I hated dolls, any sort of dolls. I just couldn't stand them. Porcelain dolls, Barbie dolls, not even action figures. I never knew why, I just did. My sister on the other hand, she loved them.
I used to have to sit in a room looking at them all night but as we got older, my dad seperated us since boys and girls can't share a room. It was hard being down the hall from my sister but at least I never had to worry about those dolls again.
Kayla, my sister, became a doll collector. She seemed to have a new doll every week, that was until she brought home her a new doll.
Bright blue porcelain eyes, long black hair with short bangs, a white dress with red edging with a pair of red shoes. She claimed it was the best doll she'd ever seen but to me, it was the most creepiest. Something about this doll was off and I didn't like it but who was I to stop her from having it?
That night I couldn't even sleep knowing that doll was in our house. All my thoughts were fuzzy except that stupid doll.
I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to get a drink. I grabbed a cold soda out of the fridge and walked into the living room and stopped dead in my tracks.
Sitting right there on the back of the couch was the doll. She was sitting there pointed toward the kitchen doorway, as if she knew I'd be there and is watching me.
I walked to Kayla's room and banged on her door.
"Kayle, why is your stupid doll in the living room?" I yelled hoping she was still awake. When she didn't answer I walked back to my room and tried to ignore it.
She knew I didn't like dolls yet she still kept that one in the living room. I turned on my xbox and sat on my bed to play some games until I felt tired.
After a few games there was a bang on my door. I paused my game and went to open my door. There was nothing there until I looked down and saw that same doll sitting on the ground.
"This isn't funny Kayla," I called down the hall to her room. I stepped over the doll to go bang on her door again since there was no way I was going to touch it.
I was about to bang on her door when my bedroom door slammed shut. I looked to my room and the doll was gone. I slowly crept to my room and opened to the door.
My whole room was dark except for the glow of those 2 blue eyes shining from my bed. There was a growl that shook the air around me.
That was the breaking point. I was not going to deal with this and Kayla could just be mad at me. I turned on my lights and grabbed the doll, walking to the living room and starting a fire in the fireplace.
I waited for a moment before I threw the doll in and watched it burn away. I sat there until morning staring at the fire die out until my dad got up to make breakfast.
I went to go wake up Kayla and waited until she opened the door. At that moment, I felt my heart stop. In her arm was the doll. It's eyes were no longer blue, but now red and I felt them digging into the depths of my soul.
Suddenly my vision blurred and I felt my heart being squeezed. I fell to my knees, still staring at the doll. I tried to gasp out and warn Kayla of the doll but no words came out.
I couldn't take the pain anymore and fell to the ground. I could only hear the low air shaking growl from the doll calling my name until I felt a gut wrenching explosion which was my heart.