The dojo

After the darkness depleted I opened my eyes and saw a hall equivalent to my room in front of me.

The whole room was dim lighted . Punching bags , weight bars, dumbbells, wooden sticks, plates, and many other things were placed in the left corner of the room.It was more of a gym than a classic Japanese dojo.

A message popped up as I stepped forward .


[This dojo belongs to host who immense himself completely in training for a better future. Any other person can enter the dojo if it the Host once brought them here but still need permission to enter the dojo but for the other times presence of host is not necessary. The dojo is still not fully accessible to host as because of host's low level. The time between the original world and the dojo is manipulated according to Host's experience points.]

[ Current gap: 1 hours in dojo=2 hours in original world]

" will take more time in original world . How am I going to disappear daily for two hours. This system is hungry for exp points only. Everything depends on it , well I will feed you that, you greedy cat".


[System has a feature to wipe all the exp point added through the dojo in an instant, granted directly by the creater]

" Huh! Did it responded. But can wipe my exp point anytime it wants. Isn't it cheating".

My brain fused at the sudden shock and development of the system who started responding all of a sudden.

I started sulking about the thought having a whole hour of pissing sweat just to get erased in an instant.


[+5 exp for the host who don't get the joke.]

" This system is getting on my nerves. Well atleast it gave me a bonus as compensation".

My mood lifted to get the precious experience point which is truly valuable in the system, for free.

"Now how do I start?"

I was wondering when a folded paper caught my attention which was placed near the punching bag.

I walked toward it and untied the scroll.

{ Scroll of Basic Martial Arts}

[Tear the paper and you will learn the basic of some decent amount of martial arts in an instant]

[Grade: Classless]

My eyes lit up and I tore it after reading it twice.

As a working person in my previous life it has became my habit to read any kind of contract twice before signing.

Suddenly a golden light started pouring down from the scroll toward my head and I felt a sudden dizziness.

I supported my body while hugging the punching bag.

Judo, taekwondo, karate, kick boxing and basic swordsman ship .

All the basic knowledge about these martial arts were implanted deeply in my brain and without a second thought I separated my body from the punching bag and kicked it with a roundhouse kick.

"Ouch...I should have stretched out first".


[ +1 exp for rushed head host ]

"The reward is sweet but the thing for which I recieved, is frustrating. ".

I started stretching my body and after 10 minute I started to perform some kicks I learnt from taekwondo . I only knew the basic ones but still who only knew how to knock out the opponent with any means, this type of accurate hits were very exciting.

I practice my kicks only on the punching bag for about 30 minutes and then picked a wooden stick and started swinging it in a front slash .

Taking left leg back , swinging again with taking out the left leg front .

I practiced without caring about the time.

I didn't realised how much time passed but a sudden notification brought me back to the world.


[Daily Quest]

[Practice in dojo for one hour]

[ Statu: Complete]

[ Remaining: 0]

[Reward: 30 exp, 500 coins and a dungeon key]

(Note: Exp and coins are added to host's status and the dungeon key is kept in the inventory .)

"Inventory ?"

A box which had grids made on it appeared on my right side. It was comparably on the same size of main screen but blue in colour.

A key was displaying on the first box. I placed my hand inside the box and suddenly I felt a metal piece on my palm.

"So I can touch the inventory huh"


[ 2 exp for the pervy host who likes to touch.]

"This damn system..."

I growled at the system and hushed the message in the air

I saw the key which was white in colour

{Dungeon key}

{Grade: Classless}

[ You will be transported into another world to perform a certain task within a limited time to gain exp or uncertain rewards. Dungeon is not accessible to anyone until host doesnt grant it]

"Another world...really . World travelling is possible with this normal key? Holy moly. ....Thanks God for this wonderful life. "


[ 1 exp for the host who remembers god only at times of gifts. Ungrateful child hehe.]

By this time I already started to get used to system's teasing bonuses.

"Now how can I go back?"