Original Plot!

Next morning I woke up nearly at 6 a.m . After running for 8 km, I came back home to get a refreshing shower.

"Woof..that felt nice . That gross smell of blood was stinking till now. Oh yeah and Darbi how come I came back so early when I was about 4 hours away , in the dungeon?" I asked as I saw the date today in calendar and remembered that it was stil dark when I returned back home.

[The time gap between different world varies so in this world you went out for only few minutes. The world you went last night work like , a year spent there is a month passed in home world. ]

"Oh got it and one more thing the place I visited last night was nothing like a dungeon , I have read in solo levelling and other novels. It was more like cross world adventure quest".I asked while changing my clothes and getting ready for school.

I planned to skip school today in case I had to spend a day in the dungeon but fortunately I came back and had a good rest before continuing my daily life due to the time gap.

[There are several time of keys you will get host . Dungeons are categorised as the quest where you don't have to interact with outside world and complete quest in closed proximity. But since an unforseen situation happened , you had to go out of the designated battleground .However its not likely going to happen again.]

'Please tell me there is cross anime world key also'.

[Fufu....there is , host. There is.]

'Yosh.. that's what I wanted to hear'.

I tied my hair in a rough bun and went to school on my usual timing.

'Ah Darbi , since I have levelled my strength and speed so much how come I can still do things like a normal person and still I don't have a feel like I am holding back myself very much'. I remembered that I didn't had to hold back much when I was running in the morning , nor my strength was like hulk as I cracked an egg easily for my breakfast.

[I knew you would ask. There is a physical limiter which I put on your status whenever you are not on a quest . But you can lift the limiter as much you want. Just say 'Limiter' in your mind and you will know .]

'Thats very convienent , thanks Darbi you are a real life saver'. I thanked as I really don't want to spend my life while focusing on little things . As Darbi said, I said it in my mind.


{Host' s Limiter}

[Strength: 250 -> 100]

[Speed : 150 -> 100]

[Disabled skill: none]

(Note: This limiter can be adjusted in accordance to host's will and new skill could be added to disabled list if the host wants even it is passive ones. )

'So you decreased my strength and speed huh. But still I am above an average person'.

[Yes host. I knew how important it is to have extraordinary features , when you want to impress someone]

'You know me best '.

I had a friendly chat with Darbi on my way to school.

'Why I have feeling that I forgot about something'.

After a couple of minutes every student started entering the class. Miyuki also entered followed by Yuuki and Hori san.

Miyuki didn't looked at my way . She didn't realised that I was in the class or so I thought .

I got up to greet her today as we spent quite pleasant moments yesterday so I thought our relation definitely gotten somewhat close to friends or more than that.

But when I was about to get near her desk she stood up and before glaring at me furiously . She walked toward the group of Hori san and company leaving me clueless at my place.

'Wh-What just happened'.

I was seriously depressed as the look she shot at me was of the famous Ice princess not my gentle Miyuki.

'Man...did I crossed my boundary yesterday? But she was very happy until the last moment we spent together then whyyyyyy'.

I spent my whole day remembering what happened but nothing came to my mind.

Miyuki didn't spoke to me at all and even went karoke today with Ishikawa kun and some other students.

'Kill me god.' I groaned as I was returning back home with a gloomy look on my face.

[Don't say that host. God is always in a good favour of yours so he might listen to your this wish also].

'I don't have power to argue with you right now so cut your shit out for now'.

[+10 exp for heart broken host]

I ate my lunch with my mom as today bakery was closed . Bakery usually works on Saturday and Sunday as it is the golden days for the shop so mom picked Tuesday as a resting day of the week.

"Izumi is everything alright. You don't look good today". She asked with a worried look.

"I am fine mom. Oh and I am going out in the evening so if you want me something to buy then tell me". I said in a normal tone as I didn't wanted to worry her especially when it's her resting day.

"Okay I will give you the list"


I actually wanted to get some fresh air that's why I went outside to roam aimlessly. I bought the things which mom told me in the way.

'I should check my available skill in the dojo . Darbi can you tell me about the sword dance skill. It seemed very cool '. I asked while walking on the street which was near my bakery.

[Indeed it is cool , its rank is S you know.]

My feet stopped instantaneously.

'S rank. Are you serious?'.

[Yeah but there are two points of which you can't use that skills now.]

'Figures . Tell me about it.'

[First you don't have a proper sword to perform that technique . And second if you learn that skill with you current intelligence, your mind will collapse due to massive amount of information all at once . You need atleast 500 intelligence points to learn a S rank skill]

'Dont you think I will be a unbeatable maniac ,If I level up at this rate?'.

[Let me give you reality check . There is a world called Phylanta where you will go in near future. In that world a normal adult citizen have a strength above 1000 points so you can guess where you stand from the perspective of other worlds.]

'*Gulp* I have long way ahead'.


I heard a loud scream coming toward me and a black stray dog barking behind the help seeker .

A little boy around age of 6 with a ash grey hair was running toward me with tears in his eyes.

'Isnt this the main plot?'