No time to relax!

After a lot of weeping , Miyuki fell asleep in my arms while hugging me. She didn't asked me neither I told her about how I got these wounds.

I was sure, that she was respecting my choice to keep it secret but from her eyes it was clear that she was disappointed and wanted to ask me about various things.

'I think I should tell both of them as soon as possible'. I thought , this was a major part of my life and hiding about this inevitably proofs that I don't trust them

It wasn't true so I made a resolve to reveal about my identity and all the things related to dungeon to them when I will get the best time. I wasn't sure whether I should tell them about my system so I kept that thought aside.

'So tell me where you were ?' I asked Darbi the most concerning things which was surfing in my mind with high waves .

[Some issues with your field type dungeon which needed priority, and some of my own problems . And the good thing was you got the chance to know how scary the dungeons are without my assistance]

'Dungeon related ? What happened?" I frowned as I never thought that Darbi could have been busy for that purpose. I totally ignored her last words but I couldn't agree more. Her assistance really pays a great part for my dungeon survival.

[Your dungeons are connected to real worlds. So Whenever you recive a key that means a certain world needs your aid. And since you was not ready at the time you recieved the key, the crisis took place . But now everything is fine ]

'Hmm o..kay'

I really wanted to ask 'How you solved it and how is it okay ' but I knew that question was out of my authority .

I never realised that my powerlessness and slacking off could cause a crisis to different world.

'Darbi what happened to dragon king . I mean what happened after I fainted?"

[Your skill {Last Resort} is your back up emergency , which takes over your consciousness and tries to destroy everything from which your life could get in danger of. Whether they are allies or enemies. ]

'So in that consciousness , I attacked The King huh. This skill is really scary as well as helpful . Is there any way to control this skill?'

[Not until you go through the first evolution]

'First evolution?" I asked with a pinch of excitement with the superb word coming infront.

[When you will reach level 50 . Any further information is restricted so , sorry.]

'Hmm it's okay thank you. Oh wait..' I cautiously checked my inventory, to not wake the sleeping beauty.

A flask filled with red fluid other than phoenix tears was hanging in a slot which implied that I succeeded in my instant dungeon.

[Blood of Noble Dragon x6]

[Grade: S ]

[Effect: Can enhance the perception and mana reserve if consumed, also can help in upgrading mystical weapon with lower grade compared to the essence ]

'Hmm I got two drops extra. Darbi can I drink this?' I asked Darbi as enhancing my mana pool was really attractive offer, I couldn't refuse.

[You have levelled up thrice in the dungeon so yeah with your current level , you can]

'Th.. thrice. But h..'

[You killed the dragon prince ]

I gulped my saliva on her message . i never could have imagined that I could kill that hard skin greasy prince.

'I killed him but how..'

"Mm...Izumi ". Miyuki rubbed her eyes before opening them shot up.

She grasped the situation where she was and after checking that where she was sleeping she sighed in assurance of my presence around her.

"Thank you for your hard work. Now let's go and eat something. Your parents must be getting worried". I said while sitting up as my stomach was rumbling in hunger .

"Don't worry they are not in Japan. And let's go to my house, I have told my chef to make a nutritional food . You have already lost a lot of blood so it will help". She said with her serious face which doesn't went well with her cuteness.

"Okay mam. " I tightly hugged her again which made her flustered , before leaving the dojo.

It was evening when we exited the dojo.

Since Miyuki was transported back to her house and I was to mine , I took my time and washed myself up before leaving for Shiba residence.

"This cut will leave a mark". I saw the cut which Nidhan landed the first time after my deactivated.

[Your healing capabilities won't be able to erase it as dragon claws contains a venom which damages the cells regeneration ability]

"Hmm, so this is my first battle mark huh. " I caressed the 4 inches scratch on my side abs.

After washing myself thoroughly I informed my mom thay I will be coming late , well I asked for permission actually , as my home detention was still active.


"Miyuki, don't you think it's kinda overdone?" I asked after I saw a whole lot of dishes waiting for me on the dining table.

"No it isn't much and all the food here will help you to recover quick, so eat a lot." She said with a smile sitting just beside me.

There were only 3 maids present around us and after serving the food all the three left us alone as what Miyuki directed them.

"Okay then I am digging in".


I ate a whole lot of food that maybe would have extra even for four people .

It's not my fault that I over ate, it's the food which was highly liking to my state .

"Thank you for the food. It was really fantastic. I loved it". I said after finishing the third bowl of chocolate mousse ice cream.

"Our chef would be delighted to hear that . Anyway, you should talk to Nino . She was worried to death after I told her about your condition."

"You shouldn't have told her". I sighed.

"I can't helo it . Only I was invited to dojo so I informed her through phone when you were unconscious.Anyeay we both think that we should cancel our trip ".Miyuki said with concern overwhelming her sorrow but this trip was much more needed than anything for me right now.

"No , we are going. And this is nothing Miyuki . See I am fit and fine now".I tried to assure her but still she was contemplating . At last she agreed after a lots of hugs and pampering .

I called Nino after reaching home . I was dead tired so we decided to meet tomorrow well I wanted to meet her right now but after she heard my groggy voice she said " Don't worry , I will grab you for three days anyway , so rest for now."


"Darbi , should I drink this?" I asked Darbi in early morning after my daily workout.

[You should drink this. But remember you will be washed away in fantasy land for about 6 hours]

"Well the dojo is literally gives me 3 hours cheat penalty so it's okay." I took out a dropper from the inventory and sucked two drops of dragon blood in it.

The rest 4 drops were left for my Sabers which I will upgrade after getting the second material.

"Hope it taste great". I gulped my saliva before squeezing the dropper .

The taste was not something I expected . The sweetest thing I have ever tasted , touched the centre of my tongue.

My whole mouth was filled with saliva and I literally felt the two drops tracing down my throat all the way to oesophagus.

*Kwaaahk* A second after I gulped it down, my veins started pulsating wildly . I pressed my burning stomach and plopped down on the ground.

"If I die here I swear I will chase you down ,you damn fai...." I muttered before fading away in dreams.

A sleep which I have never slept , a dream which can make anyone happy and the power which everyone desires. Everything I got in those six hours.


"Mm..I feel numb". I clenched my fist after I woke up from the deep slumber.

I felt myself strong like what I feel without my limiter. Since I use my limiter to reduce my speed and strength I was sure this extra power I was feeling right now must be from the blood upgrade.

"Open Limiter".

[Host Limiter]

[Strength - 475 > 250]

[Speed - 450 > 300]

[Skill restricted : Active - None]

'My strength increased by 150 and speed by 200'. I thought calmly but I wasn't calm at all.

I was bursting with excitement.

"Darbi , how much external attributes I have collected ?" I asked while adjusting my limiter back to 100.

[380, including the extra attributes you gained from instant dungeon]

"So I can invest all of them in my intelligence and what about my mana pool, did it got bigger?"

[You can feel it, on your own you slave driver.] I also realised it after her harsh reply.

'It feels somewhat empty'. I thought as I felt my body full of mana after I woke up yesterday after the dungeons but now my past reserved mana seems small compared to my vessel.

"The dragon king was sure great. I wish I could thank him".

[You will meet him so save it for that time]

I didnt pried in that matter any further and got out of the dojo.


I came to a unisex saloon which Nino recommended me as my hairs were real mess after it was washed by own blood.

Nino was already there and she instructed the stylist that how much i love my hairs so the lady employee was extra cautious with me.

"So , are you excited about tomorrow?" Nino asked me while playing with my fingers.

My eyes were closed because of shampoo so I replied her like that.

"I literally don't know where you both will take me so I haven't even packed my bag".

"You don't have to worry about it. You just have to enjoy the trip and leave everything to us". She said while intervening her finger with mine.

Her warm hands were giving very soft feeling .

I grasped her hands and said with a smile.

"I am all yours until this weekend so you can play with me however you like and it not apply for my fingers only ". I said and even my eyes were closed , I can sense heat rising up in her . And not only her , even the employee's hand paused for a second before she continued.

"Izumi , do you want to see me in short hairs ?" Nino asked which made me a little surprised.

I mean, Nino looked really pretty in her long peach pink hairs but the short hairs would look best on her, I always believed.

"Did Miyuki said anything?" I asked her as I guessed I have talked Miyuki about this before.

"So you want me to cut my hairs huh. Okay I will . Anyway I am not very fond of them but in return I will ask for compensation". She said coquettishly.

"Anything you want, my cutipie". I smiled after my face got uncovered.

Nino face was flushed even she tried to be bold and the lady was giggling at our flirting.

After leaving the high class saloon , we wandered leisurely while talking various stuff.

My face was almost as same as before , but the complements I recieved from the receptionist as well from my girlfriend proved that it wasn't the case and professional grooming once in while was good even for high schooler.

We ate several things at a cafe and continued our date until the sun disappeared from our view.

We walked all the way to her apartment building while talking.

"See you tomorrow. Bye ~ " Nino left me before I could grab her for a kiss , however I didn't chased her because of a sudden notification..

[Host you should collect you second material and upgrade your Sabers as soon as possible]

Darbi's message popped up as soon Nino left my side.

'Why so urgent?" I frowned as I wanted to enjoy these two days carefreely.

[I have managed to create a loop in your field dungeon but if you don't start it within 2 days then the world on the other side of the key might not exist anymore.]