System 2!

My dinner went quite normally or to say me and mom didn't talked that much. Well from my memory my mom is considerate person and only talks to me when she thinks it's good to and never pry in my matters.

She is in mid thirties with similar black hair and a gentle personality.

Although it was quite , I tried to chat with her sometime on which she replied casually and even asked me about school and stuff.

' I am relieved that the both mom I got are so loving and caring . Well I guess every mom is gentle toward their child.' (A/N no stereotyping )

After filling my stomach I came back to my room and changed my school uniform which I was still wearing.

Again I was fascinated to see my long hairs but still it was a little fuss to mange it . I tied my hairs in a ponytail and wore my pajamas.

I came back on the bed to check the other tabs of my system.

This time I thought in my mind about the system and the same screen came right in front of me.

" Let's see what's about the last tab".

The last one had a symbol of bisceps lifted so I had an idea what it could be.

-{Skills} [ As the level increase , host can learn different skills present in the skill section and can raise the level of the skill by performing it while in middle of a battle or in a quest. Skills always come with a choice . Two choices will always be given in which host will choose one and the unchosen skill will be ceased until certain quest arrives]

On the description it was plainly written that ones I choose a skill over the other than there is no turning back until my luck shines and I get a quest for it.

"Ah now I remember , I have to check what's the quest I am going to perform".

I selected the second tab with my eyes and several boxes opened:



[1. Spend an hour in dojo while practicing your martial arts or weapon.]

[2. Run 2 km in a single attempt without a halt .(Note: This task will restart if host stops between the run)]

[3. Lift 200 kgs in total.(Note: Host don't have to lift the written weight at once)]

[ Time remaining 12 hours 30 minutes]

[ Reward: 30 exp , 500 coins, and a dungeon key]

[ Penalty: *Hidden* Will revealed an hour before the time alloted]


I yelled out after reading the quest information.

Various things started processing in my mind as well as crashing my own brain system completely.

"12 hours left only and what's this dungeon key . Can I go to dungeon like the isekai world . Wait the penalty is hidden that means I can die again if I don't complete it right now".

I glanced at the clock and it was 8 p.m .

I dashed toward my closet and changed my pajamas to track suit.

I dashed toward the door fanatically.

"Where are you going Izumi at this hour?".

"Mom sports day is coming so I thought its better to impress everyone with my speed hehe."

I laughed and made the silliest joke of the century. I saw my mom's silly laugh at my words but I didn't had time so I entered the elevator and reached the street .

The neighborhood was totally quite and it was quite good for a walk.

I knew I had to run 2 km in a single attempt so I braced myself, inhaled a ton of air inside and started running.

After 10 minutes

{ Daily Quest status}

[ Running: 1km/2km ]

My status popped up as I completed first kilometre in a jolt but this weak body started struggling after only a kilometre.

" I can do Otherwise it will go back to zero"

I braced myself and in a slower pace ran another kilometre in about 20 minutes.

After two kilometres a message popped up


[ Daily Quest 1 ]

[Status: Completed]

[Remaining : 2]

[Time left : 11 hours 50 minutes]



I read all the information about bonus and hidden punishment while panting like a mad man.

"Who thought that I would get this tired with just simple running".

I got back home and washed myself up.

After changing into my pajamas again I tried to life the study table with my hand which was quite heavy but still doable.

{Daily Quest status}

[ Weight lifting: 5 kg/ 200kg]

"Huh! this boulder like table is only 5 kg . Man how weak Miyamura actually is"

I was talking like I am talking about someone else but I was literally criticising myself.

I steeled my bones and lifted the table continuously and after 20 minutes with taking breaks in middle , I finished my 40th lift and again a message popped up:


[Daily quest 2]

[ Status: Complete]

[ Remaining : 1]

[ Time Remaining: 11 hours 20 minutes]



My both hands were slightly sore but it wasn't hurting.

I closed my eyes and relaxed my aching body on my bed to think about the next one.

"Dojo huh. How will I practice something which I haven't learnt yet?"

I was excited to see a place located in time space gap but still I don't know how to do martial arts neither I have a weapon to use in the dojo.

I can do some punching and stuff but still it's for street fighting. True martial arts was something I never associated myself with.

"Let's see what happens".

And I locked the Dojo tab and my surroundings changed and the whole world was engulfed in darkness again..

"I hope I didn't died again".