He dislikes me!

Miyuki POV:

'Oh my god ! I was really nervous for some reason right now'.

After I came back to my seat I realised how much nervous I really was when I greeted Miyamura kun .

I realised that I have already saw him before in the class but never took a notice of him as he always stayed alone and never talked to anyone in the class except when it is really necessary for everyone to interact . I think I have talked to him once before also in one of those events.

'He tied his hair like yesterday.'

I still remember that Miyamura kun always had a nerd like hair style and introvert type of personality .

I have always saw people try to talk to me even I don't start the conversation and yet Miyamura kun didn't continued our conversation even I was the one who took the initiative. It was thanks to the bell that helped the situation or it would have become awkward, taking my nervousness at that time in count.

'I guess he isn't like the other boys '.

Classes went by but one think was for sure my mind was somewhat filled by Miyamura kun after yesterday and more even after I saw him today.

I secretly glanced at him between the period breaks.

Between those secret glance , our eyes locked for an instance for once and Miyamura kun hurriedly hid his face behind the book.

'Is he ignoring me. No no , wait it must be awkward if suddenly I started peeking at him out of the blue'.

But again I tried to look at him quite sometime and he was constantly reading his book.

'I guess he started disliking me'.

I slumped down in disappointment and resume concentrating on the remaining classes, well I tried to.

Miyamura POV:

At lunch I got out of the class as I always bought something from the canteen to eat.

I noticed Shiba san glancing at me quite number of times between periods while talking to others.

Once our eyes met I looked away instantly as I don't know how should have I reacted.

I felt pathetic that I have became a wimp all of a sudden however in my previous life I was the one who talked to a girl first and ask them out if I start liking them and my advances were so smooth that I dated about half a dozen of girls until college graduation.

But now when someone is actually here whome I am in love with past several years....

'Fuck!!!! She will definitely think of me as a weirdo'.

I screamed in my mind while moving toward the canteen , totally ignorant about my surroundings.

I bought a meat bun from the canteen and ran toward the terrace as it was generally empty due to the restriction.

And just like always it indeed there was no one .

I bit my bun and started wondering about something:

"Hey system , why don't I have a proper stats like one displaying strength , speed and all?"


[You have one but you can't see it right now .]

"Oh so you are really a person listening to my words huh".


[Correct. I am a light fairy of heavens who is appointed to assist you by the almighty creator]

"The old man?"


[ The supreme one doesn't look like that, he just took the form of a person whome you can immediately recognise as god.]

"Is that so. Then you are the one who writes the message and created the system?"


[Yes as the apprentice of the seventh secretary of the supreme creator, I can make this kind of system anytime easily ]

"Your connection with the old man is too far to be acknowledged. Anyway if you are not a programmed system then could your stop that notification alert sound, it irritates me to no end."


"System could you tell me , how can I earn coins other than completing quest?"

[You can sell items in the store and as from where will you get sellable items then your anwer is..]


[+5 exp and a umbrella for a clever host]

[One item added to inventory]

[Foldable umbrella ]

[Grade: Classless]

"Umbrella , why?"

[You will thank your cute system for the gift in four hours so be patient.]

"I really don't get you sometime".