New skills and new friend!

The book of Hackers Hub is something that I didn't expected at the moment but since the normal quest is made by Darbi, she must have knew what I needed the most.

I read the book from first to last page and thanks to my scholar's scroll I learnt each and every way to hack into thinnest device to largest vault of the century.

I rented a PC in cyber cafe for 2 hours as using my personal PC will lead to further counter track down and I don't want to always be on alert.

After checking out the asshole 's details I found he was a politician with ample amount of influence living with his son only , and about his wife, well she died a year ago.

I didn't wasted time and went through his transactions, his mobile phone and laptop and found more than enough evidence of money laundering, mafia involvement , raping some side actressess and many more crimes , that can ruin his entire life without a single doubt.

I sent all the evidences to the media as government officials and let the rest in their hands.


Next day we didn't had school and Miyuki wasn't in condition to meet me but she texted me that she was okay and just need rest for sometime.

About the kidnapper, Miyuki revealed to her parents that the man whose news is highlighting on all channels, is responsible .

Since yesterday she was asleep the whole time that's why her parents didn't asked about it and now when the kidnapper is already on his way to prison , there is no point to rub their nose any further. However they still reported a complaint about the kidnapping as what Miyuki said.


I used my free time to cook something delicious for my mom and read the remaining books I needed for my exams as well that can help Nino for her future reference.

At 10 a.m my Mom left for bakery and I teleported back to my dojo to train as much as I could .

"I have to get used to my Sabers otherwise loosing my knives in dungeon would be disastrous."I said while pulling my Sabers out .

I started basic swings and slashes for the starters.

One horizontal cut from the left immediately followed by upper vertical cut by the right.

Many other combination I tried and without my realisation time went fast and the message popped up.

[Ding! ]

[Daily Quest ]

[Practice in dojo for 150 minutes]

[Status: Complete]

[Remaining: 1]

[Time remaining: 8 hours]



"It's already over huh , not bad." I said while sipping water and thinking of completing the last remaining task of weight lifting as running in the morning has bacame my habit after coming in this world .

~After 10 minutes~


[Daily Quest]

[Lift 1500 kg in total]

[Status: Complete]

[Remaining : 0]

[Reward: 200 exp, 3000 coins ]


[Level up!]

[Host reached level 7]

[Magic element section is now available ]

[Host can learn a new skill]

"Finally I can use it." I said while reading my notification thoroughly.

" Open shop".I said before the shop screen was infront of me ,I didn't wasted time and selected the magic tab.

[Silver Lightning]

[Grade : D]

[Effect: Paralyse the receiver for 30s]

[Consumption: 100 MP]

(Note: Effect duration can be increased as well the consumption in accordance to it. The element is upgradable upto to Grade A )

"It's price is 7000 huh , no problem let's buy it".

I checked my status and I had only 7200 coins that meant I couldn't buy a new armour or weapon until I finish a decent amount of quests.


[New item added to Inventory]

[Lightning Orb]

[Grade : D]

"So it's in the inventory , okay. Now open the skills ". The skill tab came in my view.

"Hmm I remember this skill was something I got from my previous dungeon."

[Silent Mind]

[Level : 1 ]

[Nature : Active]

[Effect : User can clear all the emotion in his mind and maintain a calm demeanor]

[Consumption : 2 stamina point per minute]

(Note: This skill will upgrade with user intelligence but often use of the skill can lead to permanent loss of emotions .)

"This will be useful in various situations but I have to be cautious about this permanent emotion loss thing". I said with a little bit of fear as without emotion I would be a battle maniac nothing else.

[ Ding!]

[Host acquired new skill]

[Grade : C]



"Now the second one".

[Skill 1 ]

[Ghost steps]

[Grade : E]

[Effect : Minimise the sound of users movement upto 70% for a minute.]

[Nature : Active]

[Consumption : 20 stamina points on each use]

(Note : This skill will upgrade by the often use of skill and stamina development of the user)

[Skill 2]

[Killing intent]

[Effect: The opponent of the user can feel the pressure of users presence and power.]

[Nature : Active]

[Consumption : 40 MP]

(Note: This skill will upgrade with the total stats development of the user).

"Fuckkkk how can I choose between these two Op skills ". I screamed after reading the details of both skills.

The first was very useful for assassin like attacks which I generally prefer . I wouldn't get noticed by small fries like goblin at all and even can kill them without getting a single hit .

"I have decided . Learn skill 2 ' killing intent'.

[Then why you even thought about the advantages of first one -_-]


[Host acquired new skill]

[Killing intent!]

[Skill timeout: none]


The rest two skills were easy to choose so I had useful six skills in total after just my first dungeon, which I can utilise in fight.

"It's time to see what can I do now". I said while moving toward the killing drone which defeated me twice yesterday.

"Start" I said after confirming all the setting like yesterday with same difficulty.


"Here it comes". As the mechanical sound subdued , blue light emerged and started running toward me with the same wooden sword .

"Not this time bud". I said while dodging the front attack of the sword. I rotated my body swiftly on my toes and with the momentum I did a 360° turn and slashed my blade directly on its neck.

"And done". I said as the head got ripped from its body and the light which terrified me yesterday , slowly disappeared. My speed was on next level as yesterday I was focusing on my strength and the coordination of my body with my Sabers was nothing to mention.


[Way to go host . Just like that and you will be ready for the dungeon in no time]

" That's so then now let's raise the difficulty , shall we". I said with a confident smirk.


I fought an hour with the second stage D rank training doll before I managed to slash my Sabers and splitting it into two pieces .

However I also got dozen of bruises here and there but not on my face, luckily otherwise mom would have got worried .

I returned back home nearly at 2 p.m with sweat dripping like water and body roaring in pain as I never worked out for this long time .

I changed my clothes after getting a proper bath . I saw my battle marks on my abs, legs and chest but the pain was disappearing little by little.

"I can eat anything right now . But...." I was dead hungry when I realised that I asked mom not to prepare anything for me as I could cook from now on .

"I wil die if I don't eat somethingright now. ". I groaned in hunger and ran toward the street to find a place to eat.

The resturant I went was not so fancy but had all the things I wanted right now.

"Three omurice, two large cold coffee and a whole serve of chicken ramen after the first two , is that right". The waitress asked with a little bit of shock in her eyes .

"Please make it quick or you will find a corpse lying here on the table". I said jokingly but my hunger was literally aching my stomach to no end.

"I understand sir , please wait for 10 minutes". She chuckled and went inside.

I was munching the obligatory snacks when I noticed two person entering the resturant with shopping bags.

'Hori san and Ishikawa kun huh. So he is making some development'. I said as I saw Hori san chatting with the tall , well built purple headed boy , Ishikawa Tooru.

"Oh Miyamura kun , you are also here." Said Hori san as I was sitting just opposite to the entrance.

"Hey Hori san , how is it going". I asked and saw Ishikawa kun frowning brows in confusion.

"Am fine what about you . You just suddenly disappeared from the class yesterday is everything okay , oh can we join if it's okay?"

She asked as the table I was sitting was four person table.

I nodded as I was also interested in their relation. In the anime Tooru got rejected by Hori san as she had started liking Miyamura until that time and the other thing was she didn't had feelings for Tooru at all.

They both seated in front of me and Ishikawa kun was still silent , not a single word came from him.

"Yeah something happened and I just felt like throwing up ." I said before finishing tha last chip available on the table .

"So you guys dating?" I asked on which the boy went red as tomato.

"Nah , we just met in the mall and decided to have lunch". Hori san said without much of a reaction but her partner was red as hell .

"Ishikawa kun all okay?" I asked teasingly .

"Ye-yeah I am fine but you really look different from school". He collected his feeling and tried to dodge the topic.

"Isn't he. I also went in a daze after seeing him in casual clothe. And you have a tattoo also , it's cool". Hori san said after checking my peeking tattoo from my half sleeve shirt .

"Oh thanks , it's just I don't want unwanted attention that's why I don't usually groom for school". I said as I saw my food was on the way .

My drool started leaking as I smelt my omurice from a distance.

"We didn't ordered yet then..." Ishikawa kun said after he saw the amount of food and drinks infront of him.

"Ah Ishikawa kun it's for me. And can you add one more omurice and bring one more cold coffee please". I asked the waitress as it was not appropriate just for me to eat.

"Miyamura , your appetite is truly betraying your physique. Where to you even put this much food? " Ishikawa kun asked raising his brows.

"Ah it's just I am working out recently . Anyways please have this omurice , I have ordered more for me so you guys can eat it." I said while pushing the omurice and cold coffee toward them .

"But ..." Hori san was about to reject but I said.

"It's okay Hori san take it as my thanks for helping me that day." I said to remind her about that day when she helped me about Miyuki.

"If that's so, then I will take you offer , come on Tooru don't be modest and eat. Miyamura is just like us so don't be formal ". Hori san said while grabbing the spoon.

"Okay but I will pay for our share". He also picked up his spoon.

And like that I made another friend in my new life.