go slow. No one will be able to follow you, but I need to change a few things. Now go!"

As many questions as she had for him, Elia only nodded her head as she did as instructed. Right now, the life of her two children were all that mattered to her, and if the shouts from the people outside her door were anything to go by, Elia owed her life to Will.

As soon as Elia was safe, Will ran outside the castle as fast as he could, and without having to look very hard, he grabbed a number of corpses. Though he dreaded what he was going to do, if he wanted Elia and her children to be safe, there was nothing else he could do.

Once he had the corpses, he rushed back to the castle, going straight for Elia's room. Thankfully everything was just as he left it, with the guard still bound to the wall and the Mountain unconscious form still lying right where it was previously.

Rushing past the still crying guard, Will brought out the corpses from his Inventory, then without having to think too hard about it, he got to work. There were a number of grown women's corpses he had taken, and after looking them over for a bit, he found the one that best resembled Elia.

He smashed her face in so it was unrecognizable, then tore her clothes off and put her on the bed. To make it look authentic, Will scarred the body in numerous places, then cut her in two with water magic.

Doing the same for Rhaenys and Aegon was a bit easier, as he didn't have to put the two children's bodies through near the hardship as the women's. The little girl had to be dressed in Rhaenys clothes before Will stabbed her repeatedly, while the infant who was supposed to be Aegon just had his skull crushed, though he too had to be dressed in the baby's clothes.

Once he had the scene set, Will grabbed a few of the Targaryen's soldiers' corpses and laid them outside near the other bodies. He had to bloody up the weapons of the fallen Lannister men, and had to move some of them here and there, but in the end it all looked believable, save for the Mountain.

Taking the behemoth's armor off of him, Will had to use magic to drag the man inside the room and prop him against the wall and pour a few glasses of wine floor around the room. Admiring his handiwork, Will stopped as soon as his eyes landed on Ser Gregor's (AKA THE MOUNTAIN) sleeping form, and he just couldn't pass up an opportunity like this.

Walking over to the man, Will kicked him repeatedly in the dick a good dozen or so times, and on the last kick, the man started to groan and move about. Panicking, Will grabbed another stone brick and smashed it over Ser Gregor's head, wondering if he might have given him brain damage. 'Oops... I'm sure he'll be fine!' Will though, done with the room.

Finally he went over to the guard who was still alive. "Alright, here's how this whole situation went down. When you got to Princess Elia's room, there were a number of guards standing in front of the door, and with great effort, you and the others managed to slaughter them all, but in the end, only you and the Mountain made it out alive. During the clash, Ser Gregor was hit in the back of the head by a mace wielder, but shrugged it off. Upon entering the room, Ser Gregor Clegane killed the infant prince by smashing him into the wall, the proceeded to rape and then kill princess Elia by cutting her down the middle with his great sword. Once he was done, he grabbed some whine and drank himself into a stupor to get rid of the pain he felt from the mace wound. Meanwhile you found Elia's daughter under the bed, and after dragging her out you stabbed her to death. Are we clear? Elia Martell and her two children are DEAD!!" Will said, instructing the man on what he should tell Tywin.

"Y-Yes!!" The man almost shouted once the gag was removed from his mouth. "Repeat it to me!!" Will demanded, not wanting there to be any fuckups later.

The guard had to repeat how the story went five times flawlessly until Will was satisfied, and as he unbound the guard he said, "Just so you don't try to tell what really happened here, know that no one would believe an outrageous tale, and would probably execute you for a madman. And if by some chance you do tell the truth and people believe you, Lord Tywin would still execute you for failing your only task. However, once you give him the good news, you will most likely be rewarded most handsomely. So do make the smart move, otherwise I will find you, and I will make what I did to those corpses look like a fucking picnic!!"

With that done, Will made his way to the outskirts of the city where wagons were already loaded and ready to go towards Casterly Rock. With minimal people towards the front of the lines, Will acted as though he was a servant boy doing his job and made his way to the front wagons.

Killing the driver with earth magic, Will quickly stored both the wagon and the corpse. Waiting for a few minutes after in case someone sounded an alarm, Will did the same to the next two wagons, but it was then that someone caught on to what he was doing.

There were still over a dozen wagons in the line and more were still in the city, and after only getting three of them, Will wasn't all that satisfied. Disregarding stealth, he openly attacked the soldiers, his main focus on getting the wagons.

He managed to get two more wagons before he had to flee underground until he was back inside the walls. With that, his goals for coming here were complete, and for now there was nothing left for him in the city.

Getting to his tunnel, Will made his way down until he got to the end where Elia and the two children were waiting next to Trojan and his spare horse. "Elia!! It's me!!" He said, not wanting to show up and scare the life out of the fragile woman.

"Will?! What's goin-" She was interrupted as the wall behind her opened up, startling everyone but Trojan. He was all too used to this sort of shit by now, and barely even moved when the wall opened. "H-How?" Was all Elia could ask, but Will didn't seem to care to give her an answer.

"Move your ass!! You can ask all the questions you want later, but for now we are not safe!" He said, sealing the tunnel back up behind them. Sure they could have stayed in the tunnel for awhile, but it wouldn't be long before the area was crawling with more soldiers than an anthill, and frankly being cramped in a confined space with two children sounded like torture.

Despite wanting to know about Will, Elia kept her mouth shut and did as she was told. Together with Will's help, they all made it to the coast, some hundred or so yards away from the tunnel's entrance.

"What now?" Elia asked, only to almost fall on her ass once again in surprise. A ship appeared out of nowhere, and before she could ask how, the ground rose up into the air, lifting everyone, the horses included onto the ship.

She was so lost in her own mind, she didn't even notice how the water seemed to rise up and pull them out to sea, and the sails were still furled up, so the speed they were moving should have been impossible.

Rhaenys and Aegon were taken down below deck to the captain's room, and were asleep almost immediately. Rhaenys had an extremely rough day, and having almost died was out like a light. Aegon was just an infant, so he would have slept regardless.

Meanwhile Will and Elia were sitting across from each other on the upper deck near the ship's wheel so Will could steer the ship. "As of this moment, Elia Martell and her children are dead." Will stated, having told Elia what he had done in her bed chambers.

She was shocked and appalled that he could do such a thing, but after he explained it had to be done, otherwise Robert Baratheon would wage war on Dorne to kill her two children, she was less angered. She knew what he said to be true, but that didn't mean she had to like it.

"So.... how did you do all that? The tunnels, moving the ground, making the ship appear, and now moving the ship? What are you?" She asked, the fear in her voice evident for anyone with half a mind.

"Magic." He answered, not giving her anymore information than that. "Where are you taking us?" She asked, realizing if he didn't want to tell her something there was nothing she could do about it.

"I'll take you to Oberyn, and no one else but him. For now though, I'll take us North. With your constitution, no one in the Seven kingdoms would think to look for you there. We'll wait a year or two with the Wildlings, then we'll go find Oberyn. Once everyone in the world has heard of your death and forgotten what you look like, we'll make our way South to Sunspear." Will answered, making Elia wonder if he was insane.

"Why not go to Sunspear now?!! Why go North?!! I will Die!" Elia said, knowing there was a reason why people would never think she went north. She couldn't survive there.

"Robert Baratheon will be crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms, and he will do everything in his power to kill every Targaryen in existence. There is no way Dorne would be able to keep quiet about your survival if you went back now, and that would spur Robert and the entirety of Westeros to your borders!! As for going North, I have a way to heal your body, though it's not perfect it should work in theory. By going North, we cut off every possible word of your survival from the rest of the world, and there I will keep you safe. I owe a debt to Oberyn, and I know he would stop at nothing to avenge you in the future. He will push himself harder than ever before and become a man not to be trifled with. Once he has done that, we'll find him."

Explaining things like this was never his forte, but Will was sure Elia could see the reasoning behind his words. Though the part about healing her with magic was a stretch, he had kept her alive so far, and to do everything he had done just to let her die due to the weather was ridiculous.

"Are we at least going to stop somewhere along the way to get provisions?" Elia asked, deciding to trust this boy who had saved her life, and who seemed to hold her brother in high regard. "I already have all the provisions we'll need for the next two years, and stopping anywhere populated would just give us away. Although I do intend to pull into Dragonstone for only an hour. Any longer and we risk being seen." Will said, then a thought struck him.

"I've heard talk of a cave along the shores of Dragonstone, filled with Dragonglass. Do you know where it is?" He asked, getting a thoughtful look from Elia. "I do. Why do you want to go there?" She asked, coming to realize Will had a reason for most things he did.

"There is a weapon in the cave which the Wildlings need. At our current speed, we should reach Dragonstone in a few days, but we'll have to keep a lookout and make sure we don't run into anyone." Will said, smiling for once. With Elia there to guide him, he wouldn't need to search the perimeter of the whole damn island to find the cave.


(Tywin Lannister POV)

"You are telling me... the wagons simply vanished into thin air?!!" Tywin asked, eyes narrowed at the soldiers who were all kneeling at his feet. Just when things were going well, he got reports about a small monster that stole 5 wagons full of his newly acquired stuff, then disappeared into the earth through some unknown means.

Had there not been so many people to confirm the story exactly the same, Tywin would have thought his guards were trying to play at something. "Aye, M'Lord!" The soldier answered, dreading what might come of him for letting something like this happen.

"Out. All of you out!!" Tywin commanded, done with this nonsense. He didn't know what really happened, but there wasn't anything he could do about it now anyway. Ned Stark was only hours away with his army, and Tywin couldn't afford to be here when he showed up.

With the soldiers leaving the building Tywin had taken near the city gate, another guard entered the room before saluting. "M'Lord! Princess Elia Martell and her children are dead! As are all of the knights who were sent with me as well, save for the Mountain!" The soldier stated, standing stiff as a board.

"Finally!! Some good news!! Tell me what happened!!" Tywin ordered, to which the knight explained very well. Hearing everything that happened, Tywin started to grumble something about the Mountain and raping women, but it obviously wasn't for the knight to hear, thus he kept his mouth shut.

"Where are the bodies?" Tywin asked, staring the man dead in the eye as he waited for an answer. "Here, M'Lord!" The man exclaimed, then left the room with Tywin in tow. Outside in a small wagon, three corpses laid wrapped in blankets.

Tywin couldn't tell one way or the other if this really was Elia Martell or not, but he knew his guards wouldn't dare show themselves to him if it wasn't, so he took it as fact that this was indeed Elia Martell and her children. Turning to the man who brought him the bodies, Tywin asked, "Where is Ser Gregor now?"

It was more of an order than a question, but people liked to think he was asking. "He should be along shortly, M'Lord! He was just waking up from all the wine he had when I finished loading up the bodies. Didn't even remember what he did, but I think that was more to do with the blow to the head than the wine." The soldier answered plainly, not showing any emotion throughout the speech.

"Good! Take the bodies and wait for Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark to arrive, then give them the bodies as a show of our loyalty to the new King! Come find me once you're done!!" Tywin ordered, then knowing his demands would be carried out to the letter, he mounted his horse and left for Casterly Rock with the majority of his forces.


(Ned Stark POV)

Just like it was supposed to be, Eddard Stark showed up on schedule to find the Mad King already dead by the hands of Ser Jamie Lannister. Robert showed up not long after everything was already over, and was officially crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms. It was at this point when a Lannister knight arrived with the bodies of Rhaegar's wife, Princess Elia Martell, and their children Rhaenys and Aegon.

"HA!! Tell your Lord Tywin I send my thanks, and I'd like to speak with him!!" Robert said, overjoyed at the sight of the bodies. The story of how they died was disturbing to say the least, and Ned was shocked when Robert was happy about it.

"They murdered children, Robert!! How can that be allowed?!!" Ned cried out in rage, completely against the murder of children.

"They were Targaryen's, Ned!! They all need to die!!" Robert answered, not looking one bit sorry for his previous statement. Knowing there was nothing he could do about the situation, Ned took the remainder of his forces to continue south to finish off the last bit of the Mad King's supporters and to find his sister Layanna.


(General POV)

Months after the Rebellion, word spread far and wide to all corners of the world about Robert's rise to power, and the end of the Targaryen's. Dorne was none too pleased to learn about what happened to Elia and her children, especially a certain hotheaded pretty boy prince.

Things continued pretty much the same as they did in the story, with the exception of a few hundred pounds of Dragonglass missing from Dragonstone. Will had stopped there just as he stated, and using earth magic he broke off a few large chunks of it, then set sail immediately afterwards.

The few Targaryen supporters there were on Dragonstone were all over the island, and if not for his magic, Will would most likely have been seen.

Right now he was beyond the Wall nearing a Wildling settlement known as Hardhome, the trip having taken longer than it should have been because he had to stop and use healing magic on Elia.

"I've heard stories of the Wildings or freefolk, however you want to call them, and I will admit that they are a bit strange." Will said, eyeing the people from his ship.

"Ha! You are the last person in the world who can say that!! You are more different than any other being in this world, William Castian!!" Elia stated, almost laughing at Will. Her point was made for her when Will rose up from his chair wearing nothing but some loose fitting pants, leather boots, and a snug shirt with no sleeves.

Will apparently radiated enough body heat to not only keep himself warm, but Elia and her children as well. It was how they hadn't frozen to death in the Shivering Sea. Over the months of travelling together, Will and Elia had talked quite a bit and got to know each other quite well. Elia even doted on him as much as Rhaenys like he was her own son, and although he would never say it, he considered her somewhat of a mother or older sister figure.

As they pulled into the tiny harbor of Hardhome, Will was standing out in the open for everyone to see, almost daring one of the wildlings to come near him. He wasn't too worried about arrows or other projectile weapons because he had his magic at the ready, and after all the time spent cooped up on the ship, he was fairly good with fire, wind and water to the point he could summon either element in the blink of an eye.

And although it wasn't perfect, he did have somewhat of a magic sense as he called it. Using the information and everything he had on his Earth magic sense where he felt the movement, he did so with the water in the air, then he tried to just push his magic outwards and got something similar to what he had hoped for.

It was a theory he had based on the White walkers. If they could move around everywhere on the continent without collapsing to the ground, there had to be magic everywhere as well, otherwise once they were no longer in a magic area, they would no longer be undead. With that thought in mind, Will tried to use his magic like Haki from One Piece or Magic sight like Rimaru had from Slime world, and although it was nothing as powerful as either of the two, it did work.

(A.N. Just going to call it magic sense.)

For a long while the area around the ship was surprisingly quiet, as someone not geared properly for the elements here in the North would die by it, but here it seemed that wasn't the case. "Where are your elders?!!" Will shouted, his eyes roaming from person to person, expecting one of them to answer him.

To himself, he thought he looked kind of epic, but to the freefolk, they saw a little boy acting like he was hot shit. Little did they know there was a reason he could act this way. "I don't think they understand you." Elia chimed in, causing everyone's attention to move from Will to her. After all, none of them had ever seen a woman wearing a silk dress before.

"I get the woman!!" A man wearing a bone helmet/mask thing on his face shouted, which wasn't the smartest thing he could have said at that moment. Before anyone could say or do anything else, water rose up into the air, then before everyone's eyes it changed into ice spikes. In the next breath the spikes launched themselves at the man, skewering him until he looked like a porcupine.

"Anyone else want the woman?!!!" Will roared, hundreds of more ice spikes rising into the air, waiting to strike down anyone that tried that shit again. Rather than run or panic like he thought, everyone remained where they were, opening a pathway leading to the Elder's tent.

"That's where you are looking for!" A woman said, pointing along the now open pathway. "Thank you." Will said, then turned to look at Elia. "Go grab Rhaenys and Aegon. We're going to be staying here for the night, then we'll set off in the morning for the mountains."

Elia did as Will said, coming back onto the deck of the ship a minute later with her two children, although they were wrapped up in pelts unlike Will and their mother. After getting them and the horses off the ship, Will stored it away in his Inventory in front of everyone's eyes, causing a wave of chatter to wash over the crowd, and for them to all take a step back whenever Will got close enough to them.

Minutes later and Will was standing in front of a group of old fuckers who looked like they ate rocks for breakfast. "I am Dim Dalba! What do we call you?" One the men asked respectfully, although Will guessed that was mostly because he didn't want to become the next pin cushion for saying something stupid.

"I am William! I have come from the south with my friend, Leia and her two children." Will answered, lying about Elia's name. Even beyond the wall, he wouldn't doubt strange names like theirs getting sent back by the Night's Watch.

"What're ya doin here?" A different man asked, acting quite a bit more grouchy than Dim Dalba. "Just staying a night or two, and to see if there was anyone here who could possibly lead me to where the giants are located. Do any of you know where they are?" Will had his eyes going around the room to see if anyone would react to him wanting to know where the giants were, but if they were surprised they kept it hidden damn well.

"Near the mountains of Thenn is where you'll find them!!" Another bearded gent stated, although he was more on the respectful side. Nodding his head in thanks, Will pulled a map seemingly out of thin air, and to his relief, Thenn was on the map. It was the furthest recorded region in the North. On the map it looked as though a nice little valley surrounded by mountains, but Will didn't really believe it.

"Have any of you ever been there?" He asked, getting a few nods here and there in response. "Do any of you want to go there again?" This time people simply shook their heads in the negative. "Fine then! I'm going to set up camp near the cliffs, but we'll only be staying a few days. Anyone tries to fuck with us, I'll break their legs!" Will stated, then led Elia towards the cliff face with Rhaenys in tow.

A large crowd of spectators was following them to see if Will was going to do something magical again, and Will made sure to not disappoint them. Walking over to the cliff face, Will struck it hard like he was punching an enemy, and as if obeying some pre-programmed command, the ground started shaking.

Everyone watched in wonder as the cliffside started to change before their very eyes, opening up like some giant doorway with literal stone doors. Ten minutes after the rumbling started, it finally stopped. Looking proud of himself, Will turned to Elia and gestured for her to follow him inside the building, leaving a few hundred people to be dumbstruck at what they had just witnessed.

Inside Will's new creation, Elia was shocked and delighted to see everything. There was a great hall, kitchen, a sitting room with a fireplace in it, and a spiral stairway leading upwards to another floor, which had a balcony with railings overlooking the sitting room, and on the second floor there were 5 rooms. Just inside the big stone doors was a small horse stall, big enough for at least 6 hoses to fit comfortable. Will put the two horses in there, then tossed some hay inside before moving on.

"These three are bedrooms, while this one here is the privy and that one is the bathroom." Will explained, going from room to room. At the moment, the bedrooms were empty, but the privy was fully functional, sending the waste outside near the cliff-face about 30 or 40 yards away. The bathroom had but a single tub inside with a plug, it connected to wherever the privy went too.

There was one large window on the top floor balcony to let in some natural light, but Will didn't have any glass windows or anything like that, so he covered it up with a large board that he could move whenever he wanted.

Going back downstairs, Will lit the fire with the over abundant amount of wood he had stored in his Inventory, then left a few logs out beside the fire in case Elia wanted to stoke it later. He placed candles around the room, put a bed in one of the rooms upstairs, stocked the privy with linen sheets and a candle, and filled the tub with water. Right now it was still cold, but when they were ready to use it, it would be fairly simple to warm it up.

"Mother, I'm hungry." Rhaenys said, looking at her mother with almost pleading eyes. Before Elia could say anything to Will, he made a nice hot stew and bread appear on the stone table with fruits and cheeses alike. There were even stone chairs, although no kid would be able to move the damn things.

"Thank you! Thank you!! THANK YOU!!!" Rhaenys shouted, hugging Will before she climbed onto one of the chairs and began helping herself. "Thank you." Elia said, giving Will a gentle one armed hug before she sat down at the table with Aegon in her lap.

The little fat baby was over a year old now, and could eat a few soft foods with his two teeth, but for the most part he was just gumming whatever he ate so it couldn't be too hard. Seeing the both of them eating, Will climbed into a chair and did the same, quite excited for what was yet to come.