Saving a stranger or not!

I rushed toward the scream with furious speed with my nerves surging up in temper as loosing the unknown reward of quest was really angering me.

I reached there in 10 seconds and the scene gave me goosebumps.

A girl not more than age of mine was being stabbed and the gruesome thing was the stabber was spiking her again and again on her different part of abdomen lika an insane .

I jumped off the roof without concluding anything else with speed of bullet and landed just behind him. The sound of my crashing was obviously loud and clear. When the crazed guy look behind him there was no one as I was already infront of him. I separated the lifeless girl from him immediately and threw a punch in his stomach.

His head was still turned toward where landed so when he got the unexpected hit, his whole face become distorted and he was thrown a metre away from us.

I put the girl gently on the ground.

"Wh , who .." before he could finish his words I took a trial of my newly upgraded knives and seperated his neck from his body.

It was my first human kill but it wasn't tough at all rather it was easy to kill a man when I knew why I killed him.

The whole scene happened in mere 2 second that's why he didn't got the chance to even realise that he died.

"She is going to die at this rate". I checked the dying down pulse of the girl . Blood was spilling like fountain and I also got covered in it .

Without hesitation I took out the phoenix tears from the inventory and emptied the red liquid from the small beaker , in her mouth.

Instantly , the pale colour adapted redness and the wounds started healing at high speed .

I let her rest in the corner while I put the beheaded body away in my inventory so the girl won't get scared right away when she wakes up. I also changed my bloodied shirt while I was at it.

After some minutes , her eyes started twictching and her mouth moved slowly .

I heard her almost inaudible words .


I took out a bottle from my inventory and fed her not through my mouth but directly from the bottle .

She gulped almost half of the bottle before opening her eyes slowly.

The moment she opened her eyes, she became flustered and shivers started flowing through her body. Her eyes went wide in fright and before she could scream , I hugged her gently .

"'s okay. No one is there now. You are fine ". I kept on repeating the words until the voice of sobbing rang out of her mouth.

She cried and cried and cried for long time .

I held her in my arms like a baby and rubbed her back continuously. The most shocking thing was that even after her scream of cries , no one came in the alley as like this alley belongs to parallel world.

Well it was just my thinking .

"Are you fine now? " I asked the girl which had her eyes red due to constant crying.

'I think I have saw her somewhere'. I thought after looking at the girl in a different light for the first time.

"Thank you, but how am I alive. I have saw my death with my own eyes still I , I.." She again started panicking as it was to be expected from a person who almost touched the surface of death and returned back to life.

"Don't think about it and pretend it as a nightmare. Now let's go and eat something . I am pretty sure that your injuries are healed but you have lost a lot of blood so it's better to recover it." I said as I saw about 3 litres of blood scattered around .

I asked her for dinner as I really wanted to know her identity. It was like that I know her somehow but can't recall, and that shit gives me headache.

The girl nodded and we moved toward the street. I helped the girl as she was weakend

thoroughly and led her to a ramen shop .

I placed orders for both of ourselves and seated accross her on the table.

The small restaurant doesn't have any customer beside us so it was quite there. I took the initiative to start a conversation


"So how are you feeling. I know it is hard to recall but was that man related to you or some kind of old grudge ?" I asked in a soft tone while sipping on the cola.

"No . I was just going back to my home when the man suddenly came to me and without any word stabbed his kn..." Her body shivered again.

"Okay got it, don't push yourself. Anyway ,I am Izumi Miyamura . Nice to meet you". I told her my name as it was uncomfortable to chat with someone without knowing their name.

"Oh sorry I didn't introduced myself. I am Yamauchi Sakura. Nice to meet you too Izumi kun."


I got startled and gulped cola through the wrong pipe.

'I knew it.'.

I excused myself and wiped the spilt cola with a napkin. Sakura Yamauchi was the main character from the most depressing anime I have ever heard in my previous life 'I want to eat your pancreas'.

Since it was depressing in the end, I never watched it as I always preferred happy endings. I have read synopsis of the anime and came to know that the female lead has a terminal pancreatic illness and she enjoy her last days with a aloof loner boy Haruki. But at the end she didn't died because of her illness but by random criminal.

'So I changed the plot again huh'. I thought while enjoying the delicious miso ramen . I ordered meat and mushroom ramen for Sakura as meat helps to generate blood in rapid state. Sakura didn't had the appetite so I helped her finishing it in the end.

"Hey are you okay. You are like fidgeting since ever. If you want we can go to the hospital. I will accompany you". I asked her with serious concern.

I know getting stabbed multiple times would have paranoid her to the core but I wanted to help her as not finding her even I got a quest as a hint, made me somewhat responsible for what happened to her .

"I am fine. I don't know how you saved me even I died but thank you. However it would be better if I had died because of being stabbed".Her last sentence was only mumbling but I heard it .

'It must be related to her terminal illness'. I sipped on the remaining soup while thinking of a way to help her.

'Darbi , with my new skill..

[You can heal any mortal illness and injuries but you only have 120 MP and skill requires 100 MP . You won't be able to upgrade your weapon with the remaining MP]

'Its okay. I don't have any material and I will extract MP in my next instant dungeon. But tell me if I can heal any mortal injuries then isn't this magic element absurd I mean it is similar to phoenix tears'. I contemplated while comparing both.

[Host , your Saint blessing can only evolve twice . The first stage which you will get now will help with mortal issues , the first evolution would help you with immortal problem and about second evolution , I am sorry but I can't tell you now. And about tears of phoenix then I can tell you one thing that you wasted on of the most important treasure just for minor accident. You will realise it sooner or later.]

'Sigh*..I should have arrived earlier'.

"What happened. " Sakura asked while tilting her head.

"Nothing. But can you spend atleast 2 hours 11 minutes with me. And don't worry I am not gonna do something strange with you. I just want to help you with your terminal illness". I said it with the flow.

Her reaction was naturally shocking one. Her eyes went wide and mouth open like she wanted to shutter some words but nothing came out.

"Don't panic . Let's walk outside for now. " I took her outside after I paid the bill .

"How do you know I am ill?" She asked me after some minutes of leisure walk .

We were walking near the barely crowded local market . I wanted to assure her that I am not kind of shady person that's why I took her to a populated place.

"Just think me as a strange alien who landed on earth to help you. I know you are on verge of death so believing a stranger won't harm you any more ,right?" I asked her the obvious.

"You are right. So how are we going to spend time?" She asked in more delighted tone , not like before.

"Let's talk about each other. Let me ask you first , are you dating someone?" I asked as I was curious that is there any Haruki in this world or not?

"I am sorry but I am in love with someone . He is my classmate". She misunderstood me.

'Ah it really sounded like I was interested in her' .

"It's not like that. And I already have girlfriends and I love them a lot". I said with a smug look, totally like a bragging brat right now.

"Why are you sounding like a playboy". She took a step away from me.

"It's not like I am gonna attack you. And both of them agreed to it mutually." I cleared the confusion to save my pride, atleast I tried.

"I am just kidding. " She just showed the first smile after we met and it was way better than her gloomy look.

We wandered here and there until 10 p.m when I finally got the notification.


[Synchronisation Complete!]

[Magic Element ]

[Saint's blessing]

[Consumption : 100 MP]




"Now its time ." I stopped her near an alley and after checking the details once again I told her .

"Whatever you see today, please try not to tell anyone. " I told her and she nodded nervously.

[Activate Saint blessing]

I said and felt my whole body burning and mana rushing toward my raised hand.

My hand was infront of her stomach and suddenly a green warm glow shown from my hand and covered her whole body.

She gasped and closed her eyes immediately . I knew she was scared but it wasn't hurting her.

It took only 10 second and the green light disappeared.

My whole body was still burning and I was feeling I have lost a whole lot of blood at once.

I supported my body on the wall and waited for her to calm down.

"You should take a full body examination tomorrow". I told her after some seconds.

Tears started flowing from her eyes .

I didn't knew how to react to that so I just patted her head to calm her down.

She cried for another minutes before she opened her mouth.

"Thank you. I don't know you but still you helped me this much. Even I am not cured but still I will never forgive what you have done today. Tell me if I can do something for you".

"Nothing I have to ask right now. But maybe if we meet sometime in the future, then let's be friends okay?" I asked her.

"Mm.Lets do that". She smiled brightly.

I dropped her near her house before returning back via dojo.

"I am tired". I said before falling down on my bed , drowning in slumber, but a text from Nino took all my sleepiness in an instant.

Nino: 'Dad might know about us '.