
3rd person POV:

After Izumi left Nino's apartment, Nino called a certain someone to gossip about the time she spent with Izumi and that certain someone is none other than Miyuki.

Nino told her each and every detail same as like what Miyuki always do whenever she meet or interact with Izumi. Both girl had this kind of gossips ever since the day when Izumi went on a date with Nino to the festival. They both get to know something about Izumi by these talks like the bento on which Izumi reacts the most is written as his liked food in the list of both girls and like where he usually kisses or what kind of dress he likes, they have remembered every details.

"I am jealous and happy for you . " Miyuki said with a sad tone but it was obvious that she would be jealous of Nino who spent the whole day with Izumi and on the other hand she only saw him for some hours when he came her home .

"Aw, don't speak like that. We are going to a vacation very soon, so you can also do lovey dovey things with him". Nino said as she already told Miyuki in the change of plan of vacation.

Miyuki refused at first but it was clear as day that her rejection was shallow and with a little persuasion of Nino, Miyuki agreed to the proposal.

"Yeah, but did you planned the destination?" Miyuki asked .

"I think we should go Australia . The beaches there are wonderful". Nino said as she was surfing on the internet during the whole time she was returning back to Japan from UK.

"I want to go somewhere cold . You know summer' heat is really irritating me and imagine in cold temperature , beautiful scene out of the big window with Izumi in the blanket warming us with his bare body...kyaaahhh" .Miyuki screamed only just with the thought of embracing Izumi half naked.

"We are going to cold place."Nino agreed without hesitation after imagining the scenario Miyuki presented with a shining excitement in her eyes.

It wasn't like Nino was too much bold and didn't found the idea so easy going . She was embarrased and rosy red from head to toe , only just thinking about hugging Izumi's bare body and doing all kind of stuff.

They chatted for 2 hours and decided to surprise Izumi until they arrive at the destination. The fathers of both girls , dote on their daughter too much that affording the whole trip wasn't something to be concerned of , so they made all the preparation while they were chatting on the call.

Izumi POV:

"I hope we can go somewhere cold ". I thought while wiping the sweat after the bone breaking session with the fighting doll.

The temperature inside Dojo always remain neutral but still I felt it was rather hot today even inside the dojo.

I tried to call Miyuki just after reaching home but her phone was busy so I shrugged the thought to talk her any time soon as I had an idea about , whome she could be talking at that moment .

"Darbi , choose index finger or middle". I said while doing the cool downs excercise.

[You really take me for a useless being ,don't you? Anyway the index finger.]

"Okay then let's visit the mafias tonight ."

[And what was on the middle one]

"Ameliorate ".

[Then I should have gone for that , anyway I suggest you should keep your profile secret whenever you go on a killing spree. ]

"You are acquaintance of God and still supporting me to kill other humans. I am surprised".

[Don't worry , every human has its name written on the death directory. Those with exceptional destiny get the chance to avoid that written date but those cases brings along consequences for others.]

"Sometime , I really can't figure out your words. For now, let's think about my another identity". I thought after I sat down on the floor.

"A mask and a name huh. I guess I should make a wooden mask and about about Note?"


"Yeah sorry, I should think a new one. How about Muerte , it means death in Spanish".

[I couldn't care less ,but it's okay]

"Okay then , Muerte is it from now on under the mask ."

I made wooden maske with two crescent holes on it , for my eyes. It was looking like a clown's mask but I really wanted to get over with it so I didn't utilities my brain too much.

I decided to wear a plain black hood with trousers for a comfortable fight.

At 9.30 , after I ate dinner I returned back to my room as I was still in house arrest and after changing my clothes , I jumped out of the window like always.

The address was still in my mind , so without wasting time on my GPS, I leaped forward in full throttle toward the abandoned factory site which was about 12 km in the east .

After about half hour , I arrived right in front of Luminous factory site which which was void of existence . I focused on my perception and clearly heard a lot of noises nearby.

Following my auditories , I arrived at a place not more than 500 m away from the site, where a lot of people were gathered around. It was a huge compound , which was surrounded with a metallic wall and electrical fences all around the place.

I took higher position which gave me almost a complete vision of the whole scenario.

About two hundred of men in same type of clothing were engaged in different tasks.

Some were assembling guns, some were counting dollars . A group of men which seemed of higher post were sitting on the wide couch with girls all over the places.

It was obvious that those girls weren't prostitutes as their face contained only fear .

Professional prostitutes have a neat style and way to wear seductive dresses but looking at those girls which weren't much older than 20 or 25 , it was clear that they were forced to be here .

"I am really getting eager to cut those limbs". I muttered silently with a glimpse of anger boiling inside my mind.

I searched for the surveillance and found that except for the guards , there weren't any cameras or monitoring unit .

'As expected of illegal organisation'.

I took out my mask from the inventory and also my knives when I was at it.

After putting my mask , I didn't hesitated or planned much and jumped while activating my most reliable skill.

'Activate Stealth'.

I jumped down while maintaining my landing to not get noticed. I already limited my strength to 130 and removed my speed limiter as for this mission , I just needed speed and techniques.

I disappeared instantly from the place where I landed and appeared right behind the person who was near me.

I sliced my blade on his nape like melted butter and moved toward the next one.


It was not until I cut down 14 heads, a man noticed the headless body dropping at an alarming rate.

I knew it was going to happen so I moved toward the the main elcticity transformer and channelized a drop of lightning magic toward it.

*Zzbunnnn* The circuit was blasted off and the whole compund was engulfed in darkness.


A man shouted and the sound of footsteps increased in unison.

Suddenly a white light appeared near the couch and all the men sitting there were visible .

That white light was the emergency backup flashers which was covering a small area .

The bosses had a angered look on their face with a little bit of sweat running down their forehead.

Each and every person except for the women had guns in their hands, pointing aimlessly .

I took a glass which was lying at the corner and threw it randomly.

Hundreds of gun sound was heard in that particular direction as almost started firing in the darkness.

I took the advantage,and continued my killings streak. Soon my count reached 57 when the firing stopped.

Seven guards were standing still at the place where glass was dropped so obviously they were killed .

'My kills are being stolen'.

[This isn't a game , you still remember right?]

'Yeah whatever'.

Since my cooldown of stealth was returned to zero , I activated it again and this time , I didn't playes around and started running fanatically.

I killed almost 40 person in just 15 second.

The person who were getting their neck seperated , weren't shouting at all but the women and some of the other men were yelling in fret.



'Ah Darbi , help me in buying the lowest grade of throwables. I haven't checked them yet".

[The lowest level of throwables, cost 2000 coins for 50 units. It is classless with no effect]

"Will do . Please buy them".

[And now , I am your errander]

'Mm, thank you '. I smiled , standing behind a huge cargo container which was a little shaky.

I already heard the noises and knew what was inside the container.


[New item added to Inventory]

[Steel Kunai- x 50]


'Woah it really same as Naruto world. ' I thought after I checked the short blades which had pointy ends and sharp edges with a little handle , perfect for a throw.

I positioned myself and after aiming for the man standing near the bosses , I threw the kunai .

The speed was catchable but only with eyes as it went like a gust and penetrated inside the stomach of the man I aimed for.

'Its good but my aim is little off'. I sighed as the man got the chance to scream and he was struggling before his death.

Since the place where I was hiding, was discovered due to the trajectory of the kunai, I activated my stealth and continued my butter knife killing spree.

After 10 minutes I killed each and every mafia men except for the 6 bosses who was sitting on the couch in disbelief with their eyes sunk in fear and depression.

They already realised that it was impossible for them to catch me so the bosses gave up and sat motionlessly , waiting for their death.

After checking the whole surrounding and confirming that aside from those who were on the middle of the room , there were no threat, I decided to show myself.

"Finally , some peace of mind". I said after I appeared in front of them.

The boss who were looking like the head of the bosses stood up unhurriedly and said in a tough tone.

"May I know why you killed all of my men ?" He asked with sweat dripping continuously from all over his face.

"Ah, because they were criminals , I guess." I answered indifferently , still walking toward them.

"So now will you kill u.." before the second boss could finish his words , a kunai already penetrated through his skull.

"Shhh, don't speak, when two big guys are talking ". I said while motioning a silence gesture.

All the women and men zipped their lips instantly.

Every boss had a gun but they knew , it was futile to shoot now , however a boss tried to pull trigger toward me.


The bullet travelled toward my my chest but thanks to my high perceptions ,I dodged it but not easily .

"You asked for it." I said in an angry tone and dashed toward them with a bolting speed and all the bosses except for the main one who talked to me first , had their heads lying on the ground next to their bodies.

"Now we can have a comfortable chat. First I will introduce myself . I am Muerte. The main reason I killed your men because you have hurt a person who is extremely dear to me so it was the punishment for that".

The main boss stood at his place and didn't flinched even a bit.

"S-so do I hav-have any option to be alive?" The boss stammered .

"Yeah obviously you have. Just tell me who is your superior and where do you get your orders from". I asked him but I knew I won't get a decisive answer .

"There are various places from where I take my orders from . The branches are positioned according to the mission they have accomplished until now. The one who decides the positions and directs the mission of different places, is only one which have their head office established in Russia. The Syther organization also started from there and I really don't know who the hell is the original boss of this whole organization. But I have a hunch that the main boss is not a Russian but only gave a mislead by operating main office from Russia".

"Wah, mafias are really cooperative now a days huh". I said as the baldy at the beach also blurted out all the information in one go.

"So , for now what is the position of Japan branch?"

"52nd out of 101". He answered .

"Oh you guys were going nice but sadly not after today. I will keep my promise and let you live, but submit yourself before police withing 24 hours ." I said and moved toward the nearly fainted women.

"It's okay now . I will arrange someone to take you all back home". The women just nodded in total horror on their face.

A girl not more than 25 years old stood up with her legs shaking and said in a low pitched tone.

"The..there are still.." She pointed toward the container, behind which I was hiding before.

I knew what she meant by this so I just nodded and moved toward the container. I saw the face of the boss which went pale, when I moved toward the container.

When I slid the large handle and opened the gate, my whole mind went blank in disbelief.

There were hundreds of girls sitting inside, tied with ropes and a cloth forced inside their mouth which was prohibiting them from shouting.

The most hideous thing was that all the girls inside was merely at the age of 12 to 14. Each and every one had face filled with tears and hair messed up which showed how much they have suffered until now.

The little girls saw me and started tearing again .

I turned toward the boss with my blood boiling up.

"T-there are m..many who wants a virgin underage fo..for their sexual..desire". He said with the weakest tone he could mutter .

"I thought that I would let you go but I changed my mind..." I dashed toward him and this time my knives weren't in my hands but only my fist.

"Gwaaahhhh* I punched his stomach and he flew a metre away toward the women .

All the women ran from that side while screaming.

"Waaiitt...I di AAAAAAAAA* I smashed his leg and yeah I lifted my strength limiter so the bone where I smashed were crumbled into dust.

I lifted his left arm and pulled it with my full force.

His arm was torn apart from his body and blood started spurting all around.

The boss was screaming widely, but I didn't stopped and pulled out his second arm also.

After a lot of suffering the man fainted with white foam leaking from his mouth.

[Host, activate your silent mind , your anger is taking over you]

Suddenly Darbi's message pulled me back and as she adviced I activated my silent mind

I exhaled calmly and realise that this was the first time I went this far.

The blood he lost was too much, so I knew he won't be able to survive long.

I helped the girls who were tied inside the container and gathered everyone at one place .

"Listen,someone will come shortly to help you guys find your way back home so don't worry . " I said before taking the phone from the dead boss's pocket and dialing the local police station.

I just told them that there is a kidnapping situation and address of the factory.

Someone grabbed my shirt and pulled it lightly.

When I saw downwards, a cute little girl not more than 12 years old was standing near me with teary eyes.

"Onii chaan , will you leave us. They will capture Sumiki again. I want to see Mama papa .". The girls said with her shaky voice.

"Don't worry, no one will take you away again and you will go back to your mama papa ." I said while patting the adorable girl.

'These type of scum only deserve death as their punishment nothing else '. I clenched my fist when suddenly a notification pulled my attention.
