
(A/N: I did a mistake in mentioning time gap so please check it out, and enjoy the romance;)


Since the 'Irregular of Magic school' was cannoned on internet, I was like mesmerized in the character of Miyuki Shiba. I mean the way she act possessive, the cute face when she pouts and the deadly look she give to those who tries to torment her loved ones...were so adorable that I fell in love with her.

My friend always laughed and made fun of me that even I am an adult, I was in love with a girl who really doesn't exist. But I never gave them a single shit that what they think and kept on loving her until I died.

And the girl I was in love with those 6 years finally appeared in front of my eyes with flesh and bones , I can't recall how much I was nervous at that time. It was like an impossible dream come true.

And when I started to get used to her presence and stopped panicking infront of her , she suddenly confessed . No one else but me . The person I love , also loves me back , this feeling is something I can't tell anyone or more like I won't be able to share how much tingly and happy this feels like.

"Iz-Izumi kun if you want to rej.." She was about to say the word I can't imagine now that's why I shot her down.

"Miyuki , are you sure what you are saying?" I asked to reassure not her but myself as I still can't believe what I just heard.

"Yeah I haven't been sure like this ever before. I am in love with you and can't hide this feeling anymore". She said while staring at my eyes and not even flinching a bit.

"Miyuki I want to clarify something. I am a bit possessive type of person so if you want to date me .." I said what I always have heard from my ex girlfriend.

'You are a bit overprotective.I don't think our relation will work like this'. That's what most of them said.

"Its not a problem at all on the contrary, I will be happy if you get possessive over me , so what is your answer?" She said while clutching the coffee mug tightly.

"Miyuki I don't know how to say it. But I have a crush on you before you can imagine. I always get nervous around you that's why I behaved like that when you suddenly greeted me in the school that day. Even at the shrine I was so flustered that I ran before you could say anything. So my anwer is the same..." I inhaled a huge amount of air and said the most beautiful word in the world.

"I also love you Miyuki. Please be my girlfriend". I said with a smile.

Tears after tears started dripping from her eyes after she heard my words.

"Hey don't cry like that or I will feel I didn't put it in the right way." I said while switching my seat and sat beside her and started rubbing her back to calm her down.

"Iz-Izumi I thought yo-you will think me as fast type of girl and reject my confe-confession." She leaned on my chest and pinched my shirt while sobbing.

"How can I think like that. I have seeing you from a long time and I know you are the most wonderful girl I can ask as a girlfriend. So don't cry like this it hurts me , you know".

I hugged her back and saw our surroundings totally focused on us like we were giving them a show .

[Congrats on double victory host]

'Thanks Darbi'.

Miyuki hugged me for some more minutes before her facee become full red in embarrassment. When she saw the people around us she put her head down in more embarrasment going light red to crimson shade .

"Let's go . I will walk you back". I said and stood up .

I paid the bill and took her out of the cafe.

"Are you busy after this ?" She asked.

"Amm..yeah works call, sorry. ". I said as I knew that today is the seventh day and I have to take the challenged test of Nino.

"It's okay Izumi , I also have to you know.." She started making some excuses but I knew that she is sad.

"Ah Miyuki , I have to buy some clothes tomorrow, so can you accompany me after school?"

"Sure. I am also free so let's go tomorrow". She said in a cheerful voice and her eyes lit up again.

"Cute" This time I didnt kept this word in mind and blurted it our.

"Wh-what are you saying all of a sudden". She blushed and started avoiding gaze.

I put my hand on her waist , pull her closer in a hug and whispered gently in her ears

"You are cute Miyuki. I love you".

I literally saw steams evaporated from her head and her eyes rolled back.

"Now let's go otherwise people will think we are shooting a film here". I said as I saw the people around the cafe are watching us, smiling and giggling .

We walked for 15 minutes while chatting casually and our hands connected and fingers entangled.

Well I was the only one talking and Miyuki still was in a daze for what I did earlier.

'What will happen if I were to kiss her now. I guess it's good that I am not that much shy otherwise it would have taken a year to even for us to hold hands.'

I was nervous before when I first saw her but fighting in dungeon and using Clear mind for once have made a great impact on my whole thought process.

"Ok then Miyuki see you tomorrow in school". I said as we arrived in front of her villa.

"Yeah see you ". She was about to turn around but I grabbed her wrist and hugged her again.

Her sweet smell , sculptured body and great curves were very addictive , that gave me an urge to never let her go and stay like this forever.

"Izumi we are in front of our house". She said in a flustered way but didn't pushed me back.

"I know but I want to hug you from all along, please let me." I said and nestled my head in her neck and take a whole whiff of her sweet body odour.

"Mm." She hummed and we stayed like this for couple of minutes , without a single worry in the world.

Only she mattered to me at that time nothing else.

"Okay now I am recharged until tomorrow ." I said as I released her and saw apple red Miyuki.

"Recharged you mean..

"...I will hug you atleast two times a day to get my refill or sometime even more so be prepared. Bye love you". And I ran away, leaving the shocked Miyuki at her place.


I reached Nino's apartment nearly at 4.30 .

'Lets see I am going to continue this job or I have to use that money....'

After I entered her apartment , didn't wasted time in chit chat like before and said.

"So today is the day we agreed upon and don't forget, if you fail then you are going to continue my classes." I said while preparing the question of basic arithmetic.

"Even if I pass , I am going to study with you". She said while resting her head on her hands and staring at me with a smile.

My hand stopped at her words.

"Then why we are having a challenge ? We..." I was about to say that we could continue to study like before but her next word made clear her objective .

"I want my reward that's it. So sensei stop talking and prepare the questions". She said with a mischievous smile .

'I really don't want her to pass'. I thought to and increased a little bit the difficulty of the test .

At 5 p.m the test started and I told her that she need atleast 50 marks to pass the test .

She was unbelievably focused on her test that really made me surprise. I checked my phone and texted Miyuki while waiting.

After an hour I collected the paper and started checking all the anwers .


I checked twice and thrice but the result was same.

"What happened sensei . Did I shocked you?". She said while pulling the paper from my hand.

"It's 58 huh. So sensei, you are mine for today as promised."

She said with the most devilish smile i have ever saw .

"Congrats Nino san. Now I will do what you will say but under some restrictions okay ?" i cautiously said leaning back on my hands .

"Okay then let's go to a date".


[Congrats host , triple victory]