Lies and new job!

"Shiba san , can we talk for a moment , alone?"

It was morning time before homeroom starts. Just after Miyuki came inside I asked her not minding the amazed and piercing looks of other students.

"O-Okay" She agreed right away with a startled look on her face which was too cute .

I took her to the staircase where no one was to be seen as homeroom class was 5 minutes away.

"Shiba san I know you won't believe it but that day when we shared umbrella , I broke my phone accidentally , so please forgive me " I said while bowing .

"Yeah I figured much after talking to Kyouko this morning so please don't apologise like that. And I am also sorry about my behavior yesterday."

She also bowed which made us look like we finalized a business deal .

The bell brang both of us back to our senses and we returned without saying much. But rather than a cold look Miyuki sent a warm smile when we about to get seated .

The boys were so envious of me that they threw a whole lot of murderous glare , which I really didn't mind at all and focused on the classes.Only some boys I know from anime and some fodder were smiling in admiration as 'The Princess ' actually seemed melted in front of someone.

At lunch break I went to the rooftop but to my one of a hell surprise, Miyuki was already standing there.

"Oh Miyamura kun , here you are . " She said after sitting on the railing and putting her black lunch box on her lap.

"Shiba san , why are you here and alone. What about Yuuki san and Hori san?" I asked while I also sat beside her , about a feet apart tho, as my nervousness in front of my crush is still somewhat alive .

"Umm , it's like you know, they wanted to eat alone today and I like to eat in the cool air that's why".

'Her red cheeks are so cute. I want to touch them them.' I saw her fidgeting and wandering eyes which told me that she was lying absolutely.

"Umm Miyamura kun , actually I saw you don't bring lunch and eating bread can lead to cancer , I have read somewhere."

"Ah Shiba san , where do you read these type of informative things" I asked as I remembered her rain sickness myth.

" Weekly magazines"

"Figures". I said with a chuckle .

"Huh? " She aked while tilting her head cutely with a confused look on her face.

"No it's nothing . Let's enjoy our food before the break ends" I said while tearing off my cheese bun out of the wrapper and savouring it melted fabulous chess inside.

The whole lunch went silently. I peeked at Miyuki and saw her eating various kind of high class dishes but somehow she was in a daze like thinking about something.

After eating our lunch and chatting little bit about here and there we both stood up to leave.

I opened the door for Miyuki to pass but she suddenly stopped and looked at me with a slight blush on her face.

'Dont tell me she is going to confess. '

[+5 exp for the host who is full of himself pt.2]

'That was a joke okay. I am not getting ahead'.

"Ah Miyamura kun if it's okay with you then can I prepare a lunch box also for you, tomorrow?" She asked hesitantly .

"Yeah sure. I also want to taste your handmade food Shiba san . And please call me Izumi from now on. " I said while leaving the terrace behind her.

"Okay then please call me Miyuki from now on Iz-Izumi kun". I couldn't see her face but I knew she had a proper flushed appearance right now .

"Got it Miyuki chan". I said with a chuckle .

"Hey I am not a kid then why this -chan" She said after turning back and glaring at me .

"It's cute don't you think". I said what I felt .

"Cu-cute . Why so sudden attack. I am going bye.." And she fastened her pace while hiding her face behind the luch box.

"And don't take me as kid." She shouted after moving some distance from me , catching a lot of attention which made her embarrassed herself in the end. I stood at my place chuckling at her adorable antiques.

'Her tsundere side is also cute don't you think'.

[Well she have a potential of being yandere also as from what I have saw in canon.]

'Yeah and I would love to get a yandere waifu like her'.


After school I finished my dojo training and weight lifting . I got ' Grade F' lvl 1 cooking skill as a reward from the quest along with exp and coins.

'i can help mom with my cooking skill atleast'.

As dojo timing and my world timing is now almost 15 minutes apart, it didn't take too long and at 5 p.m I started preparing my meeting with my employer well if everything goes well.

I wore black jeans and black shirt which was not so casual and not fully formal in look. It was so called casually formal clothes best for a student who is going to a official place.

I took more time on my hairs today and made a perfect half up ponytail , not my usual rough bun or messy ponytail.

Looking in mirror I admired myself as I was looking genuinely handsome today.

[Not bad host. I might fall for you]

'Give me a break . I know being a fairy my charm is not something you find very unique'.

[Ah yeah you are right !]

'Atleast try to deny it even it's the truth .'

I reached the station in 10 minutes as the meeting point was on the other side or to say in the centre part of the city , I decided to take train rather than running in the formals like a maniac.

I noticed that some of the gazes fell on me which included a quite number of older women also.

'Do I look that mature?'.

[Milf Alert!]

'You really should not watch sinful things when you belong to heaven'.

[Hehe...but this isn't a sin , and if it is then you would have directly transported infront of Lord Lucifer in hell rather than The supreme creator ]

I don't know what you are saying but I rarely watched hentai videos in my previous life'.


I developed a habit of chatting with Darbi so I was naturally doing so ,when I arrived in front of a hospital.

'I guess he must be taking care of someone here'.

The address I got was of City centre hospital which was the third biggest hospital in whole Japan. And as for what I was using to navigate until here was an old phone of my dad which was usable but didn't contained much features.

'Well compare to the phone of 2021 this is an antique'. I chuckled before calling my employer whose number I got from the website.

"Hello Mister Maruo, I am Izumi Miyamura the one who applied as a tutor yesterday. Actually I am standing outside of the hospital you sent me address of."

After the phone disconnected a man in black blazer came out, breathing heavily.

"Hello are you Mr Izumi". He asked as he recognised me without giving any sign or gesture.

"Yeah I am ,and are you the one I talked before".

"No , please come with me. Nakano san is waiting for you".

I nodded and followed him.

We entered the massive hospital which was actually the biggest I have seen in my both lives .

We entered an office which had a name written of 'Dr Maruo Nakano' on the door nameplate.

'In the end he is a doctor, but why do I have a feeling that I know something about this'.

A man with sharp eyes and slim stature was standing infront of big bossy chair , without any expression on his face.

'I remember his face from my previous life but where I saw him...fuckkk'.

"Good evening sir. I am Izumi Miyamura". I said while offering my hand for a shake which he took comfortably.

"Good evening Izumi kun. Have a seat." He said before gesturing me on the seat in front of him.

"So from your appearance it looks you are in college . Well I needed young person for my child but a college student is still..." He said after checking out me thoroughly.

' student is young for him then how will he react when he will know I am in high school '. I panicked in my mind and felt a conflict whether to stay silent or say the truth.

"I am first year in college but I can assure you that any subject of high school is inside my reach and I was always in top 3 in my high school." I said with a confident look.

"I don't doubt much as I will know whether you are qualified or not in a day but I am more concerned about my daughter's attitude " He said with little bit of concern.

"Does she hate studying or being taught by someone?" I asked while sipping the bitter coffee which was brought just after my arrival.

"It's both. She haven't scored above 40 in any test until junior high and even in high school she is doing more worse . The thing is that , I already had many tutors for her before, but each and everyone left after a week or two. " The concern in his eyes was genuine but his poker face and vertical eyelid were not going well with his concerned speech.

"I understand and I will try to last long and help Ms. Nakano to get better marks than ever before".

We didn't talked much after that and he gave me an apartment address in which his daughter lives alone as Dr Maruo always travel around the globe for medical purpose ofcourse.

'She doesn't have a mother nor a sibling , so she definitely have become wary of strangers by now'.

I decided to visit my new student now as it was only 6.20 in the evening and Dr . Maruo also asked me to meet her once before deciding whether I want to start .

"If you feel like you can do it then you can collect your advance payment for a week from my daughter herself tomorro." That's what he said in the end.

'Lets just hope I can get this job'.


[Lovers Quest]

[Get on the good side of your student]

[Reward: hidden]

[Penalty : You will loose all your existing skills]

'Seriously? Isn't this penalty insane AF' I said while arriving in front of the apartment I got the address of.

I was so concerned about the penalty that I didn't realised what the quest category was.