Don't touch my girl!

It was 6 p.m when I was returning home with my new phone.

I taught Nino san for the first day and she really did focused in my class well for the first half hour.

I didn't knew why but after I offered reward yesterday , she seemed a whole lot of motivated then I could have asked for.

I recieved the advance payment from Nino san and bought a phone on my way home .

"I will ask Miyuki for her number tomorrow ". I said while remembering the things happened during lunch break and grinning ear to ear.

~Next Day~

The homeroom started and still Miyuki didn't arrived .

'It seems she is skipping school but from my memory it's very rare for the perfect student like her to skip classes casually, maybe she is sick or something'. I was thinking while listening to my teacher.

After I recieved the Scholar scroll , I really didn't had to study at all. I mean I have to read a book once and done .


[Lovers Quest]

[Visit the southern dump yard]

[Time limit: 40 minutes]

[Reward: Hidden ]

[Penalty : Host will loose his all stats ]

I was utterly shocked , not because of sudden quest nor even because of penalty but ..

'Lovers quest that means it's about Miyuki or Nino but Nino has high security around her then....'

I realised why Miyuki isn't present today and before I can deduct something else , I stood up.

"Sensei I am not feeling well, can I go to the infirmary" Before sensei could answer I swiftly exited the class .

'Activate Stealth'.

I activated my stealth and ran toward the school entrance in high pace as I didnt wanted to get caught in cameras or by any other teacher.

"Darbi lift my speed limiter by 30." I said after leaving the school building behind and running toward the South district where the only dump yard is situated.

[Done Host ]

My speed suddenly maximised and I literally felt all my scenary went like a flash.

My heart was pounding hard anxiously as the time limit was less that means something is going to happen real soon.

'I hope she is okay otherwise...'.

I didn't knew what could've happened to her but my instinct were telling me that something is really fishy.

'Lift the whole speed limit'.

[Aye ..aye host]



"Huh where am I?" I opened my eyes slowly as the last thing I remembered, that I was on my way to the school when someone covered my face and I lost my consciousness.

"You are awake my love~" A middle aged man was standing in front of me said in a mild tone. He is wearing black colour suit and a disgusting grin on his face.

"It's you who was texting me. And now you had the guts to even kidnap me" I said while I glared at the man's eyes .I deduced this much as calling me love and pretending to know me can't be done by a complete out of nowhere person.

The whole room was dim lighted and it was big hall where me and only the man was present .

I checked my surroundings and saw that the whole hall was empty and only the couch was there on which I was laid down.

"Shh...don't shout , your beautiful face will get distorted like that." He said while approaching me and started touching my face all over.

My hands were tied with a rope which gave him the opportunity to do as he pleased.

I was disgusted by his touch and wanted to bite his hand off .

"You didn't replied any of my message and even tracked me down . You don't had to do that . If you had asked me then I would have come to you in an instant". He said while grinning which was really pissing me off.

"I dont know why you kidnapped me but the consequences of your action will be worst you can imagine." I said while trying to shake his hands off.

"Oh and who will lead my consequences ? Your businessman dad whome I can destroy in one phone call or your wimpy lover whose mom earns money for his good for nothing son?".

He started untying my shirt button . I tried to shook his hand off but my hands and legs were completely tied and my upper body was little numb to even move more than I was trying to.

Only one name came in mind when the last button was about to be undone.

"Izumi ".




I dashed toward the dump yard in just 10 minutes and enhanced my vision and auditory nerve to check the vast region.

I heard Miyuki voice in just a second about 100 m to the left corner .

She was asking whoever the person in front of her was about why he kidnapped her.

'So she indeed is in trouble'.

I thought before moving my legs toward the direction.

I saw about two dozens of guards in the area patrolling with batons and rods .

'Darbi my strength , lift it '.

I said but I already moved toward the guards in a rush.

"Hey who are-"

"Your father ."


I slapped him so hard in the face that he blew away and crashed in another guard.

Every guard started running toward me while roaring.

My ears were all inside and I heard little sobs of Miyuki when I lost my cool.


I started the rampage. With my speed and strength my martial arts were something they never expected of.

I don't know how much time I took but just in few seconds all the guards were lying down uncouncious with a bruises and blood all over the place .

I ran toward the big red door which they were guarding until now.


What I saw inside was something I could never forget .

A middle aged fucker was leaning on the couch and was unbuttoning the tied Miyuki who had tears filled in her eyes.

Blood boiled inside me and I gathered my strength in my legs before dashing toward the couch.

He saw me and stood facing toward the door .

"Hey how-".


Before the bastard could finish his words I kicked his face from the right and his body slammed further away on the wall .

His facial bones shattered and he started screaming in pain.

I totally ignore md the man as the more concerning thing was....

"Miyuki are you fine?" I asked while untying her.

She didn't said anything which made me more worried.

"Hey Miyuki ..."

The thing she only did after getting free was to hug me tightly.

"Th-thank y-you Izumi". She said while sobbing .

I patted her back of the head and let her cry until I heard the loud voice the asshole again.

"YOU FUCKER DONT KNOW WHO I AM . I WILL DESTROY YOUR WHOLE FAMILY . ".He said still leaning back on the wall and covering his face which I destroyed before.

"Miyuki just give me a minute and we will go back home". I said while seperating myself and buttoning her shirt again . I moved my head toward the yelling sound before dashing toward him.

My speed was obviously fast to realise when I arrived infront of him.

I grabbed his neck and lifted him almost half feet above the ground.

"Now now uncle hold your horses. If you want to destroy my family then you have only this day because after today your whole world will be destroyed like your shitty face, in front of you and you will regret for your whole life , that why you ever FUCKING TRY TO TOUCH MY GIRL". I yelled before throwing him on the ground.

I angrily took out my knives from the inventory , not minding Miyuki and the asshole to see me pulling something out of no where , at all.

"These filthy hands touched my Miyuki huh".

I said while kneeling in front of him and before he could see my blades completely, I cut his left arm.


He yelled in pain but my anger was still didn't subdued.

I pulled his another hand and detached it also from his body.


After this nothing sensible came out of his mouth and blood continued flowing on the ground.

He was screaming in pain when I took out his mobile and called the ambulance.

I returned back to Miyuki who was shocked with my cruel action but I wasn't concerned a little bit about it.

"Izumi wh-" She wanted to ask me about various things as her eyes were wandering in confusion.

"Now let's go Miyuki and I will tell you about it later. " I picked her up in princess carry and took her out of the dump yard but in human pace.

I booked a cab and reached Miyuki ' s house in an hour .

'The dumpyard was really far '.

[12 km from your school , host]

'I guess lifting my limiter was a good idea'.

We reached Miyuki house or to say villa .

It was really huge and massive .We entered the villa and entered after passing some security .

As we went inside the mansion , I saw a beautiful woman just the older version of Miyuki sitting on the couch, completely oblivious what happened to her daughter.

"Mamaaaaa" As Miyuki said , she ran toward her mother who become shocked on Miyuki's sudden entrance.

I told her about what happened which made her shock even further and just like her daughter she also started crying .In the middle of all the loud cries, a handsome man in black suit who was probably the father of Miyuki also came rushing through the door .

Miyuki cried and cried and fell asleep in her mother's embrace. I also felt relaxed to see her sleeping comfortably .

"Thank you Miyamura kun. I am really grateful than I can't express for saving my daughter. Please tell me if I can do something to repay your kindness". Her father asked.

"No please you don't have to do anything. I just did what was supposed to do in the moment and please don't worry about the kidnapper, he will not trouble Miyuki again, I promise.". I reassured him as I had various kind of things in my mind.

I didn't told them about the guards and my what I did exactly .Just told them the same thing I told Miyuki In the cab.

"Please don't tell your parents about what happened and about the kidnapper until tomorrow . " That's what I said on which Miyuki nodded without a second thought.

'They probably will call police but by tomorrow sunrise , everything will be sorted out'.

After a long thanking session by both of her parents , I went back to my school and spent it normally like nothing happened.


'Ah Darbi what did I got as the reward for my quest?'.I asked when I was returning back home .

[I will direct the information host]

[Hackers Hub]

[Grade : C]

[Nature : Passive]

(Note: The book contains all the hacking method which exists on the mortal plain. )

'Darbi the lovers Quest ,reward is being prepared by you , isn't it? ' I asked as this is the best reward I could ask right now.

[Yes host . I am responsible to create the quest and determine the reward if it's about your own world]

'Thank you Darbi.' I said it from my heart as if not for the quest , I could have never have imagined that Miyuki is in trouble.

"Now let's destroy a fucker completely".