Hidden Quest!

"Will you ask Nino about the trip". At lunch break, Miyuki asked me while we were eating lunch made by her.

The mood was too good and the cool breeze made the scene more perfect to enjoy a pleasant time especially when your lover is beside you.

"Ofcourse I will. I already told Ishikawa kun to expect one more person on the trip." I said while chewing the bamboo fried rice.

'Her cooking has improved in very short time'.

"You have become real close to our classmates , I am happy for you ." She said with a crescent smile on her face.

'Man why she is so captivating'. I stole a glance and shook my head to control my urge to lunge on her again.

After some seconds of silence I felt that Miyuki was eating her food in daze and was pondering over something . Her big bluish eye always told me that when her mind is whether it is wandering around or still right at the place.

"Miyuki, is there something on your mind". I asked her after packing my lunch box.

"Um..no.uhhh.... actually I want to ask you something." She said with her lower lip tugged between her teeth.

"Yeah tell me what happened?"

"Actually Dad wanted to meet you so if you are free then can you come at my house on the weekend". She asked with clear anticipation on her face.

"Sure why not. I was also planning to meet your parents and this time officially as your boyfriend . So how about Saturday?"

"Yeah that will be perfect. I will tell my parents". She said with a happy smile claiming back her happy smile.

"Always smile like that, it helps me more than you can expect Miyuki". I said before putting some strands of hair behind her cute ear .

Her face turned red and she resumed her eating without noticing that her lunch was already empty.


After school I went back home to complete my daily quest of weight lifting and dojo. I had a whole lot of hope to get a dungeon key from daily quest that's why I was even more enthusiastic today. Dungeon time was now half hour ahead of my original world , so it only took one hour of my real world to complete two hours of dojo training.

'The time of training from the quest is not increasing lately'.

[+5 exp for observant host. ]

'That wasn't even a matter to get praised for.' I gave a dry smile on Darbi's meaningless bonus.

At 4 p.m I changed my clothes and left house for Nino's apartment.

'I guess I should take something for her'.

I took cheesecake from my bakery and arrived at her house around 5 p.m.

"Good evening sensei. Please take care of me." She said after I sat down on the couch.

'Why she is being formal all of a sudden. Well maybe she wants to be serious during this hours'. I thought and felt proud on my student.

But no, she was trying to study but while seducing me.

She was only wearing a long t shirt which was more lewd than being naked.

She kept on leaning toward me to ask something or suddenly put her smooth leg on the table with the excuse of taking break and stretch her body slowly to give me a whole look at her curves

I wanted to jump on her but controlled my beast because my duty as a teacher.

After two hours when the tutoring session and my little prince reached its limit , I spoke to Nino.

"Ah Nino I want to talk something about vacation". I said but she didn't looked up and started writing on her notebook.

After just a second she passed her notebook toward me.


If I didn't had this skills then for any human being, this could be impossible to dodge that many cameras.

I nodded with a meek smile and left her building without a second word.

'Activate Stealth'

I said and entered the building again and when the elevator was about to reach 30th floor , I activated stealth again.

She left her door open so it was easy with my speed to get into her room in 10 s .

Her room was too girly. All the things were small and cute dyed in pink.

Plushie, teddies , curtains and even pen stands was in pink colour.

"Stop gawking Izumi. It's emabarrasing to show my room to someone else. This is the first time I have allowed someone other than myself in this room , so feel lucky about it". She said with her prideful smile while sitting cross legged on her bed.

I lifted her from her bottom and after sitting on the edge of the bed , I placed her on my lap.

A cute yelp left her mouth when I lifted her. She crossed her legs around my back and I burried my face in her neck .

"Mm, I love your smell". I said while smelling her citric shampoo she often use.

I didn't heard anything so I smiled slyly and asked.

"Are you nervous by any chance ". I asked after seperating myself from her a little and saw a blushing Nino , who was trying to figure out something to counter my attack.

"L-like he-hell I w-would get nervous. Hmph! You think very highly of yourself". And her almighty look came back but her red ears were on full blow.

"Okay then let me savour the moment thoroughly. "

I buried my face again and this time I kissed her neck and bit her ear lobe slowly. I felt her trembling in my arms but she didn't resisted my advances.

I chuckled and just hugged her without any movements as teasing any more than that and I would also have lost my control .

"Nino ,your vacation have started ,so do you have any plans ?" I asked her with my eyes closed and enjoying the warmth.

"Hmm. I am going to London for my cousin's wedding the day after tomorrow and will return on Tuesday."

"Tuesday ,then I guess it's not possible for you to come with us. We are planning for beach on Sunday and stay until Monday evening."I said and felt a jolt in her body.

She separated herself and looked .

"But can't you wait for two days. I mean .." She started to speak in a panic voice but I cut her words and said

"...It's not my plan to start with and there are several other classmate who have family trip , so we have to return until Tuesday anyhow. Sorry". I said and saw her sad look.

She hugged me again and hid her face.

"It wasn't like I was dying to come with you. You go and enjoy your beach vacation with Miyuki and I will enjoy myself in London.Its not like I am gonna be lonely without you, so have fun". She said and I heard a little sobbing in her shaky voice.

"I am sorry. And I promise to go on a date for the whole week when you return". I said while rubbing her smooth hair to pamper the tsun tsun baby.

"Promise?" She separated herself and showed her teary face.

"Yes I promise " I said and locked her lips with mine as she was really looking cute at the moment.

I was not new to kissing but from her clumsy response , I knew it was her first time kissing someone .


After some more kissing and hugging , I left the apartment with the stealth again which surprised Nino ,but didn't asked me about it.

On my way to the station I spotted four boys coming in my direction. The only one whome I noticed was the boy with greenish blue hair in the centre.

'Tanihara Makio'. The bully of my junior high and the character who was beaten down to pulp by Hori san in the anime.

"Hmm.Miyamura? Oh yeah it him. Man you really changed ". Tanihara also spotted me and approached with his sidekicks.

"Oh..that nerd with glasses. You are really changed into a cool dude man". The other yellow haired guy said while touching my hair.

I was already irritated and even more when he touched my precious hairs.

"Hey Tanihara , long time". I kept my cool and said with a forced smile.

He moved his face beside my ear and said in a low tone

"Don't call my name so casually . It c- *Gwaahk* " Before he can complete his bullshit, I lightly punched his stomach and he fell back while grabbing his stomach.

The other three also felt a shock and showed an angered expression.

But I really wanted to go back and eat something. So I moved quickly and slapped hard the other two mob character who were standing behind. The slap wasn't that hard but their face swell just after the impact.

"Now you . You touched my hair, no? " I said and saw a scared cat ready to flea anytime.

I dashed in front of him and after picking up his right hand , I cleanly dislocated his wrist.


His scream gathered all kind of attention toward us but no one bothered to intervene.

I smacked his lower jaw which made him bit his tongue . I saw blood running from his mouth but he didn't waited and ran away with his broken wrist supported by other hand.

I bent down infront of Tanihara who had small tears in corner of his eyes and lifted his head with hair and made look at me .

"This was an example of what could happen if you try to provoke me again , dear friend". I said and smacked his face softly on the ground. Well it was soft for me, I don't know about him.


[Hidden Quest]

[Overcome your past trauma]

[Status: Complete]

[Reward: 200 exp , 1000 coins and a dungeon key]

My previous angered expression did a back flip and changed into a jolly change .

'Darbi , this?' I asked with a excitement printed on my face.

[This is the hidden Quest which is related to your old self and new one also . There are 100s of hidden Quest which are available and will more be added to the list. The reward you got is comparatively low ,so be prepared to be surprised even more in the future]

'This reward is small. ' I thought with widening my smile even more.

'Can you give me hints about the trigger point of hidden Quest?' I asked with only a drop of hope.

[Sorry host I can't . But I can tell you that you have to do those things which your old self wanted but couldn't have done or some of the things out of the blue ]

'Dont you think making friends is one of them?'

[You have watched the anime.Even if you haven't intervened , your old self would have made friends and even more than you have now] she stated bluntly.

'So I have just to enjoy myself huh.' I said while opening my door .

[It is preferred to check your new section of dojo. ]

'Hmm. This is new'.

Before this , Darbi never preferred me to check on my new skills or things I unlocked , only when I was in dungeon she preferred me to check my skill never in my daily world. Her sudden advice only meant one thing:

'Something deadly is waiting for me'.