The reason!

The kid was definitely the character who triggered the first meeting of the leads of Horimiya anime , which resulted in their romantic relationship in future.

I have a very fond feelings toward animals so I took out a piece of bread from my shopping bag and threw it toward the dog.

After he ate and went away , I checked and saw there was blood on the kid's face.

"Hey buddy , it's fine . Look the dog is gone now ." I said crouching down and patting the little bean who was hiding behind me.

"Onii chan thank you !" After he saw that there was really nothing behind me , he thanked me while hugging .

After he introduced himself as Souta Hori , I took him toward his home as his face was hurt and it was almost dark so I thought it will be bad if he trips again somewhere.


"Onee chaan". After entering the house which I deeply know from my old world' s anime memory , Souta yelled while holding my hand.

"Hmm. Wha- Souta! What happened buddy" Hori san dropped her clothe basket and rushed toward Souta in a worried look and started wiping blood with a clean sheet.

'Green top, round bun . Yeah this is the original plot'.

I had a specific purpose on following the plot as I wanted to know something desperately.

"Thank you ! Miyamura kun to bring my little brother back safely. Please come inside I want to thank you properly".

'Hmm she didn't ignored me like the anime and she recognised me immediately huh. That's interesting'.

"No it's okay Hori san . I will go now".I said while turning back when I felt a tug on my sleeve and this was done again by a kid.

Souta stared at me with a puppy face which I can't resist and I patted his head again.

"Atleast have a cup of coffee before you leave. It won't take long". Hori san said with a smile .

I nodded and we moved toward the dining space where Hori san made two cup of regular coffee for me and herself. Souta was sitting on my lap , asking me about games and talking about his friends, happily.He got close to me in very small amount of time which surprised Hori san also.

I told Hori san about what happened when I found Souta and talked some of the stuff about school and all.


'Ok now it's time'.

"Umm. Hori san , are you in a close relation with Shiba san?" I asked hesitantly .

"Miyuki ? Yeah me , Yuuki and Miyuki are best of the friends . Wait , you want to ask what happened to her, don't you"? She said with a sly smile and narrow eyes .

"Please Hori san tell me if you know, that will help a lot ". I said with a plead as I knew the sadistic nature of Hori san so it was better to surrender soon .

"Hmmm ? Today she was all about you and now you are....anyway she is angry with you". She said with a smug face like she shared a decent amount of useful information.

"Eh... Hori san , I figured that much already, that Shiba san is angry with me but I want to know the reason."

"I guess you don't usually check your phone notification. You can do anything but can't ignore a beautiful girl , you know". She said while picking up the emptied coffee mug.

' my phoneeeee '

I instantly remember that I threw it at the ugly shit yesterday as a distraction.

"I guess you now know , don't you". She said while leaning on the table .

"Yes thank you Hori san. I will return the favour in future ." I said while standing up to leave.

"Nah it okay. it's the first time I have saw Miyuki interested in a guy so don't let the chance slip away ."

"I won't " I nodded and left Hori san house.


'I have to buy another phone but I don't have much money . What to do?'

I buy my lunch with my monthly allowance as I don't always like to ask my parents for money. It wa a habit of my old self and it was same for me.

I returned home while thinking possible way to earn money without wasting much time.

'Lets see food delivery would be piece of cake with my given speed but still navigating exact location will be pain in ass' .

I was writing the job I can do , on a paper.

'I can participate in MMA tournaments but eventually my identity will be revealed and that will be hassle'.

I thought about dozens of idea but because of my age and limited time I have it was becoming hectic.

I searched on internet using my pc about available part time jobs .

"Hmm tutouring is an option . Let's check the details".

There was a list of available jobs for tutoring job available for students but the one which the most eye catching was.

"5000 yen per week. That's insane ." I immediately booked an appointment as the offer of this much money for only an hour of 6 days of a week was too good for me .

I confirmed the meeting point with the other party and agreed to meet them tomorrow in the evening.

"Shitt it's already 5.58 p.m . Enter dojo now"

I suddenly remembered about my daily quests and I was very glad that I only had to do 2 hours training in dojo as I already did the weight lifting task while thinking what happened to Miyuki after coming back home from school.


After 2 hours.

" was so close . "

[Daily Quest]

[Train 2 hours in dojo]

[Status: Complete]

[Remaining : 0]


[Daily Quests]

[Status : Complete]

[Reward : 100 exp, 1200 coins , Scholar's scroll]


[One item added to inventory]

[Scholar's scroll]

[Grade: D]

'That reward sounds useful for my new job . '

I returned home after checking the details of the scroll.

'So it will enhance my mind to remember everything I read once huh. Then it will help me in my exams also. Well I was capable already to pass with high score'.

[+5 exp for the full of himself host]

"Shut up "

"Izumi, dinner ."My mom called me from outside.

"10 minutes mom". I said while grabbing my pajamas to change after the bath.

I took a shower immediately and went to eat dinner .

'Lets hope I get a good student tomorrow'.