I have to train more!

(A/N: This novel is going to be long that's why I am focusing on each and everything thoroughly. Hope you enjoy it;)


I convinced them that it was just their hallucinations and how I jumped out of the window and injured that kidnapper...

"I am doing martial art training that why I had cuts and bruises. I was just doing the same before you guys came over." I said with a poker face, trying to hide my embarrassment as my excuse was stupiditly lame.

"He is lying".

"Yeah he is."

They both agreed to each other and sighed.

"Izumi it's okay if you don't want to talk about it , I respect you privacy but please be safe whatever you do." Miyuki said while grabbing my hand tightly.

"Yeah. I don't know about Miyuki but I have also secrets that I hide so I will not pry in this matter anymore if you don't want me to ." Nino said and hugged my left hand.

"Thank you both". I said and leaned back on the bed and pulled them on my arms and we all three laid down comfortably , enjoying blissful moments after the dark clouds of misunderstandings.

Both girls had their head on each of my arm near shoulder and their hands on my chest. We were enjoying our blissful moment until a knock waked us up.

" Dinner is ready . " Mom said from the other side of the door in a cheerful voice

"Let's go , we should eat something". I said and offered hand to both of them.

We walked out of the room and saw mom placing dishes for four people.

"Aunty you don't have to do for us. We wilk go ba-" Miyuki tried to refuse dinner when my mom interjected.

"Don't say silly things. I can't let Izumi's friend to go back like this. It's not much but I hope you will like my cooking". Mom said with her natural smile.

"Yeah you will love my mom's fried fish. So just relax and sit down". I said and took their hand toward the dining and made them both sit down.

Since it was four person dining , I sat beside mom and both girls infront .

Nino was nervous , I was sure about it but Miyuki was natural charmer.

She was talking to mom and praising her about cooking and stuff.

"Izumi , I am happy you got two lovely friends. You would have introduced them to me sooner. ". My mom said as we finished dinner.

"Ah mom I wanted to say it earlier also that they are not my friends but they both are my girlfriends". I said while I stood up with my dishes.


The spoon from Nino's hand dropped and her small mouth had a wide gap.

"Both of them , well I don't know how you guys managed to establish this relationship but Izumi..." Mom grabbed my hand when I was about to take her dishes from her side.

I sat down while putting the cups back on the table as I knew mom was serious with her tone.

"...Don't make them ever cry. Its your responsibility to make them happy so be more responsible like you always were. " She said which showed that she doesn't have anything against our relation and accepted it which made me relaxed .

"Yes mom. I know and I will make them happy". I said with a smile to make her reassured and my partners as well.

"I hope you both will take care of Izumi." She said while directing her gaze toward the two nervous personality who were listening to us carefully with their breathing held in their throat.

"Yes aunty we will". This time Nino said first and Miyuki also nodded .

We chatted for a bit and I came down to see them off.

Since they both had a car to pick them up , I didn't had to go to their house.

"Okay then Miyuki , see you at school". I said and stoked her hair strands behind her ear.

"And Nino , what I said during dinner,...um if its okay with you two then ..." I was kinda embarrassed talking about this type of thing.

"Am fine Izumi . But don't dare to make another girl fall for you". Miyuki said and formed her fingers in a cross.

"Yeah , I am also okay with this relation. You are giving me importance that's what matter Izumi and I agree with Miyuki. If I see you someone else than us , then you better have to be prepared." Nino said with her trademark almighty smirk.

"Hai hai...I know I won't cheat on both of you. And Nino we are going to start our usual classes from tomorrow". I said while stroking both of their head before sending them off in the car.

[So host , how it feels like dating both the top two girls from your waifu list]

Darbi asked me when I entered back in my room with a grin on my face.

"It's the best . I can't even tell, it's all thanks to the god who gave me the second life and also because of you Darbi . Now since I have had dinner , can you treat me dessert ?". I said after sitting on my bed.

[Get ready to be surprised]


[Critical hit x 8]

[Reward : 800 coins, 400 exp]

[Magic manifestation x 2]

[ Reward : 2000 coins , 500 exp]

[Dungeon reward:

1. 100000 coins

2. 2000 exp

3. Hermit' s sword - A rank

4. Buff berserk

5. Field key - C rank]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[ 1 new skill available ]

[New armour and weapons have unlocked]

[New section in dojo is now accessible]

"Woah...I have a new type of key". I said while checking the reward once again.

[Yeah it is but the problem is the grade of the key]

"It's C and in my current situation there is no chance I can survive a minute there". I said as I knew handling E class dungeon gave me a near death experience.

[You need to be atleast, B rank to handle C rank and especially when it is field type dungeon.]

"Darbi, first thing first. According to my level on which grade I am right now?" I asked since I am now on level 10 after the reward I got so I thought it will be atleast appreciable.

[ You are currently on D rank.]


[You have to reach level 30 to become B rank of initial stages. The difference between ranks is something to be concerned , so host it's better for you to take time.]

"That means daily quest is only option and with only that much exp, it will take atleast 6 months or maybe more." I said in a disappointed tone as I really wanted to check my first field type dungeon.

[Daily quest and the quest you get in your own world, could reward you low class dungeon key also. And dungeons are way better to raise exp.]

My mood lifted as I knew atleast one or maybe two level will definitely increase if I clear a dungeon.

"Now second thing...can you elaborate what is field type battlefield?"

[It's a dungeon where you have to know your mission and attack with strategy made beforehand. In these type of battles you may need to meet other living forms to know your target better. It's more like an adventure .]

"So it's like that huh. I don't just have to face enemy all of a sudden and attack while planning. Its more like my style . Anyway since I have completed daily quest and trained more than enough ,I guess I should take it easy for today".I murmured before drifting in the dreamland .My body was roaring in pain which I tried to neglect until now.....


Next morning I woke up at 5 as it had become natural for me to wake up early.

I ran more than what was needed for my quest and came back home to prepare first class breakfast for mom and myself.

While I was frying eggs I texted Miyuki :

Izumi: 'Should I look forward to another lunch from my girlfriend?'

Miyuki:' Yes please . I will do my best đŸ„°'

I chuckled and served the breakfast in two dishes.

When I was changing my clothes I decided to wear full sleeves shirt today.

'Lets see what happens'.

I tied my hair carefully as I really like to style it properly everyday .

'I have to buy some clothes today'. I remembered as yesterday everything went opposite to what I have planned and I end up not buying anything.

My four sets of clothes have been torn out or have become real mess to wear it anymore.

I walked to the school while reading french translated books to learn fluent foreign language also .

Since my brain has literally become a memory device, I thought it will be better to gain as much knowledge I could.

I entered the classroom and saw Iura the Ishikawa kun chatting.

"Oiii Miyamura . Mornin" Iura raised in a hand for a high five when he saw me.

"Morning , what you guys doing?" I slapped his palm and asked as I saw tourism brochers.

"We are planning to go beach during the vacation . There is a beach house we can rent with discount and since the vacation is going to start from next week , I thought its better to plan early. " Ishikawa kun said and took out another notebook.

"Cool breeze, awesome waves under the sun..wooho it will be freakin fun. What you say Miyamura?" Iura said while vibing in his own world.

"See this is the budget I have prepared and the plan of how we will rent car and other stuffs". Ishikawa kun gave the notebook in which all the details were written thoroughly . The name of friends was still empty .

"You are really planned for this huh Ishikawa kun. But why haven't you filled this one." I asked him while showing the empty column of invited people list.

"Oh about that. Me , Shuu and you are definitely going. Tanihara and Yuuki from girls side will also be going most probably and about Hori san it's still uncertain. " He said and didnt even hesitated on adding my name in definitely coming list.

"Why ? Hori san have something to do?" I asked before putting my bag on my protagonist seat beside the window.

"I don't know , it's like she doesn't want to come or she is not comfortable enough". Ishikawa kun said with a downcast look.

"I can ask Miyuki to persuade her". I said as I knew Hori san and Miyuki are very good friends.

"You know Shiba san and why are you calling her with her first name". Iura asked after smashing his hands on my desk dramatically .

"We are dating that's why . Anyway I am sure if Miyuki agrees to go with us then Hori san will definitely follow her two best friend's lead". I said and didn't realised that it was truly surprising from them that I was dating Miyuki.

'It feels like I am bragging'.

[Is it not?]

'No..it's not..maybe'.

I sighed and before the two can question further Hori san and Miyuki entered the class with some other students.

Iura went back to his seat beside Ishikawa kun.

"Hey Miyuki , do you have time". I asked as soon she entered.

She smiled and nodded.

The reaction of others were not much different from the two behind me.

"Good morning Izumi . How is you health now. Are you still in pain". She asked in a worried tone.

"Nah it's fine.And I want to ask, that are you going somewhere in the vacations?" I asked and saw Hori san also approaching us after she put her bag on her desk.

"I have plans with my family but it's during the end of vacation .Do you have any plan?" She asked me while checking the notebook laid on my desk.

I stood up and made her sit on my seat.

"Actually we are planning for beach , so you wanna come ."

"Yes definitely . And Kyokou will also go , right Kyouko". She said even before I can ask her to help with Hori san.

"Eh..me but I .." She tried to refused but Miyuki crossed her words.

"No you are coming. I will talk to your mom and you can bring your brother with us if you want , right Izumi." She tilted her head toward me.

"No Souta is going to our grandparents house with mom. Actually I was also planning to go there but since you guys have made plan, I will try to convince mom." She said while glancing at the brocher and Ishikawa kun time to time.

I guess she knew , who made all this plan at the first place.

"So it's settled then." Ishikawa kun stood up with a lot of joy in his voice .

'He really can't hide his feeling . ' I sighed.