Another confession.

"Date? Why ? I mean there could be another way to make use of me." I said , with a little surprise as I knew something was going to happen but date was really too soon.

"Do you thought I would do something lewd sen~seni? to soon. Now change into a yukata , we are going to the festival." She said while pulling me up.

"Yukata? Festival? And why are you even want to go with me? " My question didn't had any effect as I was being pushed by the small pink haired girl.

"Sensei you told me that you will do anything and it's not like I am gonna sell you somewhere. So go to that room and change. All the things are prepared already".

I did what she said as I really want to get over with this .

A blue yakata and slippers with male cosmetic and other grooming products were lying on the nearby table In a dim lighted room.

From the first look , I knew she was planning this from a while.

'I have to do something about it. It feels like I am cheating on Miyuki.'

My mind was fussed and messed upon thinking what happened today in the cafe and what I am actually doing just after getting confessed some hours ago .

I changed my clothes and combed my hairs in side fall , nothing more.

I came back to the hall and thought whether should I tell Miyuki about this or not.

"*Ahem* how do I look Izumi?" A voice came from my behind.

"Hey don't call me Iz..." I choked my words upon seeing her.

Pink yukata with black floral design on it . Hairs tied in a bun which gave a clear look of her smooth nape and light make up was going perfect with it.

"You look beautiful". That's what I said

I might be feeling guilty but I can't just lie because of it. Nino was really beautiful in that particular dress.

"If you say so directly then I will blush you know".

'Whats the point in saying when you gonna blush anyway?'

"Now Izumi let's go ". She said and pulled my arm and we walked toward the exit.


The driver drove us to the festival spot which was not so far but walking in yukata might be difficult for girls that's what I knew.

We left the car and Nino clinched to my left arm like before.

"Ah Nino san, is it important to walk like this?"I said while pulling my body slightly to loose her grip.

"Yeah it is and don't complain , you are my boyfriend for tonight so shut up and stay like this." She said with a pout and stubborn tone.

The festival was a three day event starting from today so I had no idea about it until now.

It was not so much crowded but if not being cautious then we could get separated easily.

'The way she is sticking to me , it's not possible for us to be separated anyway'. I thought and saw the shining eyes of Nino who was fascinated with the lights and shops around us.

"Nino san is it your first time here?" I said while looking at her cute reactions.

"Ah actually I have came here once my mom was alive. I was only 4 years old that time so memories of that time is quite fuzzy. After that, dad didn't asked me nor I was interested in these things." She said with a fake smile .

"Then why today?"

"I will tell you during the fireworks". She said and this time with a genuine smile.

[You know what happens during firework don't you host?]

'Yeah I know that's why I am tensed even more'.

"O-Okay . Then how about we play something ?" I said with a muffled tone as Darbi reminded me what I was trying to ignore in my mind.

"Sure let's go play fishing".

We went to the nearby fish catching stall and bought six rings .

Nino skillfully rolled her sleeves and pulled out nothing and wasted all her nets.

"Here take two of mine. I will need only one". I said and passed two of my nets to her only to get wasted.

"Hmph! I don't want to play this silly game. Now please get over with it quickly". She said with a pout and stood up.

I pinched the net handle between my fingers and activated .

'Silent mind'

And one, two and three. I took out three goldfish with a net one by one.

"S-sir....if you go on like this then .." The shopkeeper said as I took out my eighth fish with the same net.

Clear mind' give me a calm atmosphere to concentrate my physical strength which I got used to during the pre dungeon preparation period .

"Oh sorry but I am going to return it anyway , so don't worry . " I said and took out another half dozen of fish and gave it back as I didn't wanted to hurt those little fish while we walk in the festival carrying them .

They returned our participation money with a glad look on their faces .

When I saw Nino , her eyes were wide open with lips parted in shock.

"Nino, let's go and eat something.."I said with a chuckle.

She got flushed as I didn't used honorifics for the first time being with her.

I thought since we are not a teacher Student right now then its okay to call her casually.

We visited the takoyaki stall first. It seemed Nino liked Takoyaki very much . Upon getting her spicy takoyaki filled plate she took one piece inside her mouth and burnt her tongue in the rush of tasting it .

"Huff..haf...water please..!!!" She said while blowing the hot winds out of her mouth.

"Here take it". I took out a bottle from the inventory , which only Nino saw.

" Umm it was already opened Izumi that means.." She murmured after drinking the remaining half bottle of water and completely ignored the fact that the bottle came out of nowhere.

"Yeah I drank from it previously and yes it was an indirect kiss". I said like it was completely normal but if I hadn't used my clear mind' then I would also have made an flushed expression like the person in front of me..

"IZUMI YOU BAKAAAA". She yelled with a red face and gathered our surroundings attention.

"Hmm..Nino ? Yeah it's you .Hi ." A girl with blue headphone around her neck came infront of us with a stern face boy beside her . Her face was covered with bangs but still I knew who they were...

'Tell me this is a dream'.

[Believe me host ,it's not a dream but a beautiful reality..hehe]

"Hey Miku and Uesugi san. You guys also here". Nino greeted the other two characters of the same anime.

'Miku Nakano and Uesugi Fuutarou"

'But I thought she doesn't have a sibling'. I thought and my emotions came back with the deactivation of 'Clear Mind'.

"Hey Nakano san . How are you ". Said Uesugi with not much of a expression at all.

"Izumi . She is my friend Miku . We are classmate and best friends from long time. And he is Uesugi , boyfriend of Miku and he is also in the same class as us and also a great friend ". Nino said with a cheerful smile while looking at me.


"And he is Miyamurs Izumi . My boyfr~iend" She said with a mischievous smile directed toward me and gripped my sleeve tightly in nervousness.

'Why to act tough when you are actually nervous'.i chuckled in my mind.

"Hey Miku san , Uesugi san". I said while standing up . I didn't knew whats Miku last name in this world so I just followed Nino words and greeted with a natural trademark Miyamura smile

"Oh so you are the boy she kept on talking about ...

"SHUT IT... DON'T SAY ANYTHING" Nino dashed and covered Miku' s mouth with her both palms.

" act differently in front of him. I am really surprised to see that someone can actually change you Nakano san". Uesugi said and with a light chuckle this time .

We introduced ourselves and I came to know some of the things about Nino which was completely surprising, like how she refuses confession even if it's from the prince of the school or captain of baseball club . And how she act tough and be on edge with everyone who is not her friend.

After half an hour we decided move seperately as fireworks and obviously every couple wants to spend the special moment , alone.

We walked toward a shrine which was on the mountain but there were no people around here as it was considered a haunted place.

'After fighting the kraken I don't think something can easily scare me off'.

[I don't think you will say the same thing when you will face higher grade dungeon host]

'Atleast don't break my self confidence like that.'

We climbed the stairs and I noticed the difficulty she was having due to the cut made by her sandal. She wasnt putting pressure on her right leg and tried to cover it up with keeping the pace normal.

'It will get worsen like this'.

"Nino wait " I said and before she can fully turn around , I picked her up in a princess carry and dashed upward in a human speed.

"Waaahhh.. wait i am heavy , we will falll...."

She wasn't heavy at all as I was used to lift 200 kgs bars with my one hand so comparing that to her , she was not even one forth of it.

"Here we are now you can open your eyes Nino". I said as I reached the top .

Nino was hugging me with her hands holding my neck and her eyes shut closed in fear.

"Huh..we are up already?" She said after she opened her eyes slowly.

*Swiiiii* *Boooom*

And the fireworks started.

I didn't noticed but I was still holding Nino in my embrace when the show started and after that we both got lost in the colourful sky.

After a couple of minute I felt stare at me and saw Nino looking at me while biting her lips.

"Um Izumi I have to tell you something". She said while still hugging me , in my arms.

I didn't let her go as I was also liking her warmth near me.

"I am listening". I said without much expression as I knew what was coming along.

"I know it's all of a sudden but i have a feeling that I cant hold back anymore...." She inhaled and said ..

"I like you Izumi since the first day we met. Whenever you scold me, console me , make me feel your presence and even when you don't being with me I feel you around me like you are in my mind the whole time . I know you will think it childish to fall in love in just one week ..." She continued

"But it's just like that. I really want to be a part of your life no matter what. So will you go out with me? " She asked with a complete fear in her eyes like she already knew my anwer.

' hurts!'

[Host think about it again . ]

'Sorry Darbi.'

"Sorry Nino I can't respond to your feelings " I said and immediately small drop of tears which was welled up in her eyes started flowing out .

"Am I not beautiful enough or am I annoying .What is it, tell me I will change it. If you want I can change anything but don't refuse me like that". She said and hugged my neck tightly with tears spreading out.

"There are two reason I have to reject you Nino. First I don't know my feeling toward you, myself . I mean I like being with you, it's fun but I don't know whether it's romantic feeling or not"... I said and her sobbing increased.

"...second I have already a girlfriend which I confessed today and I totally love it's not po..." i was about to say it's not possible for us to be in a relationship when she seperated herself and looked back in my eyes with teary eyes

"It's Shiba Miyuki isn't it? You classmate and the so called Ice queen of your school . What if she agrees on both of us being your girlfriend. Then will it be okay,? "

'Huh...she knows her , how?'

"I don't know what you are saying but even if she agrees I can't promise anything as this type of things won't come as we plan, you know".

"Okay but will you try ?" She asked while raising her brows.

I kept my mouth shut and started descending the stairs . She also didn't spoke anything .

I dropped her near the exit where her car was parked .

"I will return the yukata tomorrow. Bye Nino". I said and before she can say anything else I closed the door.

After the car left my vision I bought a cigrette which I really didn't thought of having at all , after coming in this world.

'Man this is more stressing than I thought'.

[+5 exp for the hard hearted host.]