
Another night went peacefully but this time my muscles weren't sore like yesterday.

Next morning I got up at 5 a.m and ran 5 km non stop , completing my first quest of the day.

'Except for dojo timing the other two, daily quests are increasing day by day'.

I noticed that my running speed has increased if compared to first day and I don't feel fatigue at all even running at a moderate pace for 30 minutes and more.

'I guess my physical condition is improving. '

I returned home and took a quick shower before taking out uniform.

'Lets just wear the sweater for today'.

I decided to wear the old cream colour sweater over the shirt and figure out something so I won't get heat stroke with this extra clothing.

I tied my hair in ponytail and applied some foundation over piercing to hide it but all futile as it was impossible and I can't let my hairs down in this heat.

'But in any case I am not going to cut my hair'.

I ate breakfast with my mom and left for school at 7.

When I arrived the class was almost empty. Only some mob characters from Horimiya anime were chatting , while glancing at me some time.

'They must be surprised due to my new look. I must admit that this face looks too good when I don't wear those glasses with my hairs up'.

The disciplinary members didn't stopped me , I don't know why.

After half an hour all the other students came inside the class including Ishikawa Kun, Yuki and the female lead Kyouko Hori.

Every single one stared at me atleast once ,after they entered the class.

'Now I am feeling awkward'.

I mean some glances are okay but everyone to a notice of the new me and even some girls clicked picture secretly which I noticed because of my enhanced hearing of snapping sounds.

It's not like I can hear all the sounds zoomed out all the time but only when I want. But hearing the comments on me especially from girls is too emabarrasing .

Hori san and the others were chatting like always without paying much attention to me but when a certain someone entered the class, all the attention drew toward her at once ..

I also noticed like other .

'Ah she looks like fairy whatever she wear and that white shirt looks particularly good on her'.

Shiba san entered the class alone and everyone looked at her with awe, amazement , admiration or envy .

I mean she is a member of student council, top grader in our year and front runner in sports and all in all, a beauty which looks transcended directly from heaven, how can't she be popular with all those traits.


Shiba san is famous not only in the second year, according to my memories she has already rejected massive amount of confession from all the three years even from two sensei .

'Well they lost their jobs after that'.

She has many friends in the class and students from different classes also but she draws a certain boundary between her and others.

If you piss her off or try to cross her boundary then it is well known how can she give anyone cold treatment without mercy. That's why many calls her .

"The ice princess"

The former self of mine didn't cared at all about Shiba san or to say I didn't cared about very much about anyone in the class . But the new me is all about only her.

I was contemplating in my own world with a book covering my face when someone knocked on my book twice.

I came back to my senses and realised that a familiar scent which I can't foget even I only smelt it once, was near me and as I expected Shiba san was standing beside me with a warm smile on her face.

"I knew it was you" She said while clasping her hand in accomplishment of something.

It was like she succeed in a very difficult mission of finding me in the class.

Her small gestures were also very attractive to me but I remained calm and answered her immediately

"Hey Shiba san , good morning".

I saw the look of shock and amazement in the eyes of nearby students .

'Well this was expected'.

"Thank you for yesterday , It is really problematic to handle that type of creeps. Anyway I know you know my name but still , I am Shiba Miyuki nice to meet you".

She said while bowing slightly which showed how elegant and classic her personality is.

I also stood up not in a rush and said

"I am Izumi Miyamura nice to meet you too Shiba san".

I also bowed in the same manner and took a glance while at it , toward the whole class.

Everyone was silent trying to hear what we were saying even Hori san' s group were focused on us.

'Give me a break'.

Before Shiba san can continue to say something the bell rang .

"I think I should return to my seat Miyamura kun. It was nice talking to you see you later ".

"Yeah sure see you ".

And she returned to her seat in the front which was far from the back seat where I always preferred.

'Goddd...I was literally about to faint in front of her. How can someone could be so beautiful. '


[+5 exp for poor host who can't handle his flowing emotions]

'Atleast I don't want to hear that from a system who doesn't know about emotion at all'.

[+2 exp for host's ignorant personality. Huh kids..]

At this time I was literally holding a conversation with my own system which was only responsible to show my stats and update the quest not to comment of my actions .

'I am sure this system is a actual person. I literally heard a sigh even it was a text'.