Power Gap!

It's been two days since I annihilated the Japan branch of Syther org.

The news of it, spreaded like a wild fire and now the whole Japan or to say almost half of the world knows my second identity. The women who saw the whole extermination, detailed my identity and even my mask was flared everywhere in two days.

I am treated as hero of justice with a bounty on head.

I am being praised over internet for saving those innocent child but in the eyes of government , I am a criminal who violated the law. Obviously, anti heroes are the new sexy for younger generation over the social media but law only acknowledges those heroes who do the right thing through the right ways.

I was referred as a psycho assassin who killed every gang members except for one, in the same precise manner that even a trained assassin won't be able to do and the thing, that there was only one person involved in the whole one sided massacre is still terrorizing the upper officials.

I got the intel of my own investigation as I have hacked into the Japanese investigation bureau a while ago , so I knew when my dark works would disturb my close ones.

Luckily I didn't left any trace and not even a sample of blood over the scene ,so I was quite relaxed and was preparing for next instant dungeon.

As for the weekend then , Nino and Miyuki had already discussed about our vacation and told me to bring myself only ,nothing else .

' I am acting like a gigolo'. I sighed .

"I will sort my time for that". I scratched my head as earning money wasn't a problem but I liked to laze around whenever I am in not in a dungeon or training so I postponed my 'richie rich' dream for later period.

"I hope to get easy dungeons for my Sabers.". I placed the saber on the examination table and a message popped up.

I am currently level 15 and according to what Darbi told me back , I have to be level 30 to clear the field dungeon without much worries of casualty.

My progress is going on smoothly but still it is slow , and for a strong dungeon I need strong commarades.

[Initialising ....]

[Information acquired]

[Type: Weapon ]

[Name: Oriental Sabers]

[Grade : A ]

[Effect : Dripping Blood ]

[Processing requirements..]


[Upgrade Available]

[Grade A - Grade S]

[New Effect available- None ]

[Upgrade effect: +5 sec of existing effect']

[Material required :

1. Blood of Noble Dragon x 4 drops

2. Skin of hydra lion]

[Dungeon required : 2]

[Want to prepare instant dungeon?]



"Hmm, two dungeons and both requirements looks dangerous . What do you say Darbi, should I go or not?"


"Hmm, Darbi? What happened?" I asked.

But still no reply . I tried to contact her but she never replied . It surprised me as it was the first time Darbi was silent after I came in this world .

'Maybe, she is busy with other systems or something..' I shrugged off but not talking with Darbi was a little lonely.

"Prepare Dungeon 1".

[Instant Dungeon]

[Grade : A ]

*Gulp* I gulped my dry saliva as the grade of the dungeon was something I never expected of.

"Darbi I really need your assistance right now". I said as I didn't knew whether I would be able to open a portal for same material or not and collecting material from a upper class dungeon could be unexpectedly terrifying.

'Maybe now I can handle this'. I thought and crossed the portal hesitantly.

[Welcome to the dungeon!]

[Collected Material:

1. Blood of Noble Dragon - 0/4 ]

The scene which entered my vision was completely different from the previous one .

A huge castle was in my view and nothing else in the whole vicinity except for desserted land and some small trees and bushes.

The castle was so huge that I felt Hogwarts from the Harry Potter was nothing compared to this.

I was about 500m away from it but still it felt humongous. I felt someone spotted me and was approaching me in high speed .

I didn't sensed killing intent so I also moved forward without hostility however I took out my knives and tugged it under my shirt , just in case.


In the most luxurious and biggest room of the castle, a couple was sitting side by side on the bed.

The woman was looking in her youth with silver white alluring long hairs . Her eyes were covered with blind folds and the way , the man was holding her in his arms, proved that the woman was blind.

The man was tall and handsome person with a mountainous built and aura which can make a normal human faint in fear.

The couple was the dragon king and queen who were sitting anxiously inside their room as the queen saw a vision of a man who will become the savior of their land in the near future.

"Are you sure Atallia , that weak brat would save our land from Ragnarok?" Dragon king asked his wife with a look of disbelief in his eyes as he already sensed the energy of Izumi as soon he placed his first step on this land .

"I know he is weak now Bali but trust my vision , he will become strong in the future and save our land from the upcoming destruction. We just have to be impatient and in any case, we have to hide the fact from others or the traitors inside our castle will end his life right now." Atallia, the dragon queen said while clutching her grip on her husband hand.

"Hmm, I know . For now let's go and see what he have to say ". The king stood up while supporting his wife .

*Izumi POV:

A guard which was about a head taller and more denser built , walked to me and guided me toward the castle .The guard which guided and the other guards who were guarding the castle had a human appearance , except for the wings and the tail on their back.

The castle felt more larger when I approached it.

I don't know why but he never asked me the reason of my visit and guided me inside .

I felt a heavy aura from the other guards like, if a couple of them would decide to fight me then I would loose an arm or two. The one who was leading me , didn't had such heavy aura and was quite normal or maybe he was hiding his mana.

We walked about half a kilometre inside the palace as it was absurdly huge. I am repeating it third time but the palace looked like a whole town from inside.

After crossing a dozen of gardens and small quarters , we entered a place which had two massive gates on the entrance.

I knew, I was going to meet someone important here, so I straighten my back and exhaled air to relax my mind.

I was watching my surroundings while walking forward when suddenly a massive amount of mana started weighing on my body.

I turned my head and saw a woman which can boycott any actress alive in my world with blindfolds on her eyes, sitting on a throne .But her beauty was the secondary thing , I cared about.

The most eye catching thing was the man who was sitting proudly at the centre throne beside the beautiful lady.

He had two horns on his forehead and black wings which were slightly visible under his black cape. His clothes were looking expensive , like what I have saw the king's wearing in anime, but the king I am referring was the demon king not the capital one.

He was about 5 ft .tall even he was sitting on the throne and his face was cold and stern like a inpiercable block of ice.

The natural mana which his body was excluding, was really terrifying , sending shivers down my spine.

I noticed the people near the throne who were wearing exquisite clothes were watching me continuously with poker face. There were total of 8 men and 6 women present in the court and no guards whatsoever.

The guard who was guiding me up until now stopped infront of the king, looking man and bowed deeply.

"You may go now". The king said with his chilling heavy voice .

The guard left my side and didn't walked back but disappeared. I sensed his mana fading in thin air and realised how powerful he was from the start and I never noticed .

"I know you don't belong to this world so I will introduce myself. I am Bali Chefron . The descendant of dragon god and the first dragon king. Now tell me what is your purpose of visit?" The king asked .

I wanted to ask him that why he let me inside the castle so easily but I gulped that questions and got straight to the point.

"Greeting your Majesty. I am Miyamura Izumi and I the thing I am here is for your blood..." I said and felt four pointy things slightly piercing my neck from different sides.

I glanced calmly and saw four guards which were invisible until now, glaring at me with their spears pointed at my neck, ready to kill me anytime.

I never got the chance to dodge so I waited for their next move. To be honest , if they wanted to kill me then it would have been not much of a problem .

I realised two things at this point that coming to an unknown place without a plan was a bad idea and I should had chose my words more carefully.

"Move an inch and I would make all four of your lives more painful than death". The king said and this time his voice was much more heavier.

The four guards immediately withdrew and after bowing , disappeared again .

"Now can you tell me why do you need my blood Izumi Miyamura".

"I just need it to upgrade my weapon". I told him the truth as there was nothing so secretive about it.

The ministers who were sitting on each side, widened their eyes a little.

"Hoho...so it's for that . Let me tell you one thing kid. The blood of Noble Dragons is mythical potions which can help in strengthening oneself and you need it to improve your arsenal. Intresting...then you have to do one thing and I will grant you my blood" . King said and the woman beside flinched a bit. After I realised how inferior I am compared to these people, my senses started catching each and every bit of surroundings just in case my neck won't get seperated without any me noticing.

"And that is?" I asked while activating my silent mind .

"Kneel ". He said and the atmosphere around me started feeling heavier dozen times.

My body started aching , begging me to crouch down but ..

'I won't kneel '. I thought and because of silent mind , my face was unchanged.

"Hmm, so you can endure this much not bad but what about this.."

*Crack*. Suddenly the weight increased ten folds and I heard my knee caps cracking as well the floor I was standing on.

My whole body was screaming in pain but I never knelt down . I kept my unfazed poker face while my body was benting down every second. Within the chaos , my consciouness started fading . Suddenly the weight disappeared and my body returned back to its normal self, obviously the pain was still lingering inside my entire body.

"Nice you withstood my 10% of dragon aura."The king said while laughing lightly.

"..." I was speechless after I knew that he wasn't going all out.

'He is scary'. I shivered .

"You pass , and you can take my ...

"Wait my lord". All of a sudden a voice interrupted the king and a man which was looking like younger brother of the dragon lord, appeared infront of me .

"If he wants your blood then he have to fight me for it".