Hard to hold back!

It was 10 in the morning when I left my house to meet Nino. I asked Miyuki to accompany us but she told me to spend some time alone with her.

From the way she talked , I felt her mood was back to normal. She really gets traumatized easily so after the beach incident ,she locked herself for 2 days until I went to her house and called her out .

The face of her father was really scary when she came out at once when I called her and never replied to her dad when he kept on knocking.

"Izumi kun you have to fight me if you want my daughter". That' s what he said while taking off his coat .

At the end the furious glare from his daughter and wife stopped the unforeseeable incident .

I was pretty much worked up after I read Nino's message last night, as fathers of my both girlfriend are scary people especially Nakano san. His eyes are particularly life threatening.


I pressed the bell and after a minute , the cute fluffy ball opened the door wearing a long white shirt and hairs fully messed up.

I didn't told her that I was coming in the morning so she was most probably sleeping until now.

When she saw me, she immediately tried to closed the door but I stopped it.

She tried to run away right after that as she knew that she wouldn't be able to close the door against me. Before she could dash back to her room, I pulled her in my embrace from the back.

"Mmm..It smells nice. I really missed you Nino". I said just after placing my head on her shoulder.

"Izumi, I look horrible now. Please let me ...ehhh" before she could finish , I picked her up in a princess carry and ran toward her room in a lightning speed. I already have hacked her camera so I knew her father would have saw an empty living room even we passed through it.


I locked her door on my back and placed her on the bed before sitting beside her.

I didn't gave her time to react and pulled her on my lap and hugged her tightly.

"I really missed you ." I told her again.

Her body trembled a little but she kept her hand around my neck and hugged me back.

"I missed you more than you can imagine. But don't attack me with those surprise attacks". She said coquettishly.

"But I just lost my cool after seeing you . I mean meeting in the dojo was good but still its more warm and wonderful to hug you like this , in your room". I said while diving my face in her neck.

"Izumi I want to ask you something". She said with a more intense tone.

"Hmm ask me and don't worry about your dad. I will meet him officially after the vacations or he might fire me from the tutoring job". I told her as after the vacation ,I am taking leave from my tutoring job as I had to teach in the school which my uncle assigned me to.

"I know you will manage it somehow. I want to ask that do you love me ".

I seperated myself from her and saw her sad expression.

"What do you think?"

"Please tell me I am serious here."

"Ofcourse I love or I won't have been started dating you or should have been hugging you like this."

"I feel insecure sometime. You know my Papa is serious kind of person who think dating and living relationship is nothing but playing with each other . If you tell him about our dating then he will either push you away or.." She started fidgeting.

"Or he will tie me up with you for forever right?" She nodded hesitantly.

"Nino , I wanted to say this more romantically but since you asked then I will tell you. I am gonna be with you and Miyuki for forever even you get tired or fed up of me , I won't stop loving you. I am drowned so deep in your love that I think ,you will become reason of my death sometime. I know I accepted your confession in unexpected circumstances but still it wasn't half hearted or rushed decision. You know, my heart was aching when you were in UK as what if someone better than me ..." She kissed me before I could finish.

"Don't say that. I am crazy about you, so there is no one going to take that place." She said with a cute pout.

"You asked for it". I said smugly before grabbing her back of head and kissing her pouty cute lips but the intensity was on another level compared to her.

I immediately found an opening and slid my tongue inside her mouth.

I found her cute tongue hesitantly paused at one place. I played with her insides and felt that her body becoming shaky and weak.

I supported her back and kept on exploring her mouth. She was still a little clumsy and that part of her was cute .

I slid my hand swiftly inside her t shirt and started caressing her slim back.

I rubbed my palm slowly on her smooth and warm back and felt her body jolting.

I slowly pulled my tongue and started kissing her chin then moved my lips toward her nape and sucked it but no that hard.

~Mm~ she moaned a little and grabbed my shirt tightly.

I kept of kissing her and made my way to her collar bone . My kisses and my roaming hand were moving in a sync, completely devouring her.

I felt her moans getting louder and my little brother was restless too so I thought I should stop for now.

"Are you fine?" I asked as her face was blood red.

"Iz *huff*huff* Izumi that was really something unexpected . Please alert me first before you do that kind of things". Her faces was heated up and I felt she kept on rubbing her thighs to each other like she was feeling itchy.

'She is real horny right now'. I thought as I saw her face like this, for the first time.

"Sorry I went too far but I will go more than this without warning so you better be prepared Nino." I told her as I was only holding back because i haven't introduced myself infront of her father , but after that I won't be holding back.

"Ah, I forgot to ask you about it".

"Hmm?" I asked while caressing her cheeks tenderly.

"Are you free on this weekend?" She asked meekly with her eyes closed like a cat.

"I am totally yours for this week so don't ask, just order mam". I told her as I already promised Nino to spend the last week of her vacation , only with her.

As for the next week, my school was closed so I can spend time with Miyuki also.

"Let's go somewhere with me and Miyuki".

"Sure but you don't want to go just with me". I asked however I was glad she wanted Miyuki to be with us.

"I want to spend alone time with you and I will in these weekdays but I think a trip with three of us will help her to get relaxed and try to overcome from her fears ". She said while leaning on my chest.

"Okay no problem. We will talk about it."I hugged her firmly laid back on the bed with Nino on my top.

I was sliding my fingers between her hairs smoothly and before I know, she fell asleep.

I didn't disturbed her and only kept on staring her calm sleeping face.

The moments I spend with my loved ones are the best moments of life and right now it was one of them.

After half an hour , I lifted her carefully and after laying her down on the bed, I dashed toward the kitchen.

As expected she ate only instant noodles for breakfast as the emptied cups were still on the slab .

"Let's see what she have in here". I spoke to myself while checking the stuff in her fridge and kitchen shelf.

I got plenty of ingredients to prepare a decent lunch.

I knew Nino likes sweet things so I prepared dessert first so it could get some chilling time in the deep freezer.

I took out sauce pan, added two cup sugar and heavy cream , stirred it until the sugar got dissolved and after simmering it for sometime, I added lemon juice, grated Mayer lemon zest and juice in it . After pouring it in six small ramekins, I put it inside the freezer .

For lunch I prepared baboo steamed rice, unagi and green vinegar salad. There were some side dishes also . The overall lunch was quite balanced.

As I finished serving all the dishes on the dining, I saw Nino descending the stairs while rubbing her eyes.

Her bedhead and sleepy eyes in cute panda shirt was a really cute scene . i wanted to hug her again but controlled my urge for now as I was also quite hungry.

"Mm? It smells nice . Did you prepared all this?" Nino asked me with her mouth agape as she never knew about my cooking skills.

"Come let's eat before it's get cold". I took her hand and made her sit on the chair.

We spent our lunch while chatting random stuff. Nino kept on saying the synonyms of delicious after each bite.

After the heartful lunch I took out the Meyer Lemon Posset from the freezer and brought it after some finishing touches of berries and fluff cream on it.

"Waah, it looks too perfect. Are you sure you have prepared it". She said with her eyes fixated at the dessert.

"Yeah I have made it and I have plenty of other dishes too in my mind so look forward to them".

"You will be a good husband". She said before putting the first spoon in her mouth.

She exclaimed and shivered in joy .

Her smile was so cute that I end up kissing her again.

"Yeah I will be great husband so look forward to that also". I added more fuel to her blushing fire.

Nino ended up eating three bowls by herself and the joy in her eyes never dyed down even after the third bowl.

"You sure like sweet things ". I chuckled before picking all the emptied bowls and put it in the sink.

"Yeah that's why I fell in love with you". She said with a smug look .

"Hoh, you learnt flirting in the Kingdoms huh. Not bad". I returned back and sat beside her on the couch.

"Nino , you are in Asahiyama high school ,right?"

"Yeah why?"

'Oh it will be more fun then'.

"Nothing just asking". I shrugged off as I wanted to see her surprised look when she will find out herself.

After some moment of silence she dropped her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes .

"Izumi , thank you for being my boyfriend. I am very lucky that my first love is so wonderful and caring". She said with a sweet smile on her face.

"That goes for me also. I am also lucky to have you as my girlfriend . I love you Nino and always will".

"Mm. I love you too Izumi . Let's stay like this forever".