
After coming back home nearly at 7 p.m , I remembered that I have to finish the last remaining ,daily quest also.

I changed my clothes and wore a big t shirt and boxers underneath as it was still hot even with the air conditioner working on full swing.

I came back at the dining hall where Mom was preparing dinner in the kitchen. I was thinking to check my phone for the contact list when my mom asked me suddenly from the kitchen.

"Izumi , did something happened today? You were zoning out ,all the time."

My phone slid from my hand but I regained my cool and answered her in a normal tone , well I tried to.

"No nothing happened . Everything is fine mom."

"Oh I thought you fell in love with the someone as people often daydream when they are in love you know". She chuckled quite sometime at her own words.

"It's not something like that mom , I was thinking to change some of the things in my school life for my own betterment."

"Oh that will be wonderful. But don't be too hard on yourself dear. Whatever you do , I just want you to be happy".

She smiled while saying and suddenly a warm feeling rose inside my heart.

'...I shouldn't say this but I really miss you mom'.

It's not like I don't like my mom in front of me but still how I can forget about the person with whome I spent my 23 years with.

The open kitchen was in the dinning area so we were conversing while she was preparing the food.

At 9.30 I came back to my room , with my stomach filled with food and mind filled with emotions .

'Thank you god , for the second life you gave me and such a lovely mom'.


[+5 exp for the honest host who pray without selfishness]

'This system obviously have a human mind not just a plain mechanical system. Now let's check my last quest for today.'

[Daily Quest]

[Lift 400 kg in total]

[Status: Incomplete]

[Remaining : 1]

[Remaining time: 10 hours 30 minutes]

After resting for another half an hour , I stood up and picked up my study table again.

Before starting my workout I took off my t shirt as I didn't wanted to wet another t shirt again. Mom already asked me about how am I wetting my clothes , and filling the clothe basket time after time since yesterday.

I looked at my body and realised something

'Ah these tattoos are cool but what will happen in school uniform. In this heat, I can't wear a sweatshirt like before.'

The cool yakuza like tattoos were extended upto my lower bisceps so it could be exposed if I were to be wear half sleeves school uniform.

I crapped those thought aside for later on and started lifting the table .

After 10 minutes I completed the 80th lift with a singke break in between.


[Daily Quest]

[Lift 400 kg in total]

[Status: Complete]

[Remaining: 0]

[Reward: 50 exp, 600 coins and a basic scroll of melee weapons]

(Note: Scroll is kept in the inventory . Coins and exp will be added to host's status)


{Level up!}

[Host has reached at level 2!]

[A new section in dojo will be accessible!]

[New weapons, armory will be unlocked in the store]

[A new skill could be learn by the host]


[New item added to the inventory]

[Basic scroll of melee weapons]

[Grade: Class F]

"Finalllyyy...I levelled up. But I reborn just yesterday then it's quite soon . Anyway ,now I can buy a new weapon and armor".

I didn't used the dungeon key until now as I was lacking in combat skills with my knives and I didn't had any safety gear.

'Now let's check what I can buy'

I opened the shop from the main menu and selected the armour tab.

I saw the only armour available grey and black in colour and description written on the right side.

[Bulking buffalo]

[Grade : F]

[Effect: Give additional 50 HP to the user and reduce the chance of vital hit at the shielding area by 5%]

(Note: This leather body gear is made with skin of mutated wild buffalo of Askamar and can be levelled upto class C)

'What is Askamar and do I have HP to start with. This system is somehow messed up'.


[+0 exp for the host who doubts his own cute system]

'Did the system said cute and what with the nonexistent bonus point?'

I shrugged off my thoughts and decided to buy the protective gear tomorrow in the dojo and learn the melee skill at the same time.

I plopped on my bed after wiping my sweat with a dry towel and wearing my t shirt again.

'Ah..I have to go school tomorrow'.

I already graduated from my school , 5 years ago in my previous life so resuming school after a long time was getting me pretty excited.

'I hope she doesn't recognise me at school. But I want to talk to her normally . Mannnn..I guess I have to take a round of dungeon to become fearless like the isekai heroes'.


[+5 exp for the host who realise what is lacking.]

"Now system also wants me to enter my first dungeon . Okay then tomorrow let's check it out".