
I was standing in the dojo in front of a live training doll.

It was the first time I entered the dojo to increase my skills rather than just only to complete my daily quest and I guess a decent amount of training was necessary for my next dungeon.

The section of the dungeon which was unlocked when I reached level 5 was actually this . Five training dolls which knew every kind of fighting style and know how to handle all weapons were arranged , ranking from D to S and there was level of difficulty in each one . Just I had to input the weapon and the fighting style they can use through a seperate holographic interface and the difficulty I have the balls to handle.

It was 9 p.m so I thought an hour or two will not hurt and getting killed in a outer world just because I didn't practiced well, will be stupidest thing I could do.

"Ah wait I didn't checked the Sabers". I remembered that I got Oriental Sabers as dungeon completion reward.

I took out the blades which was idly waiting to be unleashed, from the inventory.

"Woah... so cool" I said with shining eyes.

What came from the inventory was a twin short swords . It's blade was a bit broad and bent at the end giving it a deadly look.

It's handle was red in colour and the blade was illuminating like a star. It's weight was light as feather. I slashed it here and there and the sound of ' woosh' was making me tremble in excitement.

'It is a grade A and it has a effect also what was that...what was it Darbi?'

[You are a real slave driver]

[Oriental Sabers]

[Grade : A]

[Effect: Enemy's HP will drop continuously for 10 second]

[Consumption: 100 mana points]

(Note: It is upgradable upto rank SS)

'100 mana points is too much'".

[Says the one with no limits]

"Let's starts the thrill . " I said while ignoring Darbi' s blabber.

"Start". I yelled toward the drone infront of me.

"VOICE RECOGNISED. COMMAND ACCEPTED". The drone replied as it's eyes started shining in blue colour and the wooden sword appeared in its hand out of nowhere , was raised high in fighting stance , ready to attack.

'I won't give you the chance'.I smirked and moved my feet swiftly and slashed my twin blade in a cross formation.


The inhumane opponent caught my attack in mid air by moving more fastly with raising his wooden sword horizontally in the air with both of his hands on the either side of the sword, supporting his upward force.

His movements were so fast that I didn't realised that I had given a full opening to him.

He jumped with his both leg and kicked my stomach so hard that I slid backward about two metres .

"STOP" I yelled as the drone jumped in the air to attack me again.

"VOICE RECOGNISED. COMMAND ACCEPTED." And the drone landed cleanly on the floor and the light from his eyes disappeared.

*Cough* I coughed a full mouthful of blood as in a panic of stopping the maniac I pulled back my urge for spitting out.

"Crap..I can't handle an easy level D rank. How much weak actually I am Darbi." I asked in an irritated voice even I knew it was my weakness and nothing to do with her.

[Host, cool down your mind and listen what I have to say.]

I exhaled a lot of air and felt the pain lingering in my stomach. I sipped some water from the inventory and sat legs criss crossed.

"Now tell me what can I do Darbi " . I asked as I am not a egoistic person who can't ask help when he is not actually have power to handle the situation in hand.

[Host the weapon you just used is the first time of you are fighting with right? ]

I nodded like a student listening to teacher's lesson.

[You have to understand your weapon first , spend time to master it and learn how you can cope with it. You just have learnt meele weapon basic skill but the weapon in your hand is far above the basic scroll could ever teach you. The only one who can teach you how to handle a weapon is none other than yourself . Skill learning is just map which you have to follow with your own method and hardwork]

" I understand Darbi thank you." I thanked her while thinking all the words she said and clenched my fist .

'I have to know my weapon before swinging it like a fool'.


~After 20 minutes ~

"Fuckkkk...I can't do this." I said while panting like a bull .

I tried to get used to my Sabers but they were so light that I always miss the perfect hit or my hands move before my legs giving a whole lots of opening.

I lied down on the ground and threw my Sabers back in the inventory.

"I am done for Darbi". I said a little depressingly as I didn't knew ,handling blades even I had basic knowledge, would be this hard.

[Host can I give you some motivation?]

"Please don't joke around this time". I said while standing up to lift 100kg dumbbells to complete my weight training quest.

[I told you that you can travel multiverse with the keys , didn't I?]

"Yeah sure you did and I am trying this much only for that ". I said because I was eagerly waiting for my cross anime quests.

[Now let me tell you what you will be able to do through quests in different anime]

"Hmm , tell me I am all ears". I said while completing my fifth lift not so easily but it was okay.

[There are some anime you watched that had sad ends or your favourite side characters died or even main character died in the end so what if I tell you that you can change their fate and give them a happy ending]


My dumbbells fell on the ground making the ground vibrate however the dojo ground is made of I don't know what but it's super tough.

"Are you serious?" I said anxiously with hidden excitement .

[Do I have reason to lie. Therefore train yourself and pass these normal dungeon as soon as possible to get those key you desire the most, Host]

"I am on it" I said and resumed weight lifting and this time with more aggression and flames in my eyes.

I practiced my dual Sabers and metal knives for 2 hours without break and challenged the training doll again with the same difficulty like before .

I was using my knives this time as I had become familiar with it more than my Sabers.



As soon the blue light came back to the drone , I dashed toward it and same was for him . He ran toward me while raising his wooden sword to hit me head on.

I blocked his sword with my left knife that took a lot of strength and ina blink I stabbed the right one in his abdomen.

(A/N : The training dolls are indeed inhuman but they have a human body with only eyes and no internal organs and weak point. And another things, the Mc has lifted all the limiter in the dojo. )

Before it can realise anything else I dropped the knife which was holding his sword and got a hit on head but tolerable hit , and the dropped knife was caught by the hand which stabbed the doll before and fluently stabbed the other side of his abdomen making its HP goes down by 30.

'Yosh , only 70 HP remaining'.

I quickly pushed myself out of the area to get some distance and saw the drone coming forward but this time not in a head on hitting position but his sword on his shoulder in a different grip.

'Did I pissed him off'.

I took out my Sabers in a lightning speed and dodged the horizontal strike of my opponent while benting on my back . And that's it , my opponent won as I gave too much opening with my hero style dodging stupidity.

The drone kicked my legs as soon I bent backward , making me fall and placing his sword near my neck to show how easily ,he could have killed me if this was a real battle

"I lost , Stop".



~ Next day ~

I was sitting right beside Miyuki in the lunch break on the roof top.

She timidly handed me a lunch box with her hands shaking and I noticed a dozen on bandages on her fingers and cut marks here and there.

'She is not used to cook.'

I opened the lead and saw the shrimps , vegetables , rice and some other things packed inside it .

"Thank you for the food" I said before digging in.

It had a good flavour but probably because a little bit of over cooking the shrimps and vegetables has already left its richness.

Due to my cooking mastery, I taste food with a whole lot of different perception and this food is definitely needs improvement.

'But if she made is especially for me then nothing I could ask for more'. I said while eating continuously .

I saw Miyuki picking up something from her lunch unconsciously and staring at me in disbelief all the time

"Ah I am stuffed . It was good Miyuki " I said after putting the lead back on the top and smiling at Miyuki who was flashbanggered with the speed of my eating.

I couldn't helped it as my training increased my appetite so much that my mom had to prepare food for three people now .

"Izumi kun how can you eat burnt food. You don't have to praise me either , I know it taste bad". She said with teary eyes and putting the lead back also, without finishing it properly.

"Yeah to be honest it was bad but Miyuki I guess you cooked for the first time , didn't you". I said with a smile on which her movements froze in the place.


"It's written on your hands , so if I take it as a first time dish then sure it was more than I could expect. The first time I cooked was disastrous as I had to use fire extinguisher after it". I said while remembering the first time I cooked in my previous life for my parents on their anniversary.

'That was horrible'.

"But still I wanted to make a perfect lunch for you Izumi kun . I am sorry". She said with a sad look which doesn't suite her face at all.

"Don't say sorry and if you feel bad then cook again for me with caution this time please". I said .

"Can I really?" Her eyes lit up as she heard what I asked for.

"If it's not a hassle . Anyway why you go out your way to specially cook for me when you never did before. Its not like you like me or something then what it could be?" I said while making a sign that I am completely oblivious.

'Best play is the dense play'. I thought while I caught a glance of Miyuki strawberry red face.


'Oh my goddd...he said it . Did I was so obvious. I mean, I like him and I like him a lot but was I too expressing. But I can't help it. The way he smile makes my heart race in full throttle. His lean body and arm muscles are so attractive that....oh my god I am becoming a pervert.'

I was contemplating all the things what happened during lunch while I was returning home back after the student council work .


I took out my phone and saw a message which I never wanted to see in my life.

"You are looking as beautiful as ever today. I hope you can make that expression when we meet , my love" -Unknown.

'This creep again '.

I said while I looked in my surroundings for any kind of onlooker but the street was empty.

I started getting a text like this two weeks ago. I asked my father about this and after tracking it down they found it was a child's phone so I didn't took it seriously and blocked it .

But another text starred coming from yesterday and I was a bit scared by this time now .

'I should talk to father about this .'

Little did I know that the number wasn't of a child but his....