I promise!

{ Status}

[Name: Izumi Miyamura]

[Age: 17 years old]

[HP : 100+ 50 ]

[MP : ∞ ]

[Strength : 250 ]

[Stamina: 30]

[Speed : 150]

[ Intelligence : 120 ]



1.Shadow stealth - lvl 1

2.Piercing throw - lvl 1 ]


1. Last resort- lvl 1]

[Magic Element: None]

[Equipped: Bulking Bull ]

[Remaining Attributes : 150 ]

'My stamina has dropped drastically as well my hp but why external hp is still intact when the basic hp is reduced?'

[Host , you have a muscle breakdown in your shoulder and it has caused by yourself. Protective gear can protect you from external hits of this level.]

'Oh make sense. But my shoulder is well now'.

I was moving in a jungle with the little girl whose name was Teresia Lomrov whose age was indeed 12 years old . She is daughter of a duke in the capital which meant we were in a mediaeval period timeline .

From our conversation it seemed that she came here to practice her weakest proficiency of water when goblins attacked.

"So you are currently in a academy or something?". I asked while walking behind Teresia who was leading the way. Just in case I don't get lost while returning, I used my marking spray which I got from the system to mark some of the tree in the way.

"Yeah I am in first year student of Sebas Academy of Magic". She said without turning back. She wasn't acting all high mighty or unapproachable so I thought why don't I know more about the other world

"Does this goblins always capture people with high mana? " I asked , as having infinite mana , I have to be aware of these type of mana sensing monster in future.

Her steps paused for a second before she started walking again.

"No they don't . My mana is quite unnatural and unique which is beneficial for many but unfortunate for me ." She said with a very sad tone.

"Unfortunate? I guess having unique magic is brilliant don't you think?" I asked to cheer the little girl .

At her age I didn't even knew what stress was. Only playing , homework, again playing, eating and again playing . That's what I knew and my parents never forced me about something so I was kinda lucky .

"My powers come from a different dimension that's why the people in our country as well every students in the academy except some, thought me as a monster and the upper ones thought me as a treasure . They often absorb my mana with the help of same orb which the goblin were using before, to strengthen their heirs and soldier. "

'Those goblins have intelligence huh. That's impressive'.

[Host don't you think you should focus on the different part of the story]

'Oh sorry!'.

"And basically you are a tool of them to help then grow . " I said after dashing forward and standing infront of the innocent girl . I stared at her teary blue eyes which were telling me how much she have felt pain and sorrow until now.

I hugged her lightly on which her whole body stiffened my head to toe. I said in the most heroic tone I could.

"Don't worry it's just matter of time and everything will be alright. Raise your power to that extent where no-one can dare to use you a tool. And until you get that much power, record each and every person face in your mind to pay them back in ten folds okay. I told you before , life is worth it more than you know, so cheer up ".

Her tears started swelling up as I started patting her head .

"Uaaaahhhh..." She started crying ,like a child should . She hugged my back while crying and I also patted her head gently until she calmed down.

After some minutes she seperated from me and her cheeks were red due to obvious reason and I will pretend that I didn't noticed that.

The forest didn't had many monsters as hunters often came here to clear the forest for students to practice. Some monster like sneaky goblins hides their existence when the hunters starts their massacre and attack normal soldiers like those who were protecting Teresia before.

After about 15 minutes of walking straight ,a border area came to our vision. The perimeter of the city was about 100 feet tall so I can't see what was inside .

There was a dozen of guards standing in front of the entry gate with a sliver armour on their body . I enhanced my optical nerve and saw a dragon emblem on their chest which , according to Teresia , was the symbol of the country from where Teresia belong.

[Dungeon Quest]

[Escort the hostage to a safe place]

[Status : Complete]

[Reward: Sword dance]

(Note: The rewarded skill can be learnt directly from the skill section)

'This skill looks interesting'.

"Now from here you will be safe so see you Teresia". I said before turning back toward the forest.

"Ano.... if you come to the capital you will be rewarded for rescuing me." She said while tugging mu shirt sleeve.

"The offer is tempting but no thanks. I didn't do it because of any reward or something , it was out of my own interest". I said remembering the reward I was offered by the system.

The blush was so obvious which totally told me that she misunderstood some part. I shrugged my shoulder and didn't said anything else.

"Ano ne..if you are not getting late then could you spend more time here?". She asked with her eyes tightly closed and blushing cheeks.

"I am sorry Teresia but I have to return home now. But I promise to visit you again in the future , so be so strong until then and wait for me okay?" I patted her head and said with a smile.

"Oh is that so. But promise me you will return ,Izumi san and please take this , it will help you in future when you visit the capital and it will be our memento also ". She said with teary eyes and forced smile.

"Okay I will visit you again" I grabbed the golden shining star she handed me after tearing it from her dress.

It has T.L written in the middle and it was shining faintly.

I kept the badge in the inventory before rushing back to the forest.

[Host are you by any chance, going back to the cave?]

"Hmm yeah , I have to go back home you know".

[But you can exit dungeon after finishing the quest, from anywhere you know.]

My steps came to a sudden halt .

" WHAATTT. THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME BEFORE" I asked angrily as I already ran about 5 km even I was so fucking tired.

[You were looking so cute ,host when you were applying those marks , assuming yourself as a some sort of detective.]


I was speechless . Total speechless . When I remembered how I was thinking of myself as genius while using marking the woods, I started hitting my head on a tree in embarrassment.

"For now tell me how can I return home". I said after full minute of bashing my head and cursing the damn fairy.

[You can simply use dojo as a medium to return home].

"Enter dojo". I said and my surroundings changed into a dim light room. I wanted to check out new section which unlocked after my levelling up but I was about to collapse any second so I teleported back to my room.

'I guess I can teleport myself back only in my room through dojo'.

[System locks the host location from where he used to enter the dojo for the first time and will only teleport to the locked location.]

'Its fortunate that I didn't used it somewhere else for the first time '.

I collapsed on the bed without realising that only some minutes actually passed since I went to the dungeon , in my own world.